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Other Games Workshop

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by [ZiiP] NaloaC, 17 Jan 2011.

  1. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    Righty, after the recent bout of interest in Dawn of War 2: Retribution and a few other things included, I thought why not create a thread dedicated to Games Workshop stuff.

    Now I could do this in the sense of having a 40K thread, or fantasy thread or any of the various games they have, but this way we have a place to natter on about the various games that people play, have played, armies, fluff, stories, computer games, modding (this is bit-tech after all) and anything else that these money-sinks can offer us :D

    I'll kick off with my own experience with GW.

    Started when I was about 11 oe 12, got a White Dwarf magazine and pretty much fell down the rabbit hole after that. Love the storylines they have for all the games, even the lesser played ones such as Necromunda and Inquisitor. The background is extremely rich and has certainly influenced alot of things I would imagine. Hell, even Starcraft Zerg design look very akin to Tyranids.

    I have in my own posession a generic Space marine army, nothing spectacular but didn't want to go the route of others that were out there. Raptor Legion using Camo Green colouring.

    Also have a Neron army that consists of pretty much the whole model range except for The Deceiver and Heavy Destroyers (money at the time ran out before I got them). I love the necrons, how could I not! They're zombie robots with weapons that strip you down to nothing layer by atomical layer and their "deity" is a physical manifestation of death itself! :rock:

    I also have a small Imperial Guard contingent (Leman Russ, Cadian Squad, Kasrkin) along with a small Lizardmen force (2 units of saurus, Krog Gar on a Carnosaur). There are also a few of the newer Tyranid models there too which I got for painting purposes (Tyrant, Carnifex, Tyrant Guard, Lictor).

    However, some of my favourite models are from the "specialist range", such as my Necromunda Escher gang (with converted heavy wielding a Gatling Cannon, which uses 3 sustained fire dice rather than just 2 but otherwise the same as a Heavy stubber) and my completely Mail Order Spyrer gang (2 Malcodons, a Yeld, Orrus and custom-made Jakkara.

    Whilst Necromunda has some of my favourite gameplay, Inquisitor released some of the nicest miniatures by GW ever in my opinion. I got the starter lit with Inquisitor Covenant and Brother Josef along with Battle-Brother Artemis and got Krieger Krash from mail order as well. Done some small converting of Josef using orky bits and some chain to replace his warhammer with a power claw and saints skull in a box hanging from a chain. Lovely models altogether, Artemis was a challenge and a joy to paint. Took me about a week in all.

    Made a few small dioramas and other set pieces over the years as well, I'll probably stick some photos up over the next while if I can find my bothered.

    The most recent of my GW purchases and also the only one in the last 6 or so years was that of the limited edition of Space Hulk (10,000 copies made). The die cast models are stunning and the detail is exceptional. The core rules are all there and the card sections are hefty and should take quite a beating to damage/break so i should get a few games out of them.

    Now, many people would wonder why the hell a 27-year old would still like what is essentially "toy soldiers", but the richness of story and background that accompanies these games give it a depth that is rarely matched. True, these days they seem a bit lax on the story and modifying it to suit the game, rather than changing production lines to meet the games history. The fact that they have managed, with alot of help from THQ and Relic to cros over into modern computer games shows that even the art has the appeal to pull many players in and still retain the essence of GW games.

    They are horrible money pits, the prices are ridiculous for the material they are made from (GW stuff is primarily plastic these days, with a few metal models and Forge-World produce resin kits). Long gone are the days when a 10-man squad would cost you 18 quid, no, these days 5 plastic terminators will cost you €35!!!! Heresy and madness abound....

    So, I shall end wall of text there and allow for others to rant, rave and gibber! :thumb:
  2. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    years ago i got the starter kit and few extra's for Space Marines.... cost a bomb, but didnt have the skill the paint them, so put them back in the box half painted, and ever seen the light of day from then... sad i know [will sell if people interested] but also have a one day special Limited Edition SM Liberian from 2003 [i think?] that i need to dig out and see how much its worth.

    When im working i intend to give it another try, but with Tau this time.

    Massive fan of DAW1, also like DAW2 but a little disappointed in the multiplayer.
  3. 13eightyfour

    13eightyfour Formerly Titanium Angel

    9 Sep 2003
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    I loved it back when i was at school, i had full armies for: tyranids, blood angels, orks, tallern desert raiders inc all the tanks at the time, bretonians, skaven, orcs and dwarfs.

    Thats a lot of armies but i very rarely played them, i only enjoyed the painting aspect of the hobby, i have fond memories of sitting for hours painting things and modding the figures into different poses or adding extra detail.

    If im honest i dont really know why i sold it all off, as i became older it seemed to become more strange having it as a hobby, i have considered ordering some bits just for painting but never seem to get round to it.
  4. tristanperry

    tristanperry Minimodder

    22 May 2010
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    I am/was a big fan of GW (40k) too. I haven't played it for a few years now but hope to get back into it again in the future. It's a good hobby and whilst - as you say - it can be expensive, it's not excessively so IMO (considering that building and rebuilding computers is more expensive that GW).

    I originally got into 40k when I was around 10, even building a website on it which got fairly popular (Tau Online; now dead, sort of) which I ran until I was 18.

    As for the armies I played: I started out with Eldar, getting up to around 3-4k points worth. Then I moved onto Tau getting to 2-3k points worth. My brother and next door neighbour were both into 40k too so we had a board at home and played quite regularly.

    Unlike many (who either liked painting or battling), I loved all aspects of it from moddling to painting to tactics and battling. It's expensive and can take a fair amount of time, but it is an enjoyable hobby :)

    So yeah, that's my brief background with 40k. Will be interested to see whether many others play/played it.
  5. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    Massive fan of all things 40K. Own a few books off owning 40K-Black Library.

    However can't say I've ever collected as it's just to expensive!

    DoW1 & DoW2 are awesome
  6. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    I imagine every bloke on here collected WH and/or WH40K when they were young. I used to collect Dark Angels and Eldar between the ages of 10-13 but the advancement of computer games put a stop to it. Having said that, I still look on Coolmini every now and then and glance through the local GW window whenever I pass it.

    The price of the miniatures are absolutely ludicrous now. Back in the day it cost £3 for a terminator (white metal). I would love to have some of the Forgeworld models painted by a professional for a collection though - the Eldar flying stuff looks incredible.
  7. gilljoy

    gilljoy Minimodder

    14 Nov 2010
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    Im quite unusual it seems, I first got into Lord of the Rings strategy Battle game when I was in 1st year at school with the release of the orignal movies.

    Loved it, moved onto 40k and WFB, tho If im honest I only played with one of my friends since he stoped playing the fun sorta went away.

    Just discovered my university has a club but it clashes with my martial arts training, very very tempted to buy myself a space marine / eldar battleforce with my student loan and get down to the club.
  8. Throbbi

    Throbbi What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2009
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    Still a big fan of all this stuff. I dont like 40k from a playing perspective, biggest gun wins no matter what they do with the rules. Necromunda was a breath of fresh air to this though and to have actual individuals who levelled up the more you played was a stroke of genius.

    Still have tons of models and still paint them frequently (i always got the most enjoyment from painting).

    Ooooo look at me moment - Any of you have been to the GW:HQ in Nottingham and gone for a drink in Bugmans Bar might notice some banners haning around the ceiling (red and blue of varying designs with Dwarven lettering and runes on them)...i made those :D

    Maybe a thread similar to this as a model showcase? Well painted, hilariously badly painted (from back when we were starting), diorama's etc. etc.
  9. gilljoy

    gilljoy Minimodder

    14 Nov 2010
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    quote, sounds good to me... now just need to buy models and paints lmao
  10. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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  11. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    "Peace? There cannot be peace, there must only be war!"

    I've been into 40k since, err.. 13? So only a decade or so. I did have a hiatus from about four years ago until now, but I used to run a few armies of varying sizes.

    Started with an Epic 40k, Space marines - Imperial Fists. Dabbled in Battlefleet Gothic, and went into regular 40k. Started with a few Necrons, got very bored with them, went into Imperial Guard, ran ~6,000 points in those (Mostly in armour, given how cheap the troops were), then dabbled in Chaos, perhaps got to ~1,000 points in those, got introduced to Space Wolves, ran a ~3,000 point army, and then played with some Blood Angels, ~2,000 points.

    Starting up again, I'm going for a ~1,500 point Black Templar army (Going to be facing a lot of Orks.. Going to get interesting).

    When I was really into it I read the Gaunts Ghosts series, the Space Wolf series, and had several years of White Dwarf magazines.

    I went to Games Day & Golden Demon in.. 2003 I think it was. Also spent a fair few days at the HQ store/museum.

    I regret to say that, with this excursion, I won't be buying direct from GW. Found a reasonable place that will save me ~£100 on the army I'm putting together, which is quite important to me :p
  12. gilljoy

    gilljoy Minimodder

    14 Nov 2010
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    where is said place you mentioned? could be useful
  13. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    PM'd just in case anyone takes offence to a shop being linked :p
  14. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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    You know, I think I have a first edition 40K rulebook somewhere...

    I used to enjoy Adeptus Titanicus (Mech Warrior in the 40K universe) - but fell out of it all when all GW seemed intent on doing was pushing more and more rule expansions and models on you, and WD turned into one big advert.
  15. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    That's why I resent the notion of paying for the rulebooks and so on. Especially given the cost of the models, and how so many of the "new" rules were detailed in White Dwarf during some of the publicised test plays (Although, this was some years ago that I was reading WD)..
  16. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    *is glad he doesn't play the tabletop*

    However *sticks face into book relating to The Dark Angels*
  17. goldstar0011

    goldstar0011 Multimodder

    2 Sep 2007
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    I miss playing 40k but costs too much and used to ruin the model trying to customise.

    Love the DoW games, just finishing off Soulstorm, picked all the first games for £10 from 2nd hand shop! Awesome
  18. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    I love the PC games... but why the hell is it always the goddamn Blood Ravens?
  19. Rkiver

    Rkiver Cybernetic Spine

    23 Apr 2009
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    Games Workshop. Love it.

    Been playing the table top war game for well over a decade. The games have been ok overall, DOW1 more fun for the big battles then DOW2.

    I also love the fiction, and count one of the authors, Aarron, as a friend and talk to him quite a bit.
  20. gilljoy

    gilljoy Minimodder

    14 Nov 2010
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    blood ravens is a chapter that relic and games workshop designed for use in the games or something along them lines

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