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Networks Bt Home-hub 1.5 WiFi reception Issues

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by dannyj94, 6 Feb 2012.

  1. dannyj94

    dannyj94 Former 3XS System Builder

    3 Nov 2011
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    A friend of mine has been complaining regularly about a fluctuating signal to his all-round wireless devices. I know many have complained vigorously about the routers that BT have supplied to there customers over the years, and they haven't been great for WiFi reception and User satisfactory.
    Having personally witnessed this myself, with the Bt Home-Hub 2.0, an updated model of the router he currently has (Bt Home-Hub 1.5), I am putting his problem down to the router itself being old and to a poor quality. Can't personally say that i am an expert with Wireless networking, so I'd like feedback from you guys please.
    I thought I'd just topic this thread and leave it open for discussion to see what you guys think.

    Please reply :read:
    Last edited: 7 Feb 2012
  2. moorsey

    moorsey What's a Dremel?

    10 Oct 2009
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    Could be interference from other wireless networks. Or even other electric devices, power tools, microwaves have all given me issues in the past.

    If any of you have an Android phone, download Wifi analyser. Superb app which shows all networks in the area, how strong they are, what channel they are on etc. This might help in finding the least populated channel, switching the wireless channel could help a great deal
  3. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    I have a Homehub 2.0 and the wireless signal barely penetrates into the room directly above the router.

    I can't be bothered to take it apart and mod the antenna, but I believe it's possible to do.
  4. dannyj94

    dannyj94 Former 3XS System Builder

    3 Nov 2011
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    Hm, So in current conclusion its the Bt homehub as presumed in the first place thats the issue.
  5. mars-bar-man

    mars-bar-man Side bewb.

    17 Apr 2009
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    This isn't massively helpful to the problem, but if it's one of the original white hubs, kill it. With fire. I wish I had years ago. No end of problems with them.

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