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Multi Battleborn

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Hex, 14 Apr 2016.

  1. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Battleborn is in open beta right now (until 15:00 BST/14:00 UTC/07:00 PDT on April 18th) on Steam, XB1 and PS4!

    It's Gearbox's answer to the current "hero shooter" trend. Very much an FPS, but with MOBA elements.


    Set in the distant future, you’re fighting to save the last star in the universe. You have 25 heroes – each with wildly different personalities, powers, and play styles – at your disposal as you dip into the action-packed Story Mode or go 5 v 5 in Competitive Multiplayer matches. Experience the natural progression of the game as you rank up and unlock new heroes, skins, taunts, Helix mutations, and more during the Battleborn Open Beta. (Read more...)


    I played the closed beta on PC and I'm playing the open beta on PC and XB1 at the moment. Leaning towards XB1 just because it's more practical for me to use a controller and I don't have to set everything down to low just so I can hear myself think (my fans are so loud)! Never having played MOBAs before I'm enjoying Meltdown more than Incursion as I actually understand what I'm doing! Not entirely sure I like that I can win a match for our team by spawning giant minions and escorting them, but the end score screen looks like I did nothing! Still not sure what counts towards 'score'...
  2. wiggles

    wiggles Minimodder

    9 Jun 2010
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    Tried it.

    Just didn't work for me, crashed every time.

    Would like to test it. Can't see me paying for it without having played it before though. The competition from Overwatch will obviously be interesting.
  3. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    That sucks :/ Did you check their forums to find any solutions?

    The game comes out in about 5 days, so no more betas!

    I also thought Overwatch would compete with Battleborn way back when they were both announced, but now... not so much. Overwatch is straight up Blizzard makes TF2. Battleborn has single player/co-op as well as the multiplayer. I'm looking forward to finally playing Overwatch myself in the upcoming open beta, but it's just too expensive for me to get when I don't even touch TF2 any more. Battleborn being Gearbox will likely end up in some crazy sales.

    Last edited: 28 Apr 2016
  4. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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    I played it while in CB and it got very boring, very quick probably due to limited content (just the two maps)
  5. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    I've seen a few people say that and if it's not your thing, it's not your thing. I could not get the hang of it in the closed beta. I found it fun when I was doing well, but frustrating that I didn't fully 'get' it. Not sure what clicked by the time the open beta came around though because I couldn't stop playing. I loved it. In a perfect world, I'd get both games. Maybe sales will mean I can one day.
  6. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    cdkeys has overwatch for under £30 for origins edition
  7. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Overwatch and Battleborn 2 games that will struggle. Battleborn is a online version of borderlands and plays very similar.

    Maps on the beta are fun is it worth £50+ with season pass probably not.

    Overwatch is TF2 made by blizzard. Its fun but not sure why people would bother unless you really want the overwatch characters.
  8. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    A friend just surprised me with a Steam copy of Battleborn :rock: Got it pre-loading now. Australian friends are already playing it - damn them! These are the times the game unlocks for various regions:

    Auckland, NZ - May 3 at 5:00AM NZST
    Sydney, AUS - May 3 at 3:00AM AEST
    Hong Kong - May 3 at 1:00AM HKT
    Moscow - May 3 at 1:00AM MSK
    Paris - May 3 at 12:00AM CEST
    London - May 2 at 11:00PM BST
    New York - May 3 at 12:00AM EDT
    San Francisco - May 2 at 9:00PM PDT
    Japan - May 19 at 2:00AM JST

    I really hope Gearbox stick with how they've planned free and paid DLCs. Seems the best way to do it imo. The plan is for all characters and multiplayer maps to be free DLC for everyone, then PvE missions and skins/taunts to be paid DLC. I never want to go through the hell of split player-base like we had in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood ever again!
  9. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Played with friends on stream for about 8hrs last night. Lots of fun! We mainly did story missions and found Advanced with Hardcore is kind of tricky! You get into a false sense of security with some missions and then it becomes "OMG THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" Advanced was definitely better than Normal and you get better loot, but I can't say we found the loot any better on Hardcore.

    I still need to play lots of Meltdown as I am dying to get my Galilea back. I loved her in the open beta.
  10. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Finished the campaign last night with friends and, apart from The Saboteur (on Advanced with 5 people), it was really fun! :D Apparently Gearbox are aware of the issues with The Saboteur on Advanced, it's insane how easy it was to gold on Normal. We couldn't even finish it on Advanced!

    Another pain is how we didn't get Kleese because we only played one mission on Normal, the rest were Advanced :rolleyes: So now we have to silver everything again on Normal for him (his unlock shows 1/8). Meltdown (PvP) is definitely getting harder now people are learning that player kills don't matter and it's all about the minions and just how useful buildables like the accelerators are.

    I only have Kleese and Ghalt left to unlock. Still loving Galilea, she's by far my favourite. With good team mates she absolutely wrecks in PvP too <3
    Last edited: 6 May 2016
  11. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    The first Battleplan (12th May 2016) is out:


    The changes look pretty decent. Galilea, Miko and ISIC are first to get nerfed in the small hotfix. There's also info from a Q&A with Jythri (Randy Varnell) https://www.reddit.com/r/Battleborn..._jythri_creative_director_on_a_twitch/d2zzmkx worth a look.

    Hotfixes to change things like numbers should come out weekly on Wednesdays or Thursdays;
    Patches for larger game changes will come out monthly (or more frequently depending on certification);
    Changes to scoring are coming, it won't be as focused on K/D/A (THANK YOU GBX);
    Changes to Marquis and Kleese on the way;
    Map toe-traps being addressed in a future patch;
    The matchmaking is using hidden (for now) ELO (though it's slightly different on XB1) but it isn't working quite right, so they're looking into changes.
  12. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Battleborn has sort of gone Free to Play at last! It's called a Free trial, but it isn't time limited. You just have a limited selection of Heroes available that rotate each week. Honestly, the game is loads of fun, they just didn't market it at all and everyone thought it was like Overwatch. It's nothing like it. It's a MOBA!


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