Case Mod - In Progress gaming rig flashlight mod

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by siliconfanatic, 6 Jan 2013.

  1. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    soo... this is my first project log here on bit-tech:clap:
    well, i Should say the Start of my first log. I haven't begun modding the case yet as i have certain very regular time constraints which must be met. However, i have taken one or two steps in the right direction.

    The first thing i will be adding to this case is a flashlight PCB array. i have several of these so i will have the time to perfect the process.. Which currently consists of sex-wee-ing all over the PCB with solder and hot glue.

    The first step was actually cutting the reflector plate away from the dish part, as i don't want the light focused on one point, just none on the PCB. Here is the result of rather sloppy craftsmanship:


    The funnel part ended up being taken out as i couldn't cut it accurately enough. So just ignore that.
    a rather... shadowey pic of the back of the pcb:
    As you DON'T see, it has alot of stubby, pointy wire left over from the solder job, and a visible, bulky spring which is a hindrance for where it'll be going. its gotta go, too.

    POOF! Now you can't see a d@mn thing:D:eyebrow: I need to take better pics for the kind of incredibly good camera I've got.
    I also sanded the bumpy(er) edges of the PCB to further reduce the risk of lost skin and sticking myself in the finger. I am using a diamond-grit sander, currently.

    Next, I hot-glued four pieces of foam to the PCB. and my pinky and index finger together. [​IMG]

    Hot glue, we have plenty of. And super glue. which ended up forming a thin layer over all my fingers when i tried super gluing one of the foam pieces, and finding out, whilst it was running across my fingers, that after years of having it, we had finally run out of C.A kicker. No matter, skin just luuuuuvs hot glue :eyebrow:
    to finish off the lens part of this, i hot-glued the plastic lens to the foam "spokes"

    Finally, since there will be no springs, i soldered a ring of copper to the four solder-bumps on the pcb:

    First update to this coming next time i get an hour alone, folks!:)
  2. Guest-89078

    Guest-89078 Guest

    What's that going to be lighting up? :D
  3. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    That's going to be going into my planned casemod. Once i can get enough money, which will be shortly :)
  4. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    I can now officially say this case will be watercooled. Cpu will be wc'd more certain than death or taxes. Chipset is still up in the air. Graphics, well, yes. Only the gpu though. The rest will be cooled with a self made dual or maybe triple slot shroud. What the shroud will be is a surprise thatll have to wait till i can get the engineering etc down pat. Gonna be more than plenty of radiator goodness, just a matter of getting the components. I might be able to start odering come feb. 20th if grades permit so stay tuned for that bit.
  5. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    looking forwards to this buddy
  6. siliconfanatic

    siliconfanatic Johny-come-Lately

    10 Sep 2012
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    thankee :D was starting to feel lonely :rolleyes: gonna put up the mk2 as soon as its finished. figured out the outermost led shroud(the "pretty" one) could be taken off the rest of the flashlight. gonna use that as right now it looks a tad sloppy as it is.

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