Scratch Build – In Progress Integrated PC desk V.2

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by metalglasses, 29 Aug 2012.

  1. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    Hey, I am drawing up plans for my next build.
    It will be a improved version of my first intergrated PC desk.
    - Improved airflow
    - Make it look more simpler when looking through the display glass
    - Accents

    Anyways, I am still open to making some changes before I start buying the material needed, so tell me what you guys think.

    On the side, I'll might post some pics of V.1.2!
    Last edited: 29 Aug 2012
  2. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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  3. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    This is V.1

    On this project, I used about 8 board feet of ash. the "floor board" is 3/4 plyboard ash. the rest are made from 4/4 planed and squared to 3/4"thickness. This was the first piece of furniture that I had built, however I do posses some woodworking skills (handy-man repair work mainly).

    I had never designed a computer desk before, so I did looked at L3p and a couple of other projects and took what I liked. I thought about having all of the components displayed, now I don't like looking at some of them like PSU for one and the harddrives.

    The top isn't perfectly square, I used 3/8 dowels (which I had to redo them by gluing in the dowel and cutting it after it dries and get a second chance making the correct drill hole). I made up some trim about 1" to keep the lid from sliding off. I used 1/4" lament glass which is nice.

    I don't like how I setup my fans. The first thing I should of done is move the 2nd exhuast fan and switched places with the PSU. That fan is rendered unnessary because it isn't removing any hot air. If switched, it would be moving hot air away from the northern end of the mobo. The intake fans, I couldn't really find a better spot for them. You can see one of the last pics below. I wanted to make it as close to the front as possible. However, I manage to make it work, which is not the best thing in the world what I am doing. I sit a bit off to the right and back to make sure my left knee isn't disrupting the airflow of one of the fans.

    Before (10/11/11)

    Made up the stocks (10/25/11)

    The liquid cooling kit had arrived (10/27/11)


    Started applying the coats of poly-urethane (12/20/11 - 12/23/11)




    Making adjustments of where to drill

    lugged the thing upstairs (12/25/11)

    A afterthought for the hard drives (12/31/11)

    These were taken way after completion (4/16/12)


    Last edited: 30 Aug 2012
    TheGreatSatan likes this.
  4. l3p

    l3p www.^.nl

    1 Nov 2010
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    Nice work man :)
  5. PabloFunky

    PabloFunky What's a Dremel?

    19 Sep 2010
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    Ive always been tempted to make a wooden desk, as i have the workshop to produce one, but never really needed one.

    So its great watching all theese wooden desk builds on here.

    Thats great work you have done.
  6. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Member for 17 years!

    5 Aug 2005
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    This is something I really want to do one day. +Rep

    BTW, Do you only have exhaust fans on there?
  7. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    Yeah, there are exhuast fans, you can clearly see them on the fifth pic from the bottom.
  8. Bladesingerz

    Bladesingerz Minimodder

    30 Nov 2011
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    Oh I'll be following this desk :) I like the design, its good that you're going with a hidden part at the back of the desk, I did the same with my desk and the only thing I could suggest is that you make enough room under your motherboard for all the wiring, I've milled it out by hand after my desk was completed and I can tell you that it wasn't easy.
    Good luck!
  9. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Always fancied doing this one day. Nice work.

    Plenty of room for expansion there mate. :)
  10. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    Sorry, I didn't read your question thoroughly. The sketchup model was still in beta. I expanded the back end a bit to make enough room for a 120mm.
  11. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    I did some changes to my sketchup model. I want to ask about fan placement, specifcally the exhuast fan that is located at the far left corner of the desk. I would like to know if one fan would be okay considering the location.


  12. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    Looking good! I think your exhaust fan should be fine in the upper left hand corner. You could possibly put slots on the right hand side to allow better air flow. Just a thought.
  13. Bladesingerz

    Bladesingerz Minimodder

    30 Nov 2011
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    one fan in the back is fine, but having an exhaust hole is usefull. That way all the heat gets blown out and doesn't stay trapped in there..
  14. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    So I am doing a very bad job of keeping logs on my projects, even though I have a note written somewhere, shame on me.

    Anyways I got working on the upper sec of the desk. I made up the stock for the sides, dado'd them and beveled the ends.

    Here is a pic of the result, at least I remembered to take that pic. Taken on 9-12

    Later on like a couple hours ago, I finally got around to the top sec of the desk, I have the frame (needs to be routed and bevel the corners) all set up. So here is a pic that was taken a couple hours ago. Enjoy. :)
  15. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    I am currently not able to do anything at the moment, I am currently working on my mother’s key rack (which I had to hold off for various reasons). So I made up a few CAD images of what the desk will look like once completed. a note I’ll like to add is the graphic of the wood grain does not represent the actual hue of the wood and finish I’ll be using, to get an idea look at v.1 to see what I am referring to. Also, I did figure out an alternative to the veneer I was originally planing, I’ll make the cut big enough for all the wires to come through, come to think about it, that’ll actually look much better.

    So here is the process of the wood work thus far
    This is the floor board, it looks really pretty :)
    I made a change, I was originally going to do some 1/4" veneer, but the wood made do some changes. That'll be one, no veneer, I will just have to make a bigger cut out on the back panel to allow the wires to easily be routed under the mobo tray. It should look much cleaner compared to v.1.
    Now for the CAD pics.

    This is the front of the desk. I made another change on the design, I wanted to cut down on money so I decided to make into four smaller legs instead of two big legs. I feel this would still work, I orginally wanted to stay away from the standard four leg setup, oh well
    I did the outlining to get
  16. Bladesingerz

    Bladesingerz Minimodder

    30 Nov 2011
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    Looks good, why are the huge holes in the back?
  17. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    the hole in the back are for the radiator, PSU and the USB/DVI/HDMI etc. hook ups. The idea is to give it a cleaner look.
  18. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    And the top is actually in two pieces instead of one big one.
  19. metalglasses

    metalglasses What's a Dremel?

    10 Apr 2012
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    Alright it has been awhile since i made some updates, but things have been slow and moderately busy lately. Because of the gas prices in California and it just so happened that most of the project is at the wood shop class, there isn’t much that I can do between classes. I have a list of tools to get me going so I wouldn’t be so dependent like a lot of the older folk in the woodshop. The list would cost me almost $1,200 and I am making it as cheap as I can without losing quality. So that is out of the way, here is the progress that I have made since my last entry.

    On 10-3, I made a mistake on routing out the fan intake ports on the right side of the desk casing, I made the holes in the wrong spot. I actually had it set correctly, but I made the mistake of not checking out the back of the piece where I made a Mortison. In addition to the local specialty wood store didn’t have wide enough rough stock to cover it, so this is actually a good way to use some of my scraps from previous projects. unfortently I didn’t take a picture of the process as I got all caught up on finishing the project. Anyways here is the pic of the mistake.

    It is the far piece where I made the mistake

    It is the far one where I messed up, the holes should be on the other side.

    on 10-10, I simply made the tendons on the floor board, cut it to final dimensions.

    on 10-12, mobo tray finally arrived!


    on 10-13, I worked on the mobo tray

    Prepping the cut




  20. ali_robb2000

    ali_robb2000 What's a Dremel?

    17 Feb 2003
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    Nice work! The first one looked like a nice and clean build so I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.

    No idea why someone gave this log only 1 star - I'll vote 4 stars for you :)

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