News Activision disappointed by Wii U launch

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 8 Feb 2013.

  1. brumgrunt

    brumgrunt What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2011
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  2. Griffter

    Griffter What's a Dremel?

    1 Jun 2012
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    but ofcos!
  3. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Well what do you expect? A half ass Call Of Duty port with 0 advantages over the other consoles, beside the game pad implementation (sadly not enough for people to switch consoles as all their friends have XBox 360's or PS3's).

    Ubisoft also back stab Nintendo. Rayman Legends was pushed back and back and back, despite having everything functional, and now decided to push it all the way at the end of the year to have a simultaneous release with the XBox 360 and PS3.
    This made people very angry on Ubisoft channel on the WiiU:
  4. SexyHyde

    SexyHyde Minimodder

    24 Jul 2009
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    Well, I said I would get a WiiU once Rayman Legends came out. As soon as I heard of the further delay I went out and built myself an itx gaming pc for the living room. Not really that bothered about Activision TBH apart from Rayman i'm with the boycott and I'll now do what I did with Rayman Origins and thats wait till its in the bargain bin. You withhold what I want (Rayman) and I'll withhold what you want (money).
  5. thil

    thil What's a Dremel?

    24 Jan 2011
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    As far as I'm concerned, if you're pissing off Kotick, you're doing the right thing.
  6. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Bodes bad news for the WiiU.

    That said, it's demise has been greatly exaggerated. The device has sold actually rather well. Although it doesn't seem to be gaining traction in developer circles.

    Also, it's about 3x faster than current consoles anyways.
  7. do_it_anyway

    do_it_anyway Minimodder

    24 Apr 2009
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    Wait! Has the WiiU been launched?
    Didn't even register on my radar.
  8. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    lol, yes.
    In sum, its pretty neat and cool. It works above and beyond, 0 lag, the games kinda show case the WiiU, however with the exception of ZombiU (which is an OK game... pretty good for a third party lunch game, but definitely not a AAA game), the other third party games doesn't show case really the WiiU, they are just quick ports. MassEffect 3 uses the screen for extra buttons and larger maps, which i since idea for quick switch and avoid menus, but the entire game was a rush port and charges 60$ for. So not interesting. Call Of Duty, Black Ops 2 really shows the possibilities with the WiiU with full map with location of everyone, extra buttons, on the go screen, each player their own screen, as option modes to pick, and excellent implementation of Wiimote + numchuck control if you want this, looks looks kick-ass as it's like a mouse, you point and shoot, and it's packed with calibration options to adjust everything. The only other game on the Wii that kind of control was the very successful Metroid Prime 3. You can really the dev team had a blast working with the WiiU. Sadly, Black Ops 2 is an unfinished port, pushed released by Activation hands. I am sure if they dev team had 1-2 month more, the game would have been equal to the other console, and maybe 3-6 month more, it would have been definitely the far better version, as it would allow the game to actually have more polygons and high res textures. You also have Scriblenauts too, which looks like fun as you can actually use the touch screen on the controller to type, the games looks like its a fun puzzle type game, has good reviews.

    In sum, good console, lots of potentials. Cool games for release at day 1 games, but nothing that really says "I must buy the console now", type of game yet.

    However, they are pretty cool games on it coming, which looks very promising:

    Platinum Games - The Wonderful 101:

    Platinum Games - Bayonetta 2

    LEGO City: Undercover (game making fun of GTA, and various other games.. first lego game that got me intrested to be honest)

    Game with no name from Monolith Soft (Nintendo studio - New IP):

    and more.
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