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Scratch Build – In Progress THE SAMURAI SACRILEGIUM

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by abbas-it, 7 Jan 2013.

  1. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    Hi Everyone, After the RENEGADE and BLACK WIDOW in 2012, its now time for something new.
    I would like to introduce you to one of my new creations called
    and the lord said, let there be light so that the modders can drw the first sketch, and wala
    here it is. This is the basic idea, but as usual, because i change my ideas along the way, the case itself is changing already. it will start really getting interesting when i started doing up and painting all the parts i am making for it.

    then i started to make the samurai helmt which will be the camera holder eventually.

    i now, it looks funny, but these are essentiall modding materials for this one, wait and see.

    i wasnt satisfied with the corners of the nippon bows so here i changed them a bit to get more profile on the sills.
    these strips are made of car windows washing leathers and when stained and dried look just like old techered leather bands or strips. this is the 1rst experiment to see what they look like.
    one thing is for sur, they will be damned cheaper than real leather and look just as good if not better.

    lets mnake the base connector stand now
    as soon as the basic frame was finished, i did my samurai kamikaze war cry, didt have any swords though :D

    here some more experiments

    so guys, its not anywhere like finished yet, this is all the basic structure upon which i can now build.
    more to come..:jawdrop:
  2. Mosquito

    Mosquito Just 'Plane' Crazy

    24 Mar 2011
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    How can you stand all that sanding dust from the plywood? oof.

    Looking great so far. I've got a buddy who wants me to build him a custom wooden case including a monitor of about the same size. Think those glued pieces will be enough to support it long term? And are you worried about heat build up at all?
  3. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Looking good.:D Are you going for traditional or Hollywood Japanese look?
  4. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi mosquito, thanks it will change a lot though, it still hasnt got the aggressivene it will finally have when painted and et off with leather etc..
    the monitor itself is sitting or rather resting on the inner frame. the glued parts are just keeping it in place, not holding it. the outer frame with the speaker cutouts is decking the tft frame so that it looks as if its just looking through even though its actually resting on the inner one. in other words the backframe has a full sizedhole with the monitor hitting the fronwards frame and being held in place by the glued parts. hope you know what i mean.
    as far as heat is concerned, it will of course be ventlated as soon as i get to doing the backside and base foot which i havent started yet. ity my 16th casemod and 7th monitor so far and they are all well vented so far. remeber the old tube television sets, they were practically central heater units and the wood held through without any fans at all. i will still make sure it has a good airflof from the bottom to top when all the hardware is placed into it though, more to come thing ar gonna change a lot:thumb:
  5. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi cheapskate, thanks, am glad you like it. i can guarantee you though that its gonna change a real lot yet. am still busy with the main structure etc..
    the paintjob and other elements of chrome and leather is whats gonna make this baby shine.
    as far as th style is concerned, i guess its gonna be both. i am not sticking to a plan or style at all and its not a shogun or last samurai build but of course inspired by such films too.
    have researched a bit and am trying my best not to copy but to integrate elements.
    all is working out so far, lets see it eveolve over the next few weeks.
    more to come..:thumb:
  6. Editor22

    Editor22 E22 | Hex-Gear

    3 Jan 2009
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    ooo it looks soo good man!
  7. Mosquito

    Mosquito Just 'Plane' Crazy

    24 Mar 2011
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    Yeah, I think I get what you mean, and I think I see it now. I didn't catch that the mounting tabs on the monitor were further back from the front when I looked at it the first time. Thanks for the response :)
  8. Pranja

    Pranja Blackwolf

    18 Dec 2011
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    This is totally awesome. :)

    Only thing I didn't understand-is this going to be monitor or all in one pc?

    I see there is a lot of room inside housing.
  9. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    and you see right mate. but thats a question i would like to leave open.
    yes it will not solely be a monitor. the base will also house some hardware.
    please allow me to keep some surprises coming.:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop:
  10. dreps

    dreps Minimodder

    3 Oct 2012
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    sir you woodwork is amazing! just continue and let us enjoy his work :D
  11. Johnny71

    Johnny71 What's a Dremel?

    6 Jun 2012
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    Really cool!!
  12. dream1

    dream1 What's a Dremel?

    26 Feb 2011
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    third of the last pic is the best one :)
  13. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi dreps, glad you like it, here is some more.

    i want certain elemnts on this mod to look as if they are being held together with stirrups and leather laces type of strips which i am fabricating myself. they will be pulled through the little chrome eyelets which will be hammered into the holes which will be drilled in after painting.
    this way it should look as if its held together like for instance the leather and bamboo armour plates of samurai armour.

    these plates have about a cm of space behind the darker parts inbetween where i will place LEDS
    samurai helmets have horns, am gonna use that idea for the 4 front corners, here is the template and then the result
    remember, his is what the helmet initially looked like, and see what it looks like afterwards.
    this sawdust is killing me, sanding sanding sanding.
    of course i am taking the liberty of changing the design according to my own wishes a little.
    the chin guard will be elevated via laces or servo or maybe both later on to reveal or veil the camera which is placed as the mouth behind it.this is supposed to be one of the eye catchers when the case is finished
    i have to be very carefull because its all so delikate and filigrane, dont wann break anything before its mounted and painted. here am doing some of the fine work on the chin guard
    now its time to give it that scales plate look
    as you may have noticed all along the way, i am using no CAD or software to dimension and scale everything. its all in my imagination and reeled out on the fly. dont want to restrict myself and abide by a CAD sketch. i like the analog freedom of improvisatory liberty
    will reduce the ear wings a bit, they are too big
    and here a very essential element for the helmet crown, the shogun horns
    the front monitor frame is now fixed here, screwed on from behind so that i can cut out the speaker windows behind it.
    what i will also do while the front frame is temporarily fixed is set in the monitor front panel buttons and strip, dont worry you wont see much plastic afterwards, but i will use some of it from the original monitor frame.
    the middle strip which i left will hold the front cover which will have no frame and will be screwed from behind.
    a very important step, i checked to make sure the monitor is still working,,,,,,eehhhhaaaaaaaaaa it lives:rock::rock::rock:
    i salvaged some speakers from an old set, the amp is broken but the monitor has its own, so i just need the speakers.
    of course the speakers will be housed in an internal box behing the front window
    these boxes will be lit up with hidden leds when finished.
    more to come...
  14. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    Now THAT's 3D! :lol:

    Looking good man! :thumb:
  15. ferret141

    ferret141 Minimodder

    18 Oct 2010
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    Looking forward to the finish very much.

    What's the oscillating tool like to cut with vs a handheld jigsaw?

    ASPHIAX Minimodder

    1 Feb 2011
    Likes Received:
    Now that's a cool theme!
    Looks very good already !
  17. Vetalar

    Vetalar *learning english*

    21 Jun 2011
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    outstanding execution here!!!
  18. dreps

    dreps Minimodder

    3 Oct 2012
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    remarkable woddskilss bro!
  19. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    well i really think it worth investing in. have used it for other casemods too. depending on the work i like to use it or dremel trio for shapes.
  20. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    thanks guys, and here are some more pics of the latest developements.

    i made some more roofer stirrups for the top and bottom

    i milled the grooves in the stirrups for the leather strips which will hold them down later
    it was then time to unpack the swan camera, it will be placed under the helmet and the chin guard will veil and unveil it via a servo.
    the tricky part was getting the chin guard to move up and down, but being so filigrane and delikate was what i was worried about. didnt want it to break while being moved later., so i built a type of seesaw with a rear axle. this will be motorised internally later on. i will cover up the slits later on.
    i used birch wood, which is tougher for these fine mechanic parts
    used a coat hanger for the axle wire
    while the chin guard glue was drying i made these little test logos. can anyone read them
    so now its time to cover the camera properly and anhance the chin guard to cover the seesaw arm slits
    i made two larger side wall stirrups for the helmet plateau, i want that the helmet can be taken off easily afterwards, maybe magnetic or clip in or something, we will see
    they also needed the leather strap grooves too.
    thats all for now, will be sending more soon as i have time, tonight i will delve into my modder den again..:D
    Waynio and CMos like this.

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