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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Masterdeadly

    Masterdeadly What's a Dremel?

    8 Nov 2011
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    I'll try out Malz then if i can get the IP for him, not sure how much he costs exactly. Thanks for the tips guys :)
  2. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    He's 6300 ip i'm afraid buddy, I'd recommend you get Annie for 450ip and then use her to farm up to 6300ip. That way you'll get Malz but you'll also have another great Burst mage in your repatoire (sp?)
  3. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    All of the new and/or BS champions in league of legends are. Get used to farming IP like crazy :thumb:
  4. TheKrumpet

    TheKrumpet Once more, into the breach!

    18 Oct 2011
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    ..huh? Isn't shield her W?


    Nope, you're right. Q + W then.
  5. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Shield is her E :p
  6. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I've dropped a Flaming Bear on lots of people ;).

    Personally i dislike Malz and don't really consider him "Burst", i think mainly because he'll destroy someone in say... 7-8 seconds as opposed to 4-5 (like Annie, Brand, LeBlanc, Lux, Veigar).
  7. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    You should see my Malz! Imma like spam dem keyz!1! And realise that all i accomplished was casting his Ultimate and then moving immediately afterwards to cancel it! :hehe:

    But I agree malz isn't really burst, not to say he doesn't hurt, but the idea is he locks you down in one place on his AoE, with his DoT on you, hitting you with his silence, with his Ult for 5 seconds while your health drains down.

    Unlike an Annie, which summons a fiery giant bear from the sky to land on your face, breaking all the bones in your body and near enough instantly killing you. Followed by a fireball to kill you.
  8. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Annie is a greater starter to any nuker just because she farms very well with her fireball, if you last hit with it you never have mana issues and she is one of the most deadly heroes first because you'll normally get mid and be 6 before any other lane, so if you can kill your mid than go gank a lane, you pretty much have an insta kill if you land a tibbers stun + fireball and have team mates with you.

    Speaking of annie, how do you guys build her? I normally farm and rush a needlessly large rod, grab lvl 1 boots, finish deathcap, finish boots, than just grab more ap, maybe a banshees veil. I've never been one to rush the rod of ages or w/e it is that gives health and mana and ap, even though it is a good item. I might need to try one day.

    I've tried to play Malz, I just can't. I can farm okay with him, but I can't get the ult combo down, i've accidentally moved many times while using it and i can't seem to get the void combo working for it either. I know he's a great hero when played right, I just can't play him lol.
  9. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    For Annie, i personally liked going:

    Mana Crystal + 2 Pots.
    Catalyst -> Rod of Ages
    Needlessly Large Rod
    NLR -> Rabadon's or Zhonya's (depending whether or not i'm dominating or need a bit more survivability).
    Zhonya's/Rabadon's/Banshee's/Void Staff/Abyssal (depending on what you want/need).

    However, i believe currently the high ELO do it (and aB will call me out on this) is:

    Boots + 3 Pots.
    Boots -> Sorc. Shoes
    Needlessly Large Rod -> Rabadon's
    - /any other items.

    I generally go that build if i'm going against a skillshot based champ in mid. The boots work wonders against Karth/Lux/Morg etc.
  10. Shadowed_fury

    Shadowed_fury Minimodder

    21 Nov 2003
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    Hmm despite the nerfs I still prefer Brand. Need to learn Xer a bit more before - he does seem insane at the moment.
  11. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I wasn't a fan of Xerath. I liked the skillset, but it seems his abilities are just too easy to avoid.
  12. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I haven't seen Xerath, I haven't played in almost a month so I don't know what's changed. I do recall having copious amounts of fun however with a fed Lux. 24 second cooldown on the lazer with something like 700-800 ap = squishies under 1/3 hp when team fights start, plus a decent amount to the tankier dps also. The snare is also damn useful to stop someone / escape. I don't mind sharing a lane with lux just because it's easy to get an early gank if you get the snare off if you have a jungler or agressive early game partner.
  13. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Brand is just about as strong as Annie and can be more easily relied upon. He can pull a stun out whenever he wants (so long as he hits) and his damage is slightly higher due to having 4 damaging abilities.

    He excels Levels 1-5, but i'd say come Level 6 he's not as fearsome as Annie. He also requires you actually landing his skillshot Qs and Ws for him to be most effective, whereas Annie's abilities are all targeted bar Tibbers, and that's an instant-drop bear (as opposed to the Pillar).

    I agree, although i think a good Xerath is similar to Fiddle, never seen, always heard (or felt).

    His range and ability to "shell" means that if you can "plan" a teamfight, he should set up behind a wall somewhere and rain down skills uninterrupted.

    At the same time, i find that he's very easy to counter (as a team) if you're quick on your feet, analyse where he's firing from and simply move away from the area. I constantly find that i want to set up near the edge of my range and teamfights constantly move around and out of my range.

    Also, like Brand, he's very skill shot dependent so, if like me you can suck at landing it 80-90% of the time.


    On the other hand, i've been having a fun time with Shyvana during her free week.

    Initially i was fairly rubbish with her, but i think i've sorted out most of the kinks.

    She suffers a lot Levels 1-5 in a lane since she lacks any sort of "dash" ability to quickly close in (i'm resigned to using her W and face charging). However she becomes quite a nice tanky dps once she has Wriggles + Wit's End.

    I haven't tried her Jungling yet, which i've heard is rather good.
  14. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I do like the way Phreak described Shyvana. Burst DPS with a tanky passive from her ult.


    Also a bit like fizz, Sustained burst assassin with lots of health.... ^^
  15. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I'm not so sure about "Burst"... i'd say she only bursts about as much as normal Tanky DPS on squishy champions.

    I'd say most of her Damage is sustained, coming from Burnout (W) and auto-attacking/spamming Q.

    I also just cleaned up my US Friend's List of people i didn't recognise (i added quite a few Randoms when i started playing). Unfortunately i think it means i deleted a few of you who have names different to your bit-tech username (so you're fine Mansueto :p), so if you'd like to re-add me "SethAnub1s". What times do you guys play at?
  16. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    We normally play in the evening, but it varies depending on different people + jobs. Some of us will start at 5, some 8, and then it depends if we're even playing LoL or are on BF3.

    Me and Edwards normally play with another guy on here, modd1uk, and a couple other people. You're welcome to come and say hello, we're on modds teamspeak most of the time. Though I must warn you, there's normally a fair bit of raging at times :p

    My in-game name is loftie87, though I doubt you'll see me around at the moment - my pc is bust. If you want, I'll PM you the teamspeak IP.

    About Shyvana, fair enough. I've not tried her, but I got edwards to give her a go. I do find Riots categorisation of the champs amusing. Such as sustained + burst. Assassin + health.

    Still waiting on a Ranged Melee DPS ^^ Actually, I suppose it is doable, make a character like Mr Fantastic with a sword. I better stop talking, incase Riot think it's a good plan.....
  17. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Fuuuuuuu post-lan death...

    With Annie i go Boots + Pots.

    Then it depends on how the game goes but i aim to build Rabadon and Sorcs shoes as early as possible. I throw in a Hextech Revolver before that if i need to stay in lane.
  18. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    It might simply be because i'm building her Tanky (Wriggles, Wit's End, Sunfire, Mallet, Atma's) instead of pure AD stacking, but i find since she relies on "being in there", her sustained damage is often more preferable than the burst you might get (since she relies on AA'ing to get the most benefit from her passive). Her Ult's passive just isn't quite enough IMO.

    I believe they wanted to do that with Riven, but ultimately backed out (although i think it was more of a dash on every auto-attack).

    Although, it sounds very similar to Kayle :p. I believe with max CDR you can have her E up almost 100% of the time. Obviously she's not AD, but Rageblade + Greaves + Nashor's makes (or made...) her a complete beast.
  19. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I think Kayle deals physical damage with her E but the splash deals magical. Either way, I hadn't thought of her. Too caught up in my Mr Fantastic + sword idea :D
  20. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Yeah, it technically counts as increased range on her auto-attack, so physical, but with bonus magic damage. It used to be that you built her hybrid and attack speed (Nashor's for the CDR and AS).

    These days i'm not too sure, but it seems to be attack speed on-hit effect (Wit's End, Malady, Bloodrazer).

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