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Windows Noobish players on MW2 rant

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by hirezo, 19 Aug 2010.

  1. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    The sheer lack of skill of some people really scares and confuses me. It's often not just a matter of being new to the game, not knowing the maps/guns/mechanics, it just seems like sheer idiocy. No game has brought out such behavior more than WoW, in my experience. I've been in groups where a person is told to attack a certain creature, stands still for 20 seconds, then promtly runs off a cliff, or where a person will be told "Don't use ability X" and not 30 seconds later, repeatedly uses Ability X. It's as though some people are completely incapable of higher order thought.

    I can only assume, based on reports of others and my own slight experience, that MW2 attracts the same type of players.

    My idea of BFBC2 maps: Jungle With Lighthouse, Jungle With Dam, Reskinned Arctic Jungle with Oil, Autumn Jungle, Reskinned Arctic Jungle with Submarines, Desert With Boats, Desert With Bridge.

    One can argue that it's Battlefield, so indoors won't work, but remember that this isn't just Battlefield, it's also Bad Company. It's supposed to be smaller scale and more close range. Adding a far more urban setting make senses. Or like you say, with open spaces and the odd bunker. I'd like to bring up Suez Canal from 2142 as an example. Big open desert, with detailed and urban control points.
  2. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    well, it's human nature to wonder. whenever a person gets a big red button and told not to use it, they will use it.

    the M2 CG has way too much splash damage. other than that, there's not much rocket spam.

    there is nothing wrong with recons if played correctly. but most are not correctly played. i've seen many snipers just sit in a bush and fire off a shot every minute or so, not spotting or give any mortar support on armed objectives. a recon should spot, snipe accurately, provide motion sensor, and give mortar support at appropriate time.

    i've been the hilltop sniper some games. but although i am in the hated situation, i almost always come on top of my team. because i always spot to help my team, and provide mortar support at crucial times.
  3. DK63

    DK63 Resident magpie

    8 Sep 2009
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    Some of us get into games very late. I for one work, and can't spend 6hrs a day playing the same game, leveling up and finding the spawn points, etc. All I want is to just jump onto a server now and again with some mates. I'm crap, and I know it, but I still play. However, if I think someone is cheating, I'll just find a different server.
  4. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    When that big red button is the "Fireball" ability you've had since level 1... no, there's no curiousity. It might be a person being petulant and simply wanting to do the opposite of what they are told, but I doubt that because every party member shares the common interest of completing the dungeon. It is also likely not "well, what happens if I do?" because the person may have already done it and is now being told to stop since it is detrimental to the party's progrssion. Believe me, I've tried to think of various reasons for a person behaving in such a manor (so I can retain some faith in humanity), but few of them fit the situation as well as sheer idiocy. It has since come to my attention that person some people simply apply no thought whatsoever to the games they play.
  5. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I lol'd. I have encountered people like this, and it is a bit alarming. Most of the time, however, there is a more grounded reason for it than frontal lobotomies - often they don't speak English, or they've gone AFK because the cat's been sick on them, or their computer has crashed, or they've alt-tabbed out to browse 4chan. It's still stupid and annoying, but not as much as it initially appears.

    Some people really are that stupid, though. Witness and be awed. I tried my best to help this guy, but he was just beyond incompetent. It's like he only read every third word, or something.

    Sloth likes this.
  6. hirezo

    hirezo Minimodder

    27 Jul 2009
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    Sorry I didn't mean to come across as a douche but I pride myself on not cheating and always feel great when I win. I just don't see why others don't think the same way. Today I scored 60-14 on mw2 it was my proudest moment of playing the game, why can't steam do more? I wish we could punish the developers somehow for making silly choices like no punkbuster and decidated servers. As for battlefield, there are so many noobs on their its gets on my nerves, for a start you ll go into a server and there ll be 2 clan guys in their own squad, which is fair enough play together, but they then lock the join squad button. It totally destroys the point of battlefield over mw2 as squad based teamwork is what wins the round. People need to stick to 4 man squads even if the members are noobs, they give you a forward position to spawn at closer to the action. And there's often waaaaay too many snipers and many many many baserapers.

    Lol I have too much to complain about. Even worse than that is EA for releasing an unfinished game. My UI is terrible and its impossible for me to add friends or favourite servers...
  7. Niftyrat

    Niftyrat Dremel overpriced like EA games

    15 Aug 2010
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    Not played MW2 was put off after playing MW where it seems unless you spend a long time playing the same map over and over to learn the spawns etc. You don't survive. Prefer Arma2 which has a little bit more variation

    As regards camping, it is fine if u do it well as part of a co-ordinated effort to secure a point or objective, I dislike the Rambo attitude some people take which is all about them, there have been a number of occasions when a well planned ambush has been ruined by a gung ho rambo charging the enemy, dying quickly but giving away a nice tactical advantage. Given size limits on MW2 I doubt people plan/play a more tactical way but the key thing is surely teamwork?
  8. mars-bar-man

    mars-bar-man Side bewb.

    17 Apr 2009
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    Can also double up as cannon fodder.

    One of the reasons I stopped playing COD4 was because of many of the players that were left on the servers wouldn't be able to tell their arse from their elbow. I just got sick of people camping, 32 player maps, 70% of which would be camping. It just ruined the game.

    I just want to get back to BC2 now... stupid laptop.
  9. Canon

    Canon Reformed

    19 Jul 2010
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    This is why some of us just stick with CS (understandably some find it unbareable). It is refined to the point where it is possible to have anyone camping for more than a specified time beacon'd or slapped or.... worse. (Only if enabled of course, but its nice to know)

    I found CoD4 multiplayer horrific from the go, it angers me, too often I feel it is claiming to be an authentic tactical shooter, then I open it up and there's a twelve year old bunny hopping around with a .50 call headshot after headshot screaming down the mic and sprinting at the speed of light. ESC, Quit. Doesn't help the fact I want to bash his parents for getting him/her the game in the first place, or the sales assistant that sold it to him/her.
    mars-bar-man likes this.
  10. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    This was your mistake. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to tell people that it's an ARCADE SHOOTER. If you expect anything else from the game then I'm not surprised you're disappointed. If you want realism, go play ARMA II
  11. Canon

    Canon Reformed

    19 Jul 2010
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    I know it's an arcade shooter, my point is it feels like it's trying to have an heir (spell?) of authenticity, tactical does not have the same meaning as simulation, nor does it nessecarily mean realism in any shape or form.

    ARMA II for realism? No thanks, there's no such thing as realism in war games, not for a long time anyway.
  12. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Hahaha! That is exactly the type of person! Obviously they're there and speaking English fluently, they just... don't think. I don't get how that person managed to even buy a computer, turn it on and install the game if he/she is incapable of doing the frighteningly simple quest of "Talk to Vas". :worried:

    Though on an OT side story, during my stint of FF XI playing, there were some huge language problems from time to time. Managed to get in a party with three Americans (myself and two friends), a German, a Frenchman and a Japanese guy. Already this sounds like cheap joke. The game includes an auto-translate messaging system where players can send phrases or chain small words to make passable sentences, but with such poor communication tools we were completely unable to determine who was talking to which member, half of what anyone meant, or what our purpose for even being in the party was (questing, mob killing, etc). Eventually we all decided to shut up and follow the Japanese guy :D
  13. brighty22

    brighty22 What's a Dremel?

    19 Aug 2010
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    The only thing I can't stand in mw2 is people younger than 10 who clearly shouldn't be playing the game trash talking on headsets, then complaining about lag when they have 5 bars of signal and are blatantly hosting. Hence I only play when i'm in a party with other 5 friends, all talking like normal people.. then it's fun :)
  14. SPNKR

    SPNKR Pretty Good Kid

    22 Feb 2010
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    You mean this, and all of the broken game mechanics.
  15. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Hm, I don't know what gave you that idea then.

    To be honest, even though I've not played it a great deal, I'd say the same could be said of CS:S. In my limited experience with it, I wouldn't say it's any more of a tactical or authentic game than CoD4, especially when you remove perks (i.e. promod).
  16. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Can't say I get it either. MW2 has always seemed to give off the impression of being an energy drink fuelled 12 year old's game where everyone runs around spraying at each other and optimal sniping range is a laughable 50 yards. From my admittedly limited experience, that's exactly what it usually is as well.

    Although, to claim that CS:S is anything anywhere near realistic or authentic or tactical is completely laughable as well. I love it for being a bare-bones shooter where skill really shines, but the guns are probably based on what some code monkeys thought seemed fair and real for the gun based on what they read on Wikipedia, the tactics are severely hampered by the fact that it provides almost no support for teamwork other than voice chat, and its maps provide almost no real cover to use, simply the basic strategy of hiding behind a few boxes and pre-firing around corners. FFS, you can't even use iron-sights or scopes for anything but four of the guns!

    But CoD4... not sure where you got that experience Canon. I quite loved it for a time. It was a nice blend of CS:S's bare bones skill based shooting, and the options afforded from a more realistic game in regards to weapons, while at the same time mixing a light arcade experience with the hardcore gamer's dream. Found that hardcore servers really toned down the bunny hopping since everyone is so fragile even a stray bullet could be lethal.
  17. Canon

    Canon Reformed

    19 Jul 2010
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    I don't think CS:S is a realistic simulator either? Like I say, there is no realistic war simulator out there, period. :nono:

    MW is a miserable infestation of 12 year olds, I don't play it. I do play CS:S, because it's fun and 6/10 times I can join a server and have a laugh, the rest of the time you get the odd rager, but that's a good laugh too.

    Each to their own really.
  18. Pieface

    Pieface Modder

    8 Mar 2009
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    You're kidding? Play Rush on any map on BC2 and if you're the attacker I can guarantee half or more of your team are camping with Snipers. It's why on maps such as Isla Icolentes you most of the time as the attackers never get past the first 2 bombs as your whole team is sniping anywhere but where the two bombs are if you set one off.
  19. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Just started playing the MP MW2 the other day.

    It's ok, I don't mind noobs, took me a while to start getting the hang of it after so long, and those that come out with all the 'noob' comments and aimbot accusations yada yada yada just make me laugh.

    Some people take it so seriously.
  20. sleepygamer

    sleepygamer More Metal Than Thou

    24 Apr 2010
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    I think people tend to forget that it's just a game.

    They get so intense about everything, and don't realise that a lot of people are just playing to relax and hit things. I tend not to communicate with people in games who use the word noob in a non-ironic fashion. Some people are good, some people are bad. It's just a £30 game, it's not real war. And if it was real war, you wouldn't be hurling abuse at your teammates just because they are new to a battle. Sure, you'd tell them to get back on their feet and loudly encourage them, but you wouldn't scream "NOOOOOOOOOOB" in their faces and ignore everything they say, would you?
    pimonserry likes this.

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