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Obama becomes the 44th president

Discussion in 'Serious' started by woof82, 5 Nov 2008.

  1. Thacrudd

    Thacrudd Where's the any key?!?

    27 Oct 2006
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    I just loved how he wasn't staring at a teleprompter or looking at Que cards. It really looked like he meant it, and that he's intelligent enough to make his own statements, not someone else's. I really have faith in him, as do many others. You just hear it. You can feel it that people want him to succeed and think that he will. I for some reason feel this is the most powerful election I've ever witnessed and I don't think he'll let us down. GOPs won't feel that for a while, but I hope it will bring unity to the naysayers and believers. Nexxo, you weren't wrong in your statement, you were just the one to express the thought in the back of everyones mind, wether they wanted to believe it or not.
  2. skpstr

    skpstr What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2004
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    When I woke up this morning and heard the news that Obama had won I had an overwhelming feeling of relief, which, quite frankly, took me a bit by surprise. But thinking on it possibility of that Palin woman being one step away from the job of one of the most powerful individuals in the world actually scared me!!!

    All I have to say is :thumb: to the American public, I can now sleep easier at night. :D
  3. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    I said it before and I'll say it again:


    EDIT: Also, for the first time in my life, I believe an apology is due. I might have criticised the general public of America, at a time when I thought a Republican victory was due. But apparently they turned things around and now, they have a man in the White House who looks like he might turn things around slightly. I retract my earleir statement that 'All Americans are backwards hicks'.

    I also apologise to the McBush McCain administration. While I do admire John McCain as a person who loves his country, I might not have expressed this at times. I'm afraid I can't make the same apology to Sarah Palin, who remains an idiot.

    God, I wish we had a cooler Prime Minister... old Gordon doesn't seem dynamic enough anymore...
    Last edited: 5 Nov 2008
  4. MikeTitan

    MikeTitan Ling Ling: 273 Battle Points

    4 Mar 2003
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    You know that is the first thing I thought after he won >>

    On a side note, I am glad he won.

    Also, he has hax when giving speeches. They're fun to listen to and he does it really well. I think he has the get up and go to get people involved and moving.
  5. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    It is and it isn't. In the context of the rest of the world, having a black (or woman, or whatever) head of state doesn't seem that interesting. It seems we're still a bit behind the curve in that regard. But yes, it's quite an achievement for this country.

  6. mctigger

    mctigger What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2007
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    I have been thinking that for...well since gordon got the job.

    I have a funny feeling that labor will be voted out at our next general election, I'm not a great fan of david cameron aswell, but i think he may be better than brown at the job, but time shall tell i geuss.

    When is the next general election anyway? next year?
  7. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    It is not so much that; it is how he got there: as a result of a massive, concerted turnout of people ready to try something that departs from the relative comfort of the devil-you-know to try something altogether different, at a time of uncertainty that makes you want to hide under the duvet covers instead.

    McCain would have been the easy option.

    I think he'll suck epically. But the Tories may just get a bout of inspiration here and totally re-invent themselves (New Conservatives?). In any case...

    I don't think we'll see one soon. New Labour doesn't want voters to get the idea that they can simply change a government that they are unhappy with by voting for the other party.
  8. TheCherub

    TheCherub Minimodder

    16 Sep 2007
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    When did Broon ever seem dynamic?
  9. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    That is true. That's also why I'm hoping the momentum continues. Hopefully people will be inspired to make a few changes on a more personal level, and not just relinquish all their responsibilities to the new guy. Obama can't solve any of the problems on his own, and we'll see soon enough, when all the dust settles, if my fellow Americans can hold up their end of the bargain.

  10. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I'll foolishly answer that rhetorical question - NEVER! Mwaha.
    Yes, British politicians are such wet flannels of human beings, aren't they? I've never seen one speak and thought I could actually respect him or her enough to hold a conversation with them. They're such shameless bull**** peddlers, so totally lacking in charisma, dignity...I don't know, you can't put a nail on precisely why our political arena is so shameful compared to those of most other nations. We're just petty and bogged down by pedantic, small-minded arguments about irrelevant issues...

    We need an Obama! Our own personal one.
  11. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    Giving credit where it is due (like anyone can get credit in thie economy), Gordon Brown is an economist and it hasd been his ideas and leadership that got the world governments moving together in the same direction. The US bolloxed it up as usual (We give money to banks to make loans and they use it to give their executives bonuses) but he seems to have had the right idea at the right time. Right now, a really bright, even if boring, guy who knows money may be just what we need.
  12. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    The Credit Crunch saved Gordon Brown's political ass. All of a sudden a crisis occurred in which he could demonstrate his abilities. I wouldn't see Cameron do anything effective...
  13. Haramzadeh

    Haramzadeh Son of Sin

    8 Sep 2008
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    Congratulations America!!! You finally have a real leader after 8 years of terror and failure!

    Suck it. :)
  14. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Careful, now. That's half the united states; are you sure you want to announce open season on your genitals to that many people? :)
  15. Haramzadeh

    Haramzadeh Son of Sin

    8 Sep 2008
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    Being black is only really part of the "amazingness". Fact is America hasn't had a inspirational leader like this since Kennedy (Reagan I guess too). This is a brilliant man who is one of the most eloquent speakers I have ever seen. Contrasted with Mccain or Bush it's so strikingly different. He's also a balanced, progressive and liberal individual who doesn't stoke hatred and division but genuine respect and inclusiveness.

    He is not really a president but truly a symbol of a new era. He's the world's first multicultural leader that trancends so many tribal and ethnic divisions. He belongs to no existing 'clan' on earth. And now he is the most powerful man on earth, both figuratively and technically.

    I think the whole 'furst black prez!' thing really bellittles a much greater and overarching moment that really transcends race.

    Over the last 8 years and this Mccain campaign, the Republicans have shown themselves to be a party of hatred, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, religious extremism, warmongering and general venom of all sorts. After the personal attacks and bile that they spewed against Obama this campaign I don't think anyone with any sense can ever respect that intellectually and morally bankrupt corpse of a political machine ever again.
  16. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    I agree, Haramzadeh. Some of the things you mentioned are reasons why I voted for Obama. When I made the comment that you quoted, I meant to agree that Obama's election to the presidency is a great achievement. Even so, there is a lot of attention to the whole notion that we "finally elected a black man." I'm ready for us to move past that.

    It was very telling to see McCain give his concession speech to a very small group people, then switch over to Grant Park in Chicago to the hundreds of thousands of people who showed up to hear Obama speak. That speaks volumes about how he is able to motivate.

  17. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    I disagree.

    In American politics saying "never" gaurentees you're wrong. The democrats will be ascendent over the next 8-12 years, the economy will get better and things will stabilize. I think the Palin wing of the republican party will become dominant over the next 4 years but be defeated in an even greater landslide in 2012. By 2016 or 2020 the republicans will re-invent themselves, the congress will switch sides and sooner or later the republicans will re-take power. To do this they need to find a way to appeal to the latin vote and a few other ascendant constituencies they have lost.

    Fundamentally though, the reason the republicans will eventually regain power is greed. Sooner or later people will get back to a place where they aren't afraid for their immediate financial future and once again focus on not being comfortable, but rather on getting rich. People who believe they will someday soon be wealthy vote republican.

    I also anticipate a potential backlash against the efforts necessary to combat global warming. The consequences of it are too abstract for most people to grasp but the costs will be very concrete.

    If President Obama is going to get one flagship issue through a democratic congress, I hope it's health care.
  18. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    I don't know if it's been pointed out but Obama isn't the president of the united states so technically he isn't the first black president YET.

    He is however the first black president-elect. He doesn't become the first black president until he is sworn in apparently that's happening on 20th January 09. I'm not saying this to rain on any ones parade or to cause an argument or anything I'm just curious. does this mean that bush is still president until 20th of January and if so whats to stop him making some truly horrendous decisions between now and then.

    as you may have guessed I don't know that much about the way the American presidents change office so I thought I would ask.
  19. Haramzadeh

    Haramzadeh Son of Sin

    8 Sep 2008
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    Well I was speaking of the Republican party as is. Who knows about the future.

    Well, sure the Republicans will reinvent themselves. They will have to find a way to appeal to minorities and non-whites. America is an increasingly diverse nation and tying yourself to the most racist and bigoted parts of the country as your "base" will be less and less feasible as time progresses and America diversifies. At the end of the day, the whole "America is a center-right" nation seems to be less and less relevant. America's increasing multi-ethnic makeup benefits the liberal left in the long run.
  20. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Picky, picky, picky. :p

    It is very unlikely that Bush will pull some Martial Law stunt to stay in charge (and his administration won't let him --not unless it wants to see some truly epic rioting). He has already made his concession speech. I think he's actually glad it's all over. They got the oil contracts in Iraq all sealed up, so it's mission accomplished.

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