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News Microsoft Security Essentials fails AV-TEST again

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 17 Jan 2013.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. Phalanx

    Phalanx Needs more dragons and stuff.

    28 Apr 2010
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    I use MSE, and I must say I'm not worried. Their telemetry system is one of the best out there, and they actually... listen to this... CONTACT YOU BACK when you send in data and tick the box to allow them to contact you for more information. A revelation, I know!

    I trust them.
  3. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Agree with Phalanx. Whats more, most other anti virus applications feel like malware themselves!
  4. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    I agree with you both wholeheartedly. I've tried so many AV's and MSE has been the most unobtrusive and reliable than anything else I've used. It doesn't keep shouting at me like an attention seeking child or forever asking to be updated and would I like an upgrade or one of our partners would like to offer you something nonsense.

    It sits there quietly and protects efficiently and by what it was saying above, it's doing it very well despite the scare tactics from a testing developer looking to attract attention by badmouthing Microsoft.
  5. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Eerm... AV-TEST is one of the most well-regarded independent test organisations around. It has 25 full-time employees. Every anti-virus vendor submits its products for testing, and the AV-TEST certification is proudly displayed when a product passes. They've been going for over 15 years now - I hardly think they need to 'attract attention' by deliberately failing Microsoft's products.

    Microsoft Security Essentials was subjected to exactly the same testing procedure on the same malware corpus as every other package on test. Most passed with flying colours; Microsoft's did not. These are the facts, and no amount of arguing from Microsoft will alter them.
  6. ZeDestructor

    ZeDestructor Minimodder

    24 Feb 2010
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    I've been seeing similar reports from av-comparatives as well, another well-regarded AV testing/review publication (yes, I call it a publication, each report is over 5 pages worth of pdfs, and the reviews are in excess of 50pages of deep analysis).

    So while MSE has been taking a hit recently for coverage, I still use and recommend it since I'm careful enough to avoid viruses entirely, and the people I recommend it to are savvy enough to see through and and avoid nearly all. Most windows reinstalls I've done were just from corrupt system files and adware, not malware infections. In fact, I'm the one with the most malware cases (I'm excluding annoyance scripts because those do nothing truly harmful besides use some CPU time) in my entourage... with a total of 1 infection in something like 10 years...
  7. dyzophoria

    dyzophoria Minimodder

    3 May 2004
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    in defense of MS, they usually take/prodce their signatures from actual files taken from infected machines, so it really makes sense why MSE would fail on AV-TESTS, but as per MS, they are trying to improve on it though, my guess is without not much actual data regarding those missed viruses its plausible why MSE can't detect most of them,lol, especially they are quite new to anti virus tech compared to the veterans
  8. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    I use malware bytes alongside MSE. Can't say I've had any issues so far. Then again, I'm careful with what I download/click on.
  9. tigertop1

    tigertop1 What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2009
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    Not a problem as far as I can see. I have used MSE in conjunction with Malwarebytes and other software and never had a problem over 5 years . It is now the second most popular Anti Virus programme in the world now so others like it too! I have tried just about all of them right up to Norton 2013 and none of them are as simple, unobtrusive and as quiet to get on with things as MSE.
  10. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I like MSE. Not a fan of what MS have done to Windows Defender in 8 though. Not had any viruses since I switched to MSE and I imagine it'll continue that way, so not particularly worried if I'm honest.
  11. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    'We're committed to reducing our 0.0033 percent margin to zero,'

    Not bad then for REAL cases then is it?

    I've never heard of AV whatever they're called until now Gareth. However, I'm not doubting their credentials if you aren't.
  12. fdbh96

    fdbh96 What's a Dremel?

    29 May 2011
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    I use the test that if you don't get any viruses there isn't any need to change. If I ever get a virus, then Ill use something else.

    As already mentioned, most other AV suites just have constant pop ups demanding updates/payment. MSE does none of this, and this is why I install it on all the family+relatives pc's because pop ups just confuse people.
  13. SlowMotionSuicide

    SlowMotionSuicide Come Hell or High Water

    16 May 2009
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    I've also been happily using MSE since it was published in 2009, and so far I've been nothing but happy with it, it's unobtrusive, simple and quiet little workhorse, and I haven't had a single infection all this time. I'm also installing it to any system I build to family, friends or relatives, with no issues whatsoever.

    Our local computer publication tested several free and commercial internet security and antivirus products, and MSE was rated last in the test. Alerted by this, I decided to give a shot to a couple of other free programs mentioned (Avast, avira and comodo) and quickly went back to MSE. Even the installation of those programs were somewhat infuriating with them trying to sell me something I didn't want at every turn. And regarding unnecessary pop-ups, there's some serious attention whores out there, too.
  14. dicobalt

    dicobalt What's a Dremel?

    21 Mar 2009
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    This is a plot by John McAfee to sell more of his antivirus products. What? Don't tell me it's not the kind of thing he would do lol
  15. Andy Mc

    Andy Mc Modder

    23 May 2002
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    I find viruses/malware are not an issue at all. My daily driver is a Linux box and my gaming PC is a windows PC, that I use MSE on.

    The main appeal of MSE is that it intergrates with the OS much better, due to being an MS product. Because of this I find it uses WAY less resources than other alternatives.

    If I had to use another product then it'd have to be winClam. All other Commercial solutions are too resource hungry and all other free alternatives are just adware.
  16. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    Eh, wouldn't that uncommon test malware be equally uncommon for the rest of the tested AV solutions too?
  17. fluxtatic

    fluxtatic What's a Dremel?

    25 Aug 2010
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    I used to use winClam in my BartPE builds, but it's no good for everyday AV, imo. Last I saw, no real-time protection and it was very strictly A/V - I'm way too lazy to scan like a responsible person. Just give me something with real-time protection and I'll scan files from torrents.

    I've been using Avast for years (early on due to MS' stupid Genuine Advantage check on MSE) - other than the install being hideously annoying, it's great. Although last go-round, it would not leave me alone with wanting to install Chrome. Literally every few days it would pop up with a message saying I was 'nearly done' installing Avast, the last step being to install Chrome. Suspiciously, when I got fed up and fired off a pissed (like fire and brimstone pissed) message to Avast, the popups stopped. Come to think of it, maybe I'll replace it with MSE next time the license comes up...

    Speaking of, no freakin wonder Chrome has the marketshare it does, since it's now part of the shovelware that comes along with every piece of free software on the entire internet (Chrome's not bad, but getting lumped in with the Ask toolbar is...I dunno, kinda degrading?)
  18. SlowMotionSuicide

    SlowMotionSuicide Come Hell or High Water

    16 May 2009
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    It's like bundling a product with a free handjob from a hobo with if you ask me.
  19. LordPyrinc

    LordPyrinc Legomaniac

    7 Mar 2008
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    Never heard of AV-Test before this article. I've run MSE for over 4 years and have had only one brief issue which I was able to remedy with very little effort. Mainly due to some unscrupolous browsing on my part. Norton on the other hand is a resource hog and prone to corruption of its own files. Try removing Norton cleanly from a computer... not even possible. Norton should be defined as malware.
  20. chrismarkham1982

    chrismarkham1982 Multimodder

    1 Apr 2010
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    Have had to do a few machines for people with viruses, always the same 3 or 4 people and always the same types of infections and yet since putting MSE on their machines and making sure auto update is on, ive not had to go out to any of those machines.
    My own experience of MSE is good as-well, stopped using Avast to use MSE and havnt had any problems since.

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