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News DICE devs talk up the Frostbite 3 engine

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 25 Jun 2013.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. pantalaimon

    pantalaimon What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2011
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    Hope that dynamic water makes it into the multiplayer. Water is god awful in BF3 and the clips from the video that are definitely MP only look slightly better. Other clips look like SP.
  3. sixfootsideburns

    sixfootsideburns modeteer

    6 Feb 2009
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  4. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    I must admit this is making me feel the upgrade itch coming on, to replace my GTX 680's for 2 GTX 780's or even 2 Titans unless EVGA bring out some 6Gb 780's.

    The amount of detail I saw in that one video, compared to the previous BF4 has just made me realise just how good the Frostbite Engine is but I just hope they have made the player movements feel smoother, rather than feeling like they do in BF3.

    That is one of the things that the engine that is used for the Call Of Duty games has over the Frostbite engine is, the player movement is just so much smoother but it lacks in the graphical detail.
  5. konstantine

    konstantine What's a Dremel?

    18 Jan 2009
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    Been playing the pre-alpha, and while I can't judge the graphics yet, although from what I've seen in the E3 trailer, no noticeable changes have been made to graphics.
    Mechanics wise, it[s as bad as it is in BF3. The game uses some very primitive mechanics and the so called destruction is all scripted and cherry picked.

    Dice has wasted most of its time developing a DLC for 10 different platforms. There's nothing new in the upcoming BF that justifies a new BF title.
  6. thom804

    thom804 Minimodder

    22 Oct 2009
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    Are you sure you're not just playing BF3?
    Everything i've seen from E3 and other gameplay videos seem completely changed
    I don't know how you could possibly say the graphics haven't improved. Go take a look at the 17 minutes preview vid on youtube and tell me it's not vastly improved.
    Again, not sure how you can say the destruction hasn't been improved. There are vids on youtube where the map has been totally levelled by.

    Generally, I just think you might be having a go at BF4 for the sake of it. And, as you've already said, it's pre-alpha....
  7. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Not sure primitive mechanics is really apt for BF. It has a lot going on to make the environments feel real.

    Some of the multi-player BF4 looks pretty impressive with destruction and FX. I think we become spoiled rather quickly and don't really appreciate all that goes into it. Same with BF3... It's a few years since release but it's still a visually stunning game.
  8. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    DICE have stated in that video that the new ocean wave simulation will be something players can use to their advantage and also that different players see the same waves.... so it's pretty clear that's going into the multi-player regardless of whether it's in alpha.
  9. dyzophoria

    dyzophoria Minimodder

    3 May 2004
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    err, I've been in the pre-alpha as well, not sure, but Im pretty sure the graphics are way way better than before (and to think frostbite 2 already has awesome graphics), and im pretty sure everything is not scripted on Multiplayer pre-alpha.
  10. Griffter

    Griffter What's a Dremel?

    1 Jun 2012
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    can play on anything yet they said they could not get the frostbite engine to work on the wii-U. all these companies are such big damn liars!!!
  11. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    I think Konstantine must have been on the COD ghost alpha... obviously mistaking it for BF.
  12. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Nintendo still making stuff?
  13. konstantine

    konstantine What's a Dremel?

    18 Jan 2009
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    The graphics in the pre-alpha look like s**t, so I'm not judging my assessment of the visuals on the pre-alpha but rather on the game-play demos released at E3.

    The mechanics in the game are not different at all from what we got in BF3, which isn't much different from what we've been getting in the past 10 years or so.
    Moving the soldier feels like moving a robotic vehicle. You can't perform most of the basic and necessary movements and postures a real-time soldier does.
    You can't put your back to the wall and shoot with you're arm only exposed, jump sideways instead walking sideways slowly while being shot at, hold onto ledges and climb up...
    You get stuck by every little object, even by a 10cm high sidewalk and have to jump like a rabbit to pass over, instead of simply stepping over and normally bypassing.
    You sometimes miss jump when hoping, which is quite silly. So you get a completely scripted feel from any form of mechanics in the damn game.

    It's not that different from COD Ghost, graphics or mechanics wise.
  14. Corky42

    Corky42 Where's walle?

    30 Oct 2012
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    Isn't this a limitation imposed on all games, we are interacting with a virtual environment with virtual avatars. expecting it to mirror what you can do in real life is perhaps beyond what is possible with today's technology.
  15. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    "Moving the soldier feels like moving a robotic vehicle. You can't perform most of the basic and necessary movements and postures a real-time soldier does. " <<< I think you're confusing BF with Arma. I think if you want more detailed movement you need to be on Arma 3. BF3 is arcade fun with visual realism. Ultimately all these FPS games are limited by the control method. Sitting with mouse and keys or numpty controller isn't a natural way to control a human body. Until motion sensing is integrated in a more practical way then there will always be these limitations. I would find the numerous keys required to allow extra body movement on Arma 3 quite off-putting and tedious to learn. From the way you're talking... I think you're also waiting for that more natural and realistic method of FPS control. Back when I was playing CSS many years ago... I setup some foot-switches to use for jump and crouch. It was a more intuitive way of playing an FPS.
  16. konstantine

    konstantine What's a Dremel?

    18 Jan 2009
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    Not necessarily. Most of the effects I mentioned are not controls bound. Jumping sideways, stepping over things like the sidewalk instead having to jump, holding onto things to climb, putting your back to the wall, rolling sideways when laying prone ... don't really require extra input controls

    Now if you know how to type, you should be able to access ~25 keyboard keys with your left hand. And with a ~9-button gaming mouse, you've get crap load of buttons to use. Those Madcaz mice with horizontal scrolls can be put into great use in many ways.

    The point is: We're not getting a new game. It's not visually or mechanically different, not at least noticeably.
    And there is a reason for that; a reason why they didn't improve those aspects in the game. It's because it's cross-platform. They had multiple platforms to code for, but most importantly, they had to take into consideration the limits of those weak-a*s consoles, including the upcoming ones.
  17. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Well let's see what the Beta looks like and the actual release of the game to see how the graphics look.
  18. Corky42

    Corky42 Where's walle?

    30 Oct 2012
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    But they do make a game that is meant to be a fluid and enjoyable experience into a complicated game of finger ninja.

    And you may say 'We're not getting a new game' but the marketing blurb says Frostbite 3 is 'one unified program where you can create content that will run on everything from an iPhone to a next-gen console' and even if you doubt we are getting anything new visually or mechanically it is different as its called frostbite 3 and not 2 :naughty:
  19. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    I differ-gree. BF has been cross-platform for a long time. Nevertheless DICE coded first and foremost for PC with an engine that scales DOWN to poorer platforms. Nothing has changed in that regard. I can see visual differences in BF4... more particle FX, higher res textures... yes there is more super-destructo-ness too. If you're expecting a completely different game then that's a big mistake. But from the images I have seen and from the videos... BF4 has increased in FX and fidelity.

    I personally have no trouble in getting around. I don't need a whole bunch of lean positions and have no interest in learning the plethora of keys you say is easy to pickup. BF works for me... it's fast to play but still takes months to perfect.

    For some reason you have a downer on the game... that's the problem when people have unrealistic expectations.... I've played BF3 long enough to know the differences visually to what I've seen on BF4 pics and vids and I can certainly spot the improvements.

    The times I got stuck on scenery in BF3 were few and far between. I don't mind jumping over things because that's what people do in FPS games. In fact I think It would be great to make a hollywood blockbuster in the style of an FPS game. Bad Company with real actors and every FPS gaming cliche... Would make for a funny movie.
  20. konstantine

    konstantine What's a Dremel?

    18 Jan 2009
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    You're contradicting yourself. Most of the effects, as I mentioned in my previous comment, do not require extra controls. They're just natural enhancements to the mechanics of the game.
    For example:
    -Jumping sideways would normally require pressing the jump key + a side key
    -Rolling sideways would really require pressing a side key while laying prone
    -Not getting stuck by objects on the ground and simply stepping over should be automatic
    -Putting your back to the wall and shooting with you're arm only exposed can be done by pressing the forward and sprint key towards the wall
    -Tossing a C4 should be more realistic man. The way a C4 explosive is placed is ridiculous. It's a sideway handshake. WTF....

    Again, those are basic and elementary movements and postures a real-time soldier can perform.

    What's the point of getting the new BF4 if it's no different from the previous BF3? It's like getting a new COD game.

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