Other Free Public Ventrilo Server

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Adeya, 23 Jun 2011.

  1. Adeya

    Adeya What's a Dremel?

    23 Jun 2011
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    Bio-Core.net's Ventrilo is now public. Along with offering great servers on different games with the best admins you could possibly get, it just got better. You can join and use any of our public channels or you can visit out forums and apply to get your own private channel where you get channel admin and can make as many sub-channels as you wish. None of this costs anything, just an application.

    Our vent is as immune to harassment/trolling/griefing as a Ventrilo server can get. We had to lower one of the measures we took to allow it to be a public ventrilo, but every other security measure is still in place as well as admins being on constantly, so if a someone does come on to harass anybody, it will be handled within moments. And our admins know all of the harassment tricks, so there will be no ban evading. There is no way for any harasser to to last more then a few minutes without being permanently handled. Anybody is welcome, our own admin staff plays a variety of games themselves.

    Hostname: vent.bio-core.net
    Post: 3787
  2. popcom

    popcom What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2012
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    your vent is not working hasent been allowing me to connect for some days i get on for a few seconds then dc did a port or something fail on your end

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