Steam Save Data Transfers - XBOX 360 to PC?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by WimboJallis121, 4 Sep 2014.

  1. WimboJallis121

    WimboJallis121 What's a Dremel?

    2 Sep 2014
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    Hey guys,

    So I'll be moving to Uni over the weekend and I'll be making a new gaming rig when I get there.
    I've recently brought the Bioshock triple pack along with Dishonored on Steam, and basically wondered if it were possible to transfer my save files over from my xbox. I haven't got very far in Dishonored as I never had much time to play it + and I've completed the first 2 Bioshock games a couple of times, but I'm pretty far into Bioshock Infinite now and really, REALLY don't want to start over.

    I know it's possible with games like Borderlands 2, Fallout and Skyrim, but I wondered if it were possible with these games as well. I imagine it would be with Dishonored as its also made by Bethesda (who also make Skyrim and Fallout), but if anyone knows a way for Bioshock Infinite then I would really appreciate it.

    Thank you kindly.

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