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Doodling is a real crime, and should be treated as such

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Malvolio, 28 Feb 2010.

  1. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    yeah if you ever see a cop with that crazy look in his eyes.. just look away! let the monkey think he's superior

    same here dark.. I used to spend alot of time in 7th hour with all the stoners lol getting arrested for drawing on a table- I mean that kind of thing is built into the schools budget pretty much

    one funniest things I seen.. remember our english teacher in 11th grade was this totally strait mouthwash breath with coke bottle glasses.. he leaned over one of the red headed kids- and this kid was strait crazy.. I mean certified nuts- like earlier in the class he was marching back and forth in the back of the classroom rofl

    then our teacher made him sit down.. put his hand on his shoulder and said in his mouthwash breath- I know you can do better lance.. he exploded and said the teacher touched him.. I laughed so hard got sent down to the office too

    this principle you gotta wonder if he grew up sheltered in private school or something.. at the most suspension would be enough :yawn:
  2. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    If she left her name on it surely she's so innocent that she had no idea it was wrong and simply needed to be told not to? Look around at benches, trees, stumps, basically anything in a public park and you will see engravings and writing just like hers. She probably thought it was perfectly fine to do so on her desk. It's not like bullying where a child should know through common morals that it is bad. Hopefully she's so young and innocent that this doesn't breed any misdirected hate towards the law in general.
  3. Akava

    Akava Lurking...

    28 Jul 2007
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    Once again a police officer, someone we are meant to respect and, as a child, look up to, going waaay over the top. I mean seriously, cuffing a 12 year old girl!? WTF!
  4. ou7blaze

    ou7blaze sensational.

    5 May 2003
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    We've done worse things in school and ended up with Friday's and even Saturday's but ARREST? What is this? But of course it had to happen in the US. I'm surprised they haven't swapped out regular policemen with US Marines.
  5. null_x86

    null_x86 Thread Closer

    18 Jan 2009
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    I did something simliar at that age (6th grade) and all I got was 3 Days In school suspension and had to clean off the desk. Hell, I did worse then that the year after that and I didnt get hauled to the police station. Gotta love the states.
  6. wgy

    wgy What's a Dremel?

    28 Jul 2008
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    setting an example of one teen in such a mannor has an extremely detremental effect on the respect for authority and law across that generation.

    this i know from experience.
  7. Pieface

    Pieface Modder

    8 Mar 2009
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    I'm thankful of the smoking ban. You may not like it if you smoke, but why should I have to put up with the smell, and the actual smoke when I choose myself not to smoke.
  8. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I'm just waiting for employers to stop offering smoke breaks. Not sure if it's a legal requirement to allow smoke breaks or anything, but the couple places I've worked have certainly allowed smoke breaks. Last employer specifically offered 10 minute breaks every two hours, with an additional 5 minutes if you smoked. In protest, I would always take 15 minute breaks. An unhealthy addiction should not be praised with extra break time.

    Though more on topic and adding to "story time", can't say I've ever seen anything worse for punishment than simply having to clean up the mess, maybe an hour long detention for chronic offenders who are particularly vulgar or lewd. Otherwise, scribbling on desks is just what kids do, and indeed the creativity and expressiveness of it should be fostered. Once the desk has been cleaned the first course of action should be giving that kid some paper to get some proper art started.
  9. Pieface

    Pieface Modder

    8 Mar 2009
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    There's a coffee shop where I work, I work all the way through and don't get any breaks. I get paid for it so it's fair. Everyone else who works over there smokes, gets a 10 minute smoke about every 2 hours, so 30 minute breaks. The thing is they don't get that 30 minutes deducted from their paycheck, yet I work those 30 minutes and get the same pay as them.
  10. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    I say we have a ban on vegetarianism, or at the very least their gaseous expulsions, as I simply cannot stand the smell of it, and feel it may be detrimental to my health! After all, these noxious emissions that I'm forced to breath everywhere I go consist of such poisons as: Ammonia, Hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane.

    I feel that it should be passed into law that these odorous offenders be forced to only expel their airy wastes in a designated, well-ventilated area as a transition to their eventual complete banning. While there may not be any unanimous scientific agreement that second-hand-flatulence directly causes cancer, I know that it does; anything that smells that bad has to cause cancer!

    So join me, my brethren, in making this a safe world for all of us with fully-operational olfactory systems.
  11. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I don't see how your parody of Pieface's complaint makes smoking any safer, or secondhand smoke any less dangerous.

    Of course, this is the part that any smoker will try to avoid talking about. Good luck trying to claim that cigarette smoke doesn't harm people's respiratory systems. Even harmless materials can cause medical issues when they get caught in people's lungs, and cigarette smoke is far from harmless. Getting just lung cancer with no other respiratory illness from continued exposure would be lucky.
  12. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    What I've said does not directly cause smoking or second hand smoke to become any less dangerous (for a given amount of "dangerous"). It is a parody.


    So, you're saying we should ban harmless materials, because they can cause harm? I feel like you've not understood your own argument to make a statement like that...
  13. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    It's a parody meant to illustrate a point. I think you are poking fun at the over-controlling nanny State; Pieface says that your comparison is not valid: you cannot compare smoking (which may affect others's health) to doodling (which does not).

    Nice website, but somewhat contradictory. Although it lambasts WHO smoking studies for being partial, it then raises as counter-argument studies by e.g. the National Oakridge Labs, which itself has interesting ties with the tobacco industry. So it's a bit like the Climate Change debate: everyone's got their own crusade, nobody is capable of objectivity.

    I think that the same could be said for you. Let's back away from the ashtray, and get back on to your original point about governmental over-control. You could raise this example, for instance.
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2010
  14. kovacs

    kovacs What's a Dremel?

    17 Mar 2010
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    "They put the handcuffs on me, and I couldn't believe it," Alexa recalled. "I didn't want them to see me being handcuffed, thinking I'm a bad person."

    You are a very bad little girl.Anyone caught vandalising school property when i was a lad would have been sent to the woodwork deptartment for sandpaper to remove the offending vandalism.
  15. memeroot

    memeroot aged and experianced

    31 Oct 2009
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    lesbianism, group sex and paedophilia all in one... no wonder they wanted to add s&m to the party

    or am I reading to much into this
  16. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Nexxo's said it all better than I could and would only clutter it saying anything more.

    Not to spoil the fun of the arguement but I really just can't be hassled with linking sites showing smoking is bad, again Nexxo said it best. I will say that website never says that breathing fine particles is good for anyone. Why are there burn bans when there's no wind for awhile? Smoke in the air is not good for people's lungs. That is one undisputed fact.

    "Harmless" as in otherwise harmless. Dust, for example. I'm sure we can all call dust harmless, but if you suck it into your lungs it will certainly cause harm! Tissue paper is relatively harmless, but you can still ram it down your throat and choke. Even if you can definitively prove without any reasonable question that the material in cigarette smoke was relatively harmless, inert I suppose would work as a word for it, it would still not be good to purposefully suck it into your lungs.

    And before anyone says it, yes, that makes cigars just as bad in that regard, along with any smoked drugs.
  17. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Well this is just plain moronic.

    Where else but the states huh? But in all honesty, the disproportionate punishment system is well..frankly not working.

    For example(a minor one): For being late in one of my classes basically everything you do and turn in is half credit. Now interestingly, for not being there(regardless of legitimacy), all the work is full credit the next day and what you missed can be made up for full credit. Sounds fair right?

    On a more serious note, I can see this being a bigger problem as it drags on..
  18. Hardware150

    Hardware150 Minimodder

    8 Jul 2006
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  19. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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  20. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I mean...really?

    This belongs in the demotivational thread. Links away.

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