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Rant Razor wire

Discussion in 'General' started by Ryu_ookami, 19 Jun 2008.

  1. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    Does anyone in the Uk know the name of a hardware store that sells razor wire and anti-vandal proof paint (somewhere like B+Q) as I need to put some across the garden gate and fence as some little **** decided to break into my garden shed last night and now the other half is terrified some one will try to break in to the house when she's here by herself.

    It looks like I'm going to have to put up some security lights as well.

    I'm not to impressed that I had to call the police out at 3.15 am either and if I every catch the little ******* that did it he will be falling down the stairs several times before I call the police. as every one round here knows how the little twats are (theres a family around here that are a bunch of druggies and petty criminals) but no one every does anything about them. they were all meant to be evicted a while back but no the courts decided to let them stay in their home.
  2. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    Get a shotgun and some elephant rounds or something, it's what people do around here :p
  3. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    I'm in the Uk the government has the capacity for logical thinking of a 3 year old where guns are concerned they seem to think that outlawing guns and having gun and knife amnesty's will stop gun crime they never seem to realise that its only the people who wouldn't use them that hand them in.

    a criminal isn't going to hand a gun in but the 80 year old widow whose husband served in WW1 etc will purely because they found it under the bed.

    man I'm starting to hate this country its now full of chavs and scum that need to be taken down a dark alley and have some common courtesy beaten into them.
    mvagusta likes this.
  4. Amon

    Amon inch-perfect

    1 Jun 2007
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    I don't think something as special and dangerous as barbed wire would be sold at major hardware outlets, maybe because it's, functionally, a variation of passive proactive defense equipment (i.e.: land mines, bear traps, sharpened/lanced walls).


    You know what?

    Just lay a bed of sharpened jacks on your lawn. The little twink would certainly not get far when attempting to flee the scene with a dozen caltrops embedded in his soles.
  5. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    It used to be traditional to embed chunks of broken glass in the top of high brick walls, but that may be legally problematic now.
    You may wish to investigate your nearest farming/country supplies place for anti-trespass equipment like wire fencing etc.
  6. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    I have no idea where its sold but the police officer agreed that it would be a good idea and confirmed that it would be legal to do so I'll be ringing B+Q, Wilkinson's, and Homebase and anywhere else I can think of in the morning. To be honest I couldn't care less about the stuff thats in the shed but the thought of someone breaking in when I'm not here has the GF terrified so If it means turning the place into a mini fort Knox to make her feel safe again then so be it and if some one gets hurt when/if they try it again then I hope

    A. Its permanent/fatal

    B. a lesson they never forget.

    c. if not permanent or fatal then painful enough to make them think twice before they ever try it again.

    As for the legal ramifications concerning my home security arrangements if someone does get hurt I'll sort those out with a smug grin on my face knowing that the toerags deserved it.

    Also before anyone starts talking about children being hurt by accident be aware that I have a 2 meter high gate and fence and its there that I want to attach the barbed wire to on the inside of the fence and gate at the top so theres no chance of a child reaching that high.

    Yeah we did ask the officer about the glass on the wall trick but apparently its now illegal.
  7. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Homebase Razorwire sounds like an interesting product. does it come in orange?

    seriously, please think twice before taking any recommendation, just get a very large aggressive dog (mastiffs make excellent guard dogs) and make him live outside, and feed him twice a week. that would make anything stupid enough to come into your garden regret it.

    or simpler enough one of those motion sensitive lights, wire it up inside your shed however replace the lamp with a 120db power sounder from maplins and an led light (because its more eco friendly LAWL).

    the poor ******* will be deaf and blind.
    mvagusta likes this.
  8. smashie

    smashie Cupid Stunt

    2 Jan 2003
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    Look at it from the other side, if you turn the place into a mini fort knox then you are declaring to all and sundry that you have something 'special' to protect (well as far as the little toe rags are concerned). A pir light on the back of the house shining onto the shed is normally enough of a deterrent to the opportunistic gits that break into sheds.

    Using barbed or razor wire will make you fall foul of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984. Which in it's basic forms says that if you are aware of a danger or have reasonable grounds to believe that it exists, then the liability for any injury will fall squarely in you.


  9. Ramble

    Ramble Ginger Nut

    5 Dec 2005
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    You could get sharpened sticks of bamboo and some barbed twigs and stick them there. It looks a bit nicer and no legal troubles since you can just pretend it's a garden feature.
  10. airchie

    airchie What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2005
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    I have to agree that this country is going to sh*t.

    Why can't we have some politicians with some backbone who will take the steps everyone wants.
    Like stop making prisons like 5-star hotels etc.
  11. CobraMods

    CobraMods Gettin there slowly

    28 Mar 2008
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    eh i was told by the local council i couldnt put razor or barbed wire around our garden fence. was primarily to keep the damn foxes out of the yard but according to them in dagenham its illegal to use as if someone were to be "forced" to climb the fence they would get hurt and i would be liable for any damages incurred. stupid assed country.
    when i was in the states i could have bought a small caliber rifle for peanuts to protect my home and yard.. here apparently you have to let who/what ever into your property for fear of hurting them would cause a lawsuit.
  12. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    Where in Ipswich are you?

    oh and my vote is for thick grease
  13. Oreon_237

    Oreon_237 CHEA BRO!

    11 Dec 2007
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    if you ever get the razor wire, you're going to want to make it electric, not only will it cut them it will sear their freshly cut wounds, and make the toughest men cry like little girls. the way my neighborhood is going, id think id like to have some form of protection like razor wire too!
  14. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    Near Nacton Rd had't thought grease may be a good idea do you think some form of car grease will do as theres a shop selling car parts just over the road.

    the occupiers act states that you are responsible for any injury some one receives even if they don't have permission to be on the property UNLESS adequate signs are put up so adequate signs will be put up only its going to be on the inside of the fence facing towards the shed because until they put they feet on my side of the fence its not my problem and I've just ordered a 500 watt pir lamp from homebase its being delivered tomorrow. I'm still looking for something casually sharp to attach to the gate though.
    Last edited: 19 Jun 2008
  15. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    You could approach it like my friends disabled mother, she started her own poisonous plant nursery, which deterred everything.
  16. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Anti-theft devices only every prevent people who aren't determined enough to start with in my experience. Either way, grab some barbed wire at your nearest farm supplies store, or go crazy inventive and create a very cheap solar powered electric fence around the top of your fence, with the charging panel nicely inside the perimeter.

    To be honest though, it won't help massively. Anyone wanting to get in will just cut the barbed wire, avoid the electric or wait until you're out and then kick the gate in.

    Grease or something is a good idea. Fingerprint the bugger. And be sure to UV mark all your stuff.

    Posion plants is a good one. Grow poison ivy across the top of your hedge or fence. Unlike with barbed wire, some little oik just plainly won't know what it looks like. Great idea.
  17. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    bigger and spikier the bush, with milky white sap, the nicer the flowers will be in summer :)

    i can get the names of a few irritant hair bushes/plants which will be fun for whoever wants to step in the flower beds. I remember sitting in my mates kitchen and a chav hopping over the fence into a selection of fine horticulture examples and promptly turning around and hopping back over the fence to probably put pressure on the nhs to find out why most of his skin was itching/flaking off.

    needless to say uncontrolled fits of laughter followed him.
  18. FuzzyOne


    19 Sep 2002
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    Axel grease, it smells bad, next to impossible to remove, and some chav getting axel grease all over there nike trakkie bottoms will likely give up, tho you might get dog **** thru your letterbox :nono:

    Other than that I would move, nacton's a shitty area, not that most of Ipswich is any better
  19. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    get a proper metal post box then, so they cant put flaming stuff through it.
  20. TheCherub

    TheCherub Minimodder

    16 Sep 2007
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    With regards Razer Wire, you can install it, but you do need to have a sign up warning of it.

    My Dad (tree surgeon) came across something similar with a fairly wealthy client a little while back. The guys house was very close to the heart of Chester, but on the main route back from town to one of the rougher estates. The guy had applied for planning permission to build a 2-3m high spiked fence around the property, and the official council response was no because "someone trying to break in might hurt themselves". My Dad's solution was much more elegant; a large Blackthorn hedge around the property. Looks nice, is completely legal, and the spikes are bloody huge (worse than Hawthorn). Seriously, you would have to be one determined burglar to want to go through it.

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