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Education Peoples natural sleep cycle

Discussion in 'General' started by I'm_Not_A_Monster, 26 Jul 2011.

  1. I'm_Not_A_Monster

    I'm_Not_A_Monster Hey, eat this...

    22 Dec 2003
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    every since I hit puberty my natural sleep cycle (as in when my body feels tired and when i wake up) has been bed at 4am wake up about noon. i dont even have to look at a clock, and sure enough about 3:45 i start thinking i should wrap up whatever i'm doing, and by 4 i'm in bed. i always wake up (unless my sleep was interrupted by the daywalker i share a room with) between 11:30a and 12:30p.

    of course i go to bed earlier and get up earlier if i HAVE to, i.e. for school or work, but when i dont have a compelling reason i always fall into the same rhythm. the thing is i NEVER get used to a different cycle. I missed two days of school last semester, but every other day during the week i had class at 9:30am. i did not get used to this schedule at all, and the last morning was a miserable as the first, and every one in-between.

    my dad is the opposite way, he is whats called a morning person. his rhythm is early to bed early to rise. he says he likes having a couple hours with everyone else asleep, but when i do the exact same thing (just a few hours later) it's somehow weird and unacceptable.

    they can accept that some people like to get up early, and some people are in-between, but somehow its completely impossible that other people might like to stay up late.

    i know there's a lot of studies about fluorescent lighting and computer monitors altering peoples sleep cycles, but are there any studies about what people are naturally inclined to do? I know i'm not forcing myself to stay up or forcing myself to sleep in; and i know i'm not doing it for the joy of being hassled by my parents every day. is there any scientific backing for my natural sleep habits?
  2. DeadP1xels

    DeadP1xels Social distancing since 92

    30 Nov 2009
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    I think its just habit if you started sleeping at 11pm at night and waking up 8am your body eventually adjusts i usually go around 1am latest and wakeup anywhere between 8-10 depending on what i need to do

    College i usually go 11pm and wake 7am the first week back to college i hate!! i can't function when i wake up

    Generally i feel better if i wake up earlier and let myself come around i.e wake 7am to be up by 8am just stay in bed watching tv i can't just jump up unless im late (i've woken up 10 minutes after my shift started) then i can be dressed and out the door running within 5 minutes of actually waking up.

    I always feel terrible if i sleep in or over what i usually do, like i went to bed 2am and somehow woke up 1pm the next day and felt awful the whole day i felt exhausted even though i slept straight away same if i wake up and try go back to sleep
  3. Invictus.

    Invictus. Minimodder

    28 May 2009
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    Due to work etc. I can goto bed around 2am and wake at between 7 and 10 am whatever is needed. However without work etc. my "natural" cycle is usually bed between 3 and 5am and getting up at 11am.
  4. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    I don't have a set sleep cycle. Perhaps I did once, but no longer. Years and years of ****ed up sleeping patterns destroyed that. I am, at the moment, sleeping normal hours (midnight to 8am). But give it a week or 2 and I will be going to sleep at 5am and getting up at 8am and surviving on caffeine. If I didn't work it would be worse. Like waking up at 9pm, and then going to sleep at about 1 or 2 pm the following day.

    It is an endless cycle going from normal hours to the ridicules, and back again.
  5. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Tend to go to sleep 12-2, then up at 7 for work.
  6. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    Bed at 11pm up at 7am. Weekday or Weekend. Work or No Work.
  7. Shadowed_fury

    Shadowed_fury Minimodder

    21 Nov 2003
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    Mine used to be the 4am to 12pm thing. I work nights now (only been doing so for the past month, so i've had to shift that forward a few hours - wasn't easy sadly)

    I now do 7am - 2am sleepy! Isn't easy in this light though!
  8. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Multimodder

    27 Aug 2003
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    Yet you posted this at 23.11? :p

    I usually get to bed anytime between 10pm and 3am and up at 7.30am to get the kids up for school.

    edited Phycho, sorry.
    Last edited: 27 Jul 2011
  9. Psycho

    Psycho Average

    15 Sep 2009
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  10. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    i cant offer any scientific explanation, but rest assured you are not alone.

    in high school, on more than one occasion i ended up at the doctors office to correct my (what we thought at the time) insomnia. even on school nights i had a hard time falling asleep before 1 or 2 AM, leaving me very groggy and useless the next morning. this continues today (im 25 now) despite having school and work 5 days a week since i was 16 years old.

    at about 22 years old, i had a 3-month spot of unemployment during which i discovered that, if left unmolested, i fall into a 6AM to 2PM cycle and when i wake, i feel energetic and well rested. but when im forced to wake up at 6 or 7AM i almost cant function for at least an hour and im left feeling sleepy the whole day.
  11. Zinfandel

    Zinfandel Modder

    2 Aug 2010
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    When I've nothing to do also my sleeping pattern is 6-2... weird!

    Maybe we're from a nocturnal clan of humans?
  12. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Don't have a sleep cycle. I just sleep when I'm tired.
  13. Draksis

    Draksis What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2009
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    Week days its from 11/12 to 6am. Weekends its whenever I do go lie down - then add 6/7 hours to that.
  14. TOLLEY

    TOLLEY What's a Dremel?

    6 Jun 2011
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    Weekdays 11 - 6.30, weekends 1/2 til whenever I wake up, but at the moment with relationship problems I'm not sleeping
  15. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    22:30 to about 04:30/05:00 for me on weekdays.
    On Weekends it's closer to 01:00-07:30
  16. Huge

    Huge aka Dave

    11 Jul 2011
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    I did exactly the same thing when I hit puberty and have never changed back. I'm currently doing a summer internship where I have to leave the house at 8am each day but I still cannot sleep before 2-3am regardless of how tired I am throughout the day on 4-5 hours of sleep. As soon as the clock gets to around 11pm I am usually my brightest and most awake. At university I sleep whenever I'm tired and don't attend lectures (the lecture notes are online and as I'm dyslexic I can't keep up in the lectures anyway so that provides a lovely excuse). I actually find I end up sleeping later and later until my sleeping cycle has come all the way back around to 'normal' times again - I've essentially missed a night sleep though I don't feel like I have. Everyone is different, but as you say, it is seen as 'lazy' or wrong to have a late sleeping cycle. Quite annoying!
  17. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I used to do that.

    14-16 I was going to sleep at seven am, and getting up at half eight for school.

    17-19 I was going to sleep at two or three in the morning, getting up at six, to get a bus to college at half seven.

    19-present I go to sleep before midnight and get up at seven am, week day, weekend, when on holiday, and so on. I love being up in the morning, and sleeping in just makes me feel like I've wasted a day - A precious day I'm not at work.
  18. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    ^^ THAT.

    I always feel like I am missing something if I sleep in.
  19. Steve @ CCL

    Steve @ CCL CCL Tech. Support

    11 May 2010
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    Week days I try and get to bed before 3am past couple of nights I've been struggling with After Effects and getting a video sorted for work so I'm running on bugger all sleep at the moment. Weekends usually in bed as the sun comes up and sleep till 2 maybe 3 in the aft. I prefer the evenings as it's quiet and I feel I can get more done.

    I do occasionally cease to be nocturnal and sleep at reasonable times but this very rarely lasts.
  20. julianmartin

    julianmartin resident cyborg.

    25 Jul 2004
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    I watched a program on BBC a few years ago about sleeping and the patterns, and it is quite clear there is certainly something known as a night person and a day person, and there is some sort of genetic difference between the two. The former having a much more active brain function towards the end of the day and the latter the other way round. Not everyone can be pigeonholed though.

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