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News Prince of Persia PC is DRM-free

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 15 Dec 2008.

  1. WildThing

    WildThing Minimodder

    26 Jul 2007
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    Triple pack you say, I've been looking for something like that for a while, where did you see it?

    Can we expect a review for the PC version from Bit-Tech?
  2. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    did i say that you said it does work?

    i took your words, that were true, and gave them some extra content, that i believe is true.

    the final phrase should be something like:

    "This will be pirated to hell like all games, the people who say DRM forces people to pirate are full of it, DRM is flawed and does not work and should be reworked into something that works."

    i should add that some games do force you to pirate so you can play them, either that or use the dvd as a coaster and go buy another one.
  3. Teq

    Teq What's a Dremel?

    11 Aug 2008
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    If its DRM free then I shall buy it just to prove a point :p
  4. Muaadib

    Muaadib What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2008
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    First all i want to say that i dont endorse piracy, but...

    I live in Sudan, we have absolutely no original games on sale here, the last one i found was a used Heroes of Might & Magic 3, i would really like to buy my games but the only way i could do that is when i go on vacation to uk or anywhere else, and that happens once every 3 years or so.

    I dont consider pirating games where there is no market to be hurtful to the developers or publishers, as they have no profit coming from those places whatsoever, sometimes it becomes good, i found Ubisoft when i played a pirated version of the original POP, then i looked at their catalog and liked what i saw, the next trip to uk i bought 5 original ubisoft games. that's a profit from piracy...

    dont misunderstand me, piracy is still wrong, but sometimes it can be of use...
  5. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    ive ordered it, even if you cant die it might be a game to pass some time on xmas day, oh cmon since when has xmas tv been decent?
  6. n3mo

    n3mo What's a Dremel?

    15 Oct 2007
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    Well, if it really will be DRM-free I will certainly buy it. Not that I'm interested in the actual game, but to make a statement.
  7. dyzophoria

    dyzophoria Minimodder

    3 May 2004
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    the problem is even if we all want to make a statement about DRM, a large percentage of people that download it illegally are just a bunch of free loaders, enjoying free stuff, its sad, and its the truth. the irony is that it will only prove that the developers are correct and still use the annoying DRM, if they want some DRM on the games, do the normal original cd-key bit, let go of those annoying 3 installs on a single machine policy. if they can only sell their games cheaper, then hopefully, that could change a thing or two imho.
  8. mmorgue

    mmorgue What's a Dremel?

    16 Feb 2005
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    I have no interest in the PoP series...

    But I will go and buy a copy and have a go, just because there's no DRM! :clap:
  9. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    do yourself a favour and buy sands of time first.
  10. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    If they really wanted to try out the whole DRM thing... why didn't they just release a DRM-free and a DRM'd version of the game and see which one sells better?

    I know this will never happen and might be not the best idea in history but if you really want to compare...
  11. eternum

    eternum *blam* shotgun fanhole

    14 Oct 2007
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    I'm surprised as hell that they don't even have a cd key or require the disc in the drive. When they said DRM free, they certainly didn't screw around! I hope it pays off for them as I'd like to see other companies follow suit. I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that the numbers will look like any other recent game. The sales to people who buy it solely for it's DRM free goodness should do well to offset the lost sales from it's complete and utter lack of protection, and the number of pirated copies will be quite high like any other game out there (PC or otherwise).

    I honestly think the lack of a cd key is a bit overboard, but kudos to Ubi for having the balls to try it. Just crossing my fingers it won't backfire. As for me, I'll head out to buy a copy in the next few days.
  12. pendragon

    pendragon I pickle they

    14 May 2004
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    I applaud their lack of DRM, however I'm somewhat conflicted about buying this game on principle. I fully expect, from their pessimistic comments, that they will turn right around and slap DRM on their future titles, citing incorrect assumptions about sales lost to pirates. I dunno.. I'll do the wait-n-see I guess.
  13. Project_Nightmare

    Project_Nightmare What's a Dremel?

    14 Oct 2006
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    IMHO, I doubt I would affect pirating that much. But on the other side, they saved money not using the DRM
  14. DriftCarl

    DriftCarl Minimodder

    2 Nov 2004
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    If this is pirated and downloaded roughly the same amount of times as your average "8" score game, then it will just prove DRM is a pointless waste of money. Games, if they have DRM or not are often put out there the same day, a few days later or sometimes before their official release.

    If some 15 year old cant afford the game but wants to play it, then they WILL download it. All DRM is doing is wasting developers money that could be spent better creating a better gaming experience.
    Game studios/publishers really need to catch up with the rest of the social internet. The success of most games nowadays are based on great online communities. If a publisher can create a decent enjoyable online community with which to interact and enhance the game that is being sold, then that game has a better chance of making money.

    Valve has done a good job in my opinion on their steam product, it seems to have sold huge amounts of games, I personally have bought many games via steam simply because its so easy and that I can compete against my friends.

    The achievements systems in some communities now are proving popular too.

    It might be easy to pirate a game thats played "offline", but it seems harder to pirate the online component of games, especially when there is an account involved in it that someone actually might care about.
  15. AltruiSisu

    AltruiSisu Yep

    29 Oct 2008
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    my sentiments exactly.

    being the 'first' to openly do this with a 'tried and true' game series (i'm assuming here, as i've heard quite a bit about the PoP games, but have never played them) may reap huge benefits.
  16. dylAndroid

    dylAndroid is human?

    31 Mar 2008
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    Not to play the devil's advocate, but...

    Whether a game is pirated zero times, or ten million times, does not necessarily make any impact on the financial success of the game. What matters is sales.

    If a person pirates a game who would not have otherwise purchased it, there is no lost opportunity, no economic harm. If the person would have purchased the title, but did not because they have a pirated version, then yes, that does hurt the publishers. However, supplemented a company's base of customers with legitimate copies with other people with pirated copies can open up a greater market -- people who would never have gotten the game may be exposed to it only because of piracy, and then buy a legitimate version, thus leading to piracy helping a company.

    I am not advocating for piracy. Personally I'm a big fan of purchasing all my software and media. But it's important for people to understand that any executive that claims that piracy is simply hurting their business either does not understand their own market, or is not painting an honest picture. Of course, this is understandable, as companies tend to not be comfortable with giving society the message that it's ok to play their game without paying them.

    There was a study of the music industry in the early 2000's. It found that while the record companies were blaming MP3 downloads with decline in their profits and revenue, that had almost no affect in reality. Instead, the economic decline in that period lead to a shortage of jobs for teenagers and young adults, causing a decrease in their disposable income, which removed much of the market the record labels were trying to sell to at that time.

    Extrapolating to today's game market, we can expect to see an increase in piracy, and a decrease in game sales. Not because of piracy, but because a lot of people are going to be hurting for money for a while. On the other hand, recessions can increase demand for escapist expenditures like booze, which may be a saving grace for computer games.
  17. roshan

    roshan What's a Dremel?

    23 Aug 2008
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    since it checks no dvd.,i buy it.ggod work
  18. bowman

    bowman Minimodder

    7 Apr 2008
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    Haha, no. I buy games that I think I'll like. If I don't think I'll like them I don't give them the courtesy of a home on my hard drive, piracy or not.

    If you have the bandwidth to torrent a game you have the bandwidth to buy it on Steam..
  19. Muaadib

    Muaadib What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2008
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    well that would be a little hard to do considering there are no methods of payment (paypal, credit cards) here too...
  20. r4tch3t

    r4tch3t hmmmm....

    17 Aug 2005
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    I too may end up buying this just because of the lack of DRM. I was greatly looking forward to Spore and was going to get GTAIV but due to the DRM I will not be getting those games. I love Steam, it has DRM implemented in a way that is non invasive, but helpful, I like to have all my games listed in a single place and having all the updates applied automatically without having to search for a patch and then trying to figure out if I need to apply patch b before patch c etc.

    So Ubisoft, you can count an extra copy bought due to no DRM that would not have been sold if you had included DRM.
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