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Case Mod - In Progress Project [Mac G5]: ReBoot| The new trials! 12/02-2012

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Stark.Jr, 17 Jun 2011.


Small or BIG updates?

Poll closed 26 Aug 2011.
  1. Small

    7 vote(s)
  2. Big

    7 vote(s)
  1. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    How the glued parts fits!

    Hi all! :lol:

    Today I have little pictures for you showing how good everything has been put together.

    I can actually say to myself that I am impressed how well all holes are in a row and you do not see much difference on where it is glued or not :dremel: .

    I think after I have filled a few times and not have it all down so you will not see at all that I've glued and drilled up all the ways to get a clean back.
    but there are still many days left and I have just glued my last part on the back:
    I will post this to start working with the front so I get a start button, USB, audio, mic and CD ejection button. :dremel: :dremel:

    I hope you like my work and do you have any kind of comments or things I should fix / improve it, just say. :rock:

  2. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    Hello everyone :D
    Now is the time to show what I have had time for yesterday and today.

    What has been done is that I have drilled out all the ways that had glue in it to get back, and I can say that this was really really tough, I sat for about 3 hours and drilled out each hole, but if you want something nice may you stand out or what?

    Then when all the holes were finished so I thought I start putty, but after that I'm so resourceful/stupid and impulsive so I took out a jar and started to spray for me to know where I would need most fillers.
    but as I found out after I made ​​it was really stupid when I really knew before that I would need putty evry where I have been glued.

    Then after that I would test fit the I/O plate and then noticed very quickly that there was a run of about 1.5 mm and it works of course not really.
    So it was just out with fiberglass filler and fill up.

    After the glass fibers dried so I will not have it down to a smooth line so I could:

    Unfortunately, since when I drilled out the directions to I/O plate so came off a little bit but must fill it in later.

    And here are pictures of the finished result on the back, and I've also filled in order not to see that there is something you glued.

    But now a much more boring thing you have to take care of times when you have done a lot of mess and when you have not really had time to fix the dried, cleaned and here are some pictures of how it looked when I was done for the day with the chassis:

    And after:

    And now that day's work is clear and I out in the sun and enjoy a few beers from my dad and recent projects that went for about 3 months:

    Have a good now, everybody :D

    / / S. Jr
  3. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    Also good to see you didn't just forget about this project :)
  4. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    Hehe its hard to forget any of mine project becus its allways something strange happening ;)
  5. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    PSU cabel and radiator hole´s done!

    Hi everyone! :)

    Now it is time for a tiny update on the project to show that the project moves.

    I thought only certain why I have not done much the last of my project,

    But now it's fine and I have started to fix some of the case.

    I have inserted the power connector for PSUn and made ​​holes for the radiator to get air.



    Here is the hole for the radiator,

    I did see one problem when i did get the radiator in the case,

    But it wasent a to hard problem to fix,

    The hole for the radiator will be filled with mech to do that completely matches the Case, but I have trouble finding any mech that fits to hold the front and rear.
    So if you know somewhere where you can get the mech to hold on 3mm, I am eternally grateful.

    This was a small update but have to some that something happens in all cases.

    //S.Jr :p
  6. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    Now it´s time to bring the thread and the project back to life!

    Hello everyone, now I'm back again.

    I felt a few days ago that it was time for me to grab my project again, which now has stood still in a little while.

    So for those of you who have forgotten what it looked like and for you that are new and I'll do this a little flashback to what I have done to the case, pushed in a bit components to ensure that everything fits.

    This is the PowerMac G5 out of the top front and back to:

    Here comes the little flashback:

    When I stopped in some parts so I started to get very worried when there was very little space in vitamins, but it fits:

    And here comes the little that I have had time to do the last two days:

    Here it shows how much space I will have my 240mm radiator that will come in the front:

    There is still much work left to acrylics only really bent into the shape that I had thought.
    I will saw off a bit on the edges and do a hold in the middle so that air can flow through the radiator and extractor in the back.

    Then I wonder if you think that I will put acrylic on the back for directions in the back and reside there powersupply going to sit?

    Will now try to keep the momentum going so it will be better and more fun reading for you.

    / / Stark.Jr
  7. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    Need some help to understand!

    Hi all! :)

    Can someone please explain what wrong I am doing when I do my updates?
    For unfortunately I can hear my own echo in the project log and it is the 200st who have check my projects since yesterday and no one ever leaves a comment.

    So I wonder what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it and do my project topic a little more interesting and make you more interested and inquiring into my project.

  8. amagriva

    amagriva Minimodder

    13 Jun 2009
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    Maybe you'll have to go deeper with the knife in your next try of automutilation. That will definitively cacth our attention:D
    Was it you or another g5 modder that banged the case with his car?
    Only joking...
    Where did you find the case? E-bay? How much you paid it?

    Keep up with the good work and... don't run with your dremel on!
  9. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    I will try to make a deeper longer cut next time, but not in my fingers becus its hurts hehe

    The first case was a found on a swedish webbsite that is allmost like E-bay, the next case i did find was a friend dad that hade a broken one on his jobb that i got for free :D
    But the first case did i buy for 800Kr (about 80€).

  10. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    Just keep going bro.

    I've been watching this for a while, and I do like the style on it.

    Don't worry people do pay attention. :D
  11. Jake123456

    Jake123456 Surprise!

    25 Jan 2011
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    Don't worry mate, plenty of people check your updates, just keep going at it, this is your first mod so you'll start to grab attention towards the end product..
  12. n1c3tr1

    n1c3tr1 What's a Dremel?

    4 Jan 2012
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    I have two g5 cases i have been wanting to do this to. I just haven't had the guts yet to cut into them. This might make me want to get started. Please keep updating us on the progress. I will be following it.
  13. jamsand

    jamsand Minimodder

    21 May 2011
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    Guetting off to a much better start and flow this time :) glad it got back on track...Also tell you dad to come visit I'll make space in the basement o_O lol
  14. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    Im watching all other project, and itt feels like they allways get allot of comments :D
    But when i watch others project the new pepol like me dont have to much comments ether, if its not any extream :baby:

    Thanks, its nice to hear :p

    Its just to start cut, just have a plan befor you start and you have 2 cases so if 1 breaks you still have 1 left m8 :D

    Lol i will tell him :)
    And the other case did learn me some stuff how to get a bether and stronger backside :rock:

  15. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Oh man :waah: this would have been a sweet mod.

    Might be salvagable to get it back in close to great condition but will certainly not be easy at all & a project in itself :( I'd probably try getting another case unless you fancy the challenge :D.
  16. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    If you dont see i have started to mod a new g5 case that i havnt been driven my car over :D so the project is still moving on :)
    i hope you follow it and see where it gose :dremel:

    like your mod allot and its nice to see some 1 that can make so epics mod whit out cns opirator, you inspire me to juse the tools that i have in my home! :hip:

  17. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Thanks mate, definitely a pity that happened though :duh: was coming along nicely but you'll get back to the good point fast enough I imagine :).

    :lol: D'oh so you have :D awesome & it's coming along brilliantly :rock::D.

    My confusing post of the day :hehe:.
    Last edited: 22 Jan 2012
  18. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
    Likes Received:
    Hehe i was thinking that you did read it, since you mist that i started whit a new case.
    Its nice to her that you like what i have done and i hope you will like the end result to :)

  19. dark4181

    dark4181 Ero-sennin-tebayo

    3 Jan 2008
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    I vote for updates as they are available. Big or small.
  20. Stark.Jr

    Stark.Jr What's a Dremel?

    22 Mar 2011
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    The new trials!

    Hello everyone,

    Now I have a little quiet about the job and this means that I have had the stamina and time to work on the project.

    I had previously made ​​an inside of the chassis that was made ​​of plexiglass. The I was never really fond of, so I sat down and started thinking about and watched a little bit about made ​​cars that I saw made ​​the whole skirt pack in fiberglass so I thought why not make a new interior in fiberglass?
    It can not be that hard and I test it, I probably will not be able to stop thinking that the inside could be so much nicer.

    Unfortunately I've missed that documented when I did work, but is the result when it is in the computer:

    There will be a layer of fiberglass to when I missed 3 cm in length was then used to make it stiffer and last but not least a little straighter, and then it loads a lot of filler to get a nice surface.

    I also have arranged motherboard plate a little so you can change cooler on it and put 8p connector to get fine wiring later:

    Last but not least, I've decided what I should do on the side with windows and I thought I would break it down a bit with the processor and memory and then a section for my upcoming GPU's:

    Yes, this was all I had time now, nothing really fun but a little work done in all cases since it will be a break of at least 2 weeks when I will go on a long-awaited vacation.

    Hope you have a good time to come, and mod on :dremel:

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