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Blogs Thoughts on Cheats and Walkthroughs

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 5 May 2010.

  1. Sifter3000

    Sifter3000 I used to be somebody

    11 Jul 2006
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  2. MaverickWill

    MaverickWill Dirty CPC Mackem

    26 Apr 2009
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    I got up to Disc 4 of The Feeble Files (anyone remember that?), and promptly gave up because there seemed nowhere else to go. Walkthroughs didn't seem to help! Pity, because I loved the rest of the game.
  3. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    singleplayer cheats i couldnt care about, multiplayer ones are just horrible and an indication said user has a small penis or is just really ****.
  4. Orionche

    Orionche Guest

    Heh... did the same with Monkey Island 2. I was a kid and couldn't resist the temptation to go through the game a bit faster. Finished a third of it before I succumbed...

    Personally, I always cheated in games when I was younger (singleplayer FPS's, arcades). Nowadays, I'm just making things for myself a lot harder and go the long way around. :)
  5. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
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    I cheated a bit in Quake 2 single player when I got stuck/lost.
  6. Judge Zetsumei

    Judge Zetsumei What's a Dremel?

    8 May 2009
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    I use trainers a lot in single player games to add some replay value. Infact in just cause 2 I've been using a trainer from the beginning to give me unlimited money. But when it comes to online games I hate cheats and I hate anyone that uses them. It ruins the game for everybody else and there is no excuse for it.
  7. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    No to online cheating, singleplayer it's every man for himself.

    I find walkthroughs very handy for RPG's, where making the wrong decision classing up or developing something and only noticing it 20 hours onward really gets on my nerves.*

    Remember when some games couldn't be played on "hard" without cheating?**

    * for instance KOTOR, spend your money on upgrades and then come to a level where you MUST buy an expensive droid to continue...yeah that's fun.
    ** some Boss-level of DOOM*** on hard. I've played in God-Mode to find out. Allt he ammo you carried and found in this room didn't suffice to kill the boss even when every shot hit. You HAD to use the ammo cheat.
    ***Hardly recent, I know
  8. bob

    bob What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2009
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    Using cheats in GTA 3 was a good laugh; get a tank, all guns and go on a rampage is a blast! However I couldn't play it through like that.

    I agree about RPGs with the above post. I must admit that I used the infinite money glitch in dragon age to buy a decent amour set because the ******* game made my blood dragon armour vanish for no reason!
  9. Loot3r

    Loot3r What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2008
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    never cheated, only used a guide in fallout 3 once i completed all the tasks... i used this guide to obtain any quests i had missed and to guide me so i could find most of the cool loot.

    System shock 2 was tought as i was 12 when i started to play, as it was also one of my first game after DN and Quake 2. I did think about it but never got round too using a cheat! I do see the point in cheats, there is no point getting stuck....
  10. spectre456

    spectre456 What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2007
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    i know a guy who would play most of the games he had with cheats. one that sticks out in my mind is Fallout 3. he played and "beat" it with cheats then moaned it was crap. i told him, "what do you expect? which moron plays an rpg with cheats?"

    Most games these days don't even need cheats or walkthroughs since they are all "accessible".

    however, when i first played Elder's Scrolls 4, i had no idea about some of the cool stuff you could do such as making those black soul stones and enchanting your swords etc. that the walkthrough explained to me.
  11. lacuna

    lacuna Minimodder

    9 Aug 2004
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    I don't like to cheat as I think it spoils the experience and if someone else can do it then I should be able to aswell. I will admit to checking a walkthrough on occasion though and its always because I can't find a door which becomes blindingly obvious once I have checked.

    Games like GTA and Saints Row are the worst ones to cheat in. I tried to complete Vice City with cheats once and it was so boring I gave up
  12. crazyceo

    crazyceo What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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    I actually agree with Xir on the Doom cheat and single player "enhancements".

    Online it's a big no no to cheating as we all should be equal and ones ability should win you through.

    I remember introducing my little brother in law to gaming on the NES and then SNES. He used to go nuts with games that he couldn't get through, so I would go into Game or whatever it wa called then and read through the walkthroughs and then go back as the hero for completing the level he spent 3 days stuck on. Yes I had no friends then either!
  13. FreQ

    FreQ What's a Dremel?

    24 Jan 2009
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    I find that walthroughs can be very helpful when a game is plain difficult or designed poorly, they can point you in the right direction instead of you being stuck for hours.

    In most modern games, they are either fairly easy or have been designed so players don't get stuck so often. I haven't needed a walkthrough for any HL2 games, and I'm not a good FPS gamer.

    Old stuff like Monkey Island cries out for a walkthrough. Those things are tough when you have to work everything out yourself.
  14. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    Online cheating is horrible. Offline cheating is added bonus. Walkthroughs are always welcome when I'm stuck, be it online (usually MMOs) or offline.
  15. chimaera

    chimaera What's a Dremel?

    12 Jan 2007
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    Cheats and walkthroughs for adventure games are indeed a very slippery slope but I must confess to having used them once or twice when getting horribly stuck (most notably the first Runaway game, where I couldn't ifgure out how to even get started :) )

    In other games I generally avoid them, but on occaision once I get bored of a game I might use one to get me through to the end, or in the case of GTA -type stuff to cause as much trouble as possible before I put it down for ever.

    Multiplaying cheating to me is entirely pointless - how can you truely beat your opponent if you had to tilt the game world in your favour to do it?

    Mind you these days the only cheaters I run into online these days don't want to win the game for themselves, but ruin the game for everyone else, and quite frankly testicular electrocution is too nice a punishment for such scum.
  16. tad2008

    tad2008 What's a Dremel?

    6 Nov 2008
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    When ever I got stuck I would get my partner to look up the specific info to get me past where I was or to give me a hint to point me in the right direction if I needed a specific item or had a particular place I needed to go.

    A friend and I once used god mode in the Doom series after we had both already completed them without any. We did a level each before switching and we cruised through the levels of 1& 2 overnight and had plenty of laughs along the way.
  17. Paddy

    Paddy What's a Dremel?

    9 Mar 2009
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    Cheats and walkthroughs do have a place, but it is how and when they are used which can cause issues. The only time I've used a walkthrough because I was stuck was in Monkey Island 2; towards the end when you get to the island and fall down a hole into pitch blackness, I had no idea what to do until I found a magazine explaining the next step!

    With Doom everyone knew the cheats and used them often (idkfa and iddqd if I remember), but for me it totally ruined the game and took all the fun out of it. When you are running around invincible and with all the weapons I found it got dull/boring and gave me a headache very quickly!

    With epic rpg's like Oblivion I believe that walkthroughs/guides should be included with the games, just beacuse of the shear scale of the content with so much to do in the game. Within a single playthrough you may have been oblivious to large parts of the content (often the best bit) without a guide lending a helping hand :)
  18. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    AMEN to that.
    That last boss must've taken me 15+ attempts, and I was on the very verge of uninstalling and breaking the game disc (yes - I have done that - cures you to hell, Titan Quest - you and the buggy-ass-horse you came in on), when I finally managed...
  19. antiHero

    antiHero ReliXmas time!

    19 Jan 2005
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    I usually dont cheat but from time to time you hit a wall and all the fun goes down the drain.
    Good example is SKATE 1 and the rob&big mission. 2 years of trying and i still have not finished that mission. SKATE 2 on the other hand i finished in 2 weeks.
    Here i wish there was a cheat or a walktrough to get me passed that mission so i could continue with an otherwise great game
    Last edited: 5 May 2010
  20. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    I try to finish games without referring to a walkthrough. I only go online when I've been stuck for more than ~20 minutes.

    Cheating? Very,very rare circumstances. For example, the bit in Far Cry when you take the gun and whatsherface drives - I just couldn't do it despite a good couple of hour of trying. Even then, the only cheat that worked was allowing me to create a save point where I pleased - I still needed another hour to complete the damn section.
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