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News Samsung Galaxy S5 specs leaked ahead of March launch

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Meanmotion, 14 Jan 2014.

  1. Meanmotion

    Meanmotion bleh Moderator

    16 Nov 2003
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  2. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    I wonder if that display will be available for Oculus to use in their Rift too?

    Is it AMOLED?
  3. Guest-17499

    Guest-17499 Guest

    I was waiting for the new gen of phones to come out, but after seeing the specs of this I would rather pay £300 and get a second hand high end phone (Z1 or G2) right now. I cannot see the point of this spec bump unless your playing games on a phone, which is a waste of time imo.
  4. samkiller42

    samkiller42 For i AM Cheesecake!!

    25 Apr 2006
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    I'm waiting to see what HTC and Sony unveil at MWC before choosing my next handset, and with my contract due for renewal around April, perfect timing.

  5. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    whilst I like my S3 , really tempted by either HTC or Nokia this time
  6. SlowMotionSuicide

    SlowMotionSuicide Come Hell or High Water

    16 May 2009
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    Seriously, this is bordering ridiculous, especially the display.

    Guess the specs are so much easier to bump up than come up with some new innovative feature that would actually have some real-life usability.

    Also, I think got enough TouchWiz for the rest of my lifetime with my now retired Galaxy S2, thankyouverymuch.
  7. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    Eh, this spec war is just a little pointless now. It'll be interesting when one company decides to go ahead and revolutionise the form factor again (such as with Apple and the iPhone and Motorola with the Razr). Just bumping resolutions, adding more power and putting in more megapixels is pointless. We've already reached the point where greater resolution is meaningless, where more power is held back by battery life and camera's are held back by tiny sensors and crap lenses.

    I'd rather have an 8MP phone that takes amazingly clear photos (so a big lens and sensor would be great here) and a 1080p screen that results in really long battery life because the processor isn't so juiced.

    Before people point out that these features are available on lower end handsets, well no not really. What's around there are the inferior components, just there because they're cheaper to produce. Why can't I have a really good but lower resolution camera (in a similar vein to what happens in the SLR market where sometimes top sensors are actually lower resolutions than cheaper ones)? I understand that in a small sensor, just adding more pixels can sometimes help to alleviate noise etc. and provide a sort of "zoom" feature, but it would be nice for one of the big players to go the other way round for a change. Surely they could market it as something new and dispel some of the megapixel ******** that people still swear by?
  8. itrush07

    itrush07 Minimodder

    28 Nov 2007
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    Oh.. still enjoying my S3 and now there's this s5 coming? Very tempting specs though..
  9. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Go go spec wars enough I think the limits are already been reached.

    Can't really see where a phone can go really, there's stuff you see in science fiction like phones in your hands and stuff but I dou't we are close to that in reality.

    What more features do people really need. Facebook talk text not a lot more uses for 99% of people.
  10. Ficky Pucker

    Ficky Pucker I

    9 Jul 2009
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    yes !!!

    it really makes a difference when my crappy pictures are shot at 16MP rather than 13MP, brilliant news !

    but i'm bit disappointed about the screen res, i was hoping for 4K :(

    and why haven't they put in a 16-core cpu in there ? is a 8-core really enough to make a call or send a text ?

  11. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    I wanna know when we can get custom watercooling blocks for them too!
  12. sixfootsideburns

    sixfootsideburns modeteer

    6 Feb 2009
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    A more feminine man than me once said... "Don't stop 'till you get enough"
  13. edzieba

    edzieba Virtual Realist

    14 Jan 2009
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    If it follows the previous Galaxy phones with an OLED display, it'll be a Pentile subpixel arrangement, meaning it's true resolution will be closer to half the stated resolution. (i.e. 1.8Mpixel rather than 3.7Mpixel), putting it just under a 1920*1080 (2.1Mpixel) display using a normal RGB stripe subpixel arrangement. Pentile consider two subpixels in the RGBG arrangement to be a single 'pixel' (i.e. 'RG' or 'BG'), meaning that a Pentile 'pixel' cannot produce the full range of colours that an RGB pixel can.

    Regardless, it'll be running Touchwiz, so No Sale (unless a Google Play Edition emerges, and the Google Play Edition program extends to the UK).
  14. Spuzzell

    Spuzzell What's a Dremel?

    11 Mar 2010
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    150 Euros extra for a metal back and sides?
  15. freshsandwiches

    freshsandwiches Can I do science to it?

    9 Aug 2009
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    Wanktastic. I love what phones can do these days but as the article points out, it's just getting silly now. More advances in extending the poor battery life of these devices would be better.
  16. Meanmotion

    Meanmotion bleh Moderator

    16 Nov 2003
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    It almost certainly will use some sort of pentile arrangement but the point still stands that if the pixels/subpixels on an S4 are so small as to be invisible to the naked eye then so too shall those of the S5, but even more so.

    If we agree that the Retina display of iPhones is beyond visible to the naked eye then these stats tell it all.
    1920 x 1080 at 4.7", 3 subpixels per pixel - 811 subpixels per inch (HTC One)
    1920 x 1080 at 5", 2 subpixels per pixel - 623 subpixels per inch (Samsung Galaxy S4)
    1280 x 768 at 4.2", 3 subpixels per pixel - 615 subpixels per inch (Blackberry Z10)
    1136 x 640 at 4", 3 subpixels per pixel - 565 subpixels per inch (iPhone 5)

    Totally with you on TouchWiz though.
  17. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    They've gotta keep ramping up, more power is what it needed to push into new markets, I'll be quite happy when my phone replaces my netbook ala atrix/padfone but with an actually usable device that's not too compromised.

    As for screen res, I don't care, if its higher and doesn't impact performance/life then I am all for it, I certainly wouldn't whine about it, hopefully the S5 can also handle output of 4k to big screen for playback of all the stuff I'd capture on it at native.
  18. Fused

    Fused Minimodder

    19 Jun 2007
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    I will probably be grabbing this phone in October assuming the battery life is better than my S3 LTE which the specs are suggesting it won't be :/
  19. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    With Samsungs current domination of andriod they can do what they wish at the high end and the users who dont like touch wiz can go take a walk.

    Remember the users using a custom SG5/4/3 without touch wiz will be tiny compared to those that are buying the phone to just use in its stock config.

    A better screen can be used as a sales point to the masses as they are competing vs Apple for the high end market. With the whole PPI nonesence that they spread in the marketing.

    Better megapixel camera is considered better by the masses despite Megapixels having little to do with actual image quality above a certain point.

    4k on a phone is surely next.
  20. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Samsung has typically matched the increase in Pixels in camera with a step up in image quality, higher pixel cameras can help with crop zooming and having details, it's not like they have solved optical zoom on a phone in the pocket, so again keep upping it and keep the quality, no problem here.

    Samsungs software is horrendous though and a bit restrictive, dare I say it apple like in many ways, its a shame as the hardware is spolied by it, bit like the LG G2 I bought for the missus, great hardware, but the software is far to fussy and phone feels cluttered when compared to the light work done by Sony on my Z, it's so much more slick than the Sony though due to the power.
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