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News PS3 hacker defends console jailbreak

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 14 Jan 2011.

  1. Zurechial

    Zurechial Elitist

    21 Mar 2007
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    It's not Hotz's fault that Sony operates on a broken business model. If you want to hand over your consumer rights just because you think it's a fantastic product then that's your own business, but don't expect this unswayable bandwagon of geeks to think you're anything but naïve.

    If the technology we buy was clearly sold as a lease or service then Sony's approach would be more acceptable, but as it is they're just being pricks about EULA fine print because they made some idiotic business decisions and even more idiotic development decisions and those mistakes are coming back to bite them hard.
  2. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    A bit off topic, but how is it broken when it has proven to work for over a decade? The Business model works. Also, Ps3 has been making a profit on each model sold for awhile now.
  3. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    *shakes his head*

    I can't believe, that there's people in here who defend Sony or any other company in this case.

    Hotz was sued by Apple for exactly the same thing and the court ruled, that it was perfectly legal to jailbreak the iPhone. Same should be said for any other hardware you buy. It's up to you, how you use it, and if this requires you to modify the hardware, then there shouldn't be any law preventing you from doing so.

    Loosing warranty, getting locked out from PSN (or whatever service there may be for other devices) is totally acceptable, but what we see here is totally unaceptable.
    If Sony wins this case, then what's next? The car-manufacturers suing you for chip-tuning their cars? Laughable I say, just laughable.

    And on another note. Such a trial is only possible in the USA, the home of the "un"free. This case would've been dismissed in Europe by most of the countries in the first place.
  4. Mighty Yoshimi

    Mighty Yoshimi Motormouth

    4 Sep 2006
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    End of the day you've agreed to use the software in a particullar way. If you don't use it as you agreed to then you can be sued. Simple.
  5. Picarro

    Picarro What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2009
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    Yes, but he is not doing anything to their online software. If he somehow connected it to PSN and it gave him an unfair advantage, yes by all means screw him over.

    It's like taking a toaster and being a total rebel by toasting a bun instead of normal toast-bread. The toaster company is not gonna sue you for that. But Sony is suing him for using a "bun" on his PS3 instead of "toast-bread".

    (Can anyone spot the obvious reference that I am hungry as hell?)
  6. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    the diffrence between this and apple

    sonys case has more grounds for piracy and may win because of that and as for trial location this would be held in whatever country he happens to be a resident off. Unless its japan were they would lock him up and throw away the key lol.

    as for whatever sony makes in game sales, im certain the amount of people who pirate ps3 games is tiny compared to sales very few people will install this crack as sony patches online straight away its not like xbox were you can still login, Its a closed and locked system that spams you must have such and such firmware to enter please update unless this crack/hack allows you to use up to date firmware which i dout as sony patch the files as soon as it was mensioned.

    sonys business model maybe crazy but they are one of the few companies who are still producing a games console. Think it through no playstation and there would be no xbox. We would all be still playing our segas and nintendos, One company went broke basically and went back to games only. Nintendo = casual game play.

    and hotz crack isnt a bypass for linux its a bypass for cd keys and game

    not to mension the unlucky foke on 2mb max adsl enjoy the 20-30gb downloads ( gt 5 is 45 gb for reference ) thats what 2-3 weeks lol.

    as last i checked games must be installed onto the hard disk for the bypass to work.
  7. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    IIRC they are no longer making a loss on their hardware sales.

    If that was the case then jailbreaking an iphone would be illegal.
  8. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    I rarely make my own bread (but damn, it's good when I do as it smells delicious and warm crusty bread is up there with bacon imo) but there's a supermarket at the end of my road which sells bread that's quite nice but not as nice as my own. I say my own, all it is, is a packet mix that you add water to in a breadmaker, leave it for a few hours and when it's dinged it's done. I hope in some strange way this is relevant.
  9. Toploaded

    Toploaded What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2010
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    Having my psp able to play homebrew was truly awesome, I love being able to run all that homebrew on the move when there is no other alternative (well, unless you count the Pandora). Also, I'm not much of a pirate but I much prefer having the games I do own load diretly from a Pro Duo then a UMD (espiclay with teh price of the cards now)

    I'm not so worked up about the PS3 as I can do everything I need on my PC, although for those that wanna run Linux again I can see the appeal (also, does this mean Linux can now use the GPU as well?)

    The way I see it, is that if a company release a machine that I'm later able to hack open, I'm probably gonna do it. But if they keep their security tight enough to prevent me ever doing so, then good on them. But they lost much of my sympathy when they removed a feature they promoted on launch, and for that reason I wish Hotz the best of luck.
  10. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    End of the day he didn't do anything to the software, but only the hardware.

    Sony would allow for Linux during a long time and then killed this option. That's the reason, why they tried to get it running again, and the result was a full hack of the system, which wasn't the goal to begin with tho.

    -- rep to all defending Sony in this case.
  11. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    @ max speed and 24/7.... about 2 days i think.
  12. Showerhead

    Showerhead What's a Dremel?

    11 Jan 2010
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    And it's not like they can't compress the files
  13. ledbythereaper

    ledbythereaper What's a Dremel?

    2 Jan 2007
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    You can't sign into XBL and play online on the Xbox either without accepting system/game updates and then applying them. Playstation 3 doesn't force you to update either.
  14. TWeaK

    TWeaK Minimodder

    28 Jan 2010
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    Man I'm surprised that there are so many people defending Sony on this one - they're not exactly the consumer's best friend. Proprietary standards, anyone?
  15. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    You can say that about pretty much any company, at least sony's products are very sound (Cough RROD cough). Ironic enough, the Ps3 is perhaps the least proprietary console, bluetooth device support, universal Hard Drives work well, external hard drive support. unlike Ms and their 150 proprietary hard drives.
  16. bemused

    bemused What's a Dremel?

    9 Jan 2011
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    The DMCA has exceptions where the device security is against consumers interests, which is why phones are exempt.

    He hasn't walked in, what he's done is point out the door is unlocked.

    Commercial and academic organisations do this sort of thing all the time, only recently papers have been published highlighting issues in chip & pin technology that secures bank cards. I don't see banks rushing to sue these academic or accusing them of be fraudsters.

    My fundamental problem here with Sony is that they are trying to shoot the messenger.
    M7ck likes this.
  17. Krayzie_B.o.n.e.

    Krayzie_B.o.n.e. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2009
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    #1 Why hack a console for Homebrew? Consoles are limited in the first place. Go buy a PC and have the freedom and power to create something wonderful. Get a Pc seriously.

    #2. The PS3 is a closed system, GEO-NOT made code available (Licensed Code) that would allow users to create apps or whatever for free, meanwhile Naughty Dogg, Santa Monica, Guerrilla Games etc have to pay Sony a licensing fee to make games or apps on the PS3. In this case Sony is right cause it's not fair that all licensed users paid a fee and this hack makes a something that belongs to Sony out in the public for free. He is not just "pointing out a flaw or using a program to circumvent a weakness" he used a licensed code (that belongs to Sony) to create his Jailbreak.

    When he jailbroke the iPhone I think he just used work arounds to manipulate flaws in the system. in this case he used an actual Sony license to create this jailbreak. This is just like using a manufactures license to activate Windows 7 when your not the manufacturer or bought a product from said manufacturer. GEO-HOt is wrong.
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2011
  18. SNIPERMikeUK

    SNIPERMikeUK What's a Dremel?

    21 Feb 2006
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    Hmmmm a PS3 running Mac OSX anyone??? that would piss them off in a whole other level....lol
  19. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    If you would've read up on what they did, then you wouldn't talk all that nonsense tbh.

    What they did is nothing else then jailbreak on the iPhone and jailbreak was also released to the public and deemed OK by the court.
  20. themax

    themax What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    I have to agree with Sony. I don't see this as beating up on the little guy. If any of you with a PSP or aware of the PSP and it's hacking scene know, it lead to more piracy than any legitamate "homebrew" that everyone clings to when saying it's wrong for Sony (or any company) to protect it's software.

    Considering that Hotz himself even said that his hack would lead to piracy (but that he wanted nothing to do with piracy) it's pretty evident now that it's already the case well before OtherOS was removed. And the reintroduction of OtherOS faciliates more piracy than anything legitimate.

    A simple search for PS3 hacks turns up this particular site:


    Of their Top 10 PS3 downloads to run under the "OtherOS" option, we have 4 backup managers to pull BDVD data (obviously targeted at the games) to the HDD, or even the USB Stick. And a proxy that allows the installation of PSN/PS3 Games/Demos through your PC onto the PS3. That's not counting the dozens of NES, SNES, Genesis, GBA (the usual stuff when it comes to "homebrew") emulators available.

    Sony is simply protecting their content, and by extension probably trying to protect themselves as all it would take is one customer bricking their system trying to hack their PS3 and expecting Sony to do something about it.
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