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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Had a really great game just before i left for holiday (where i'm typing this from atm ;D).

    Was playing as Vayne and had my PC die on me in the mid-late game whilst we were on the back foot against a Jungle Maokai. Since i was already aware of the issue (GPU fan is on the blink) i had my laptop on standby and relogged using that.

    After i reconnected i had some issues readjusting to the lower resolution on my laptop and the mouse sensitivity meaning my screen was flying everywhere during teamfights.

    However the final teamfight when we were defending our mid Inhib, i kited out their Maokai who wanted to single me out and destroyed him rather easily (he was so fed he sold some tank items for double PDs and Inf. Edge).

    Mopped up the rest of their DPS (Gangplank/Ashe) and gave chase to their Morgana who was running away on ~3 bars HP.

    It was at that point i did the most pro thing i've done so far in this game (IMO) whereby i saw when she was going to throw a Dark Binding backwards (i.e. when she has the slight pause to cast it) and then flashed over the projectile to then finish her off.

    Then caught up with the Renekton who had bailed really on in the teamfight and proc'd his GA for the team to catch up and kill him.

    All in all, i regard it as a Penta-kill :D and we then easily took their mid inhib turret, nexus turrets and subsequently the game.
  2. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    I'm done LoL. I've unistalled it and am going to do my best to warn people from playing. The game fails entirely. Most champs are broken, not simply by being under or over powered but having skills that don't work. Mismatched graphics on skill shots effects failing to trigger poor pathfinding and ai. Beyond that Riot themselves are rather insulting. Making certain threads on any of the real failures of the game are quickly locked and deleted and there habit of releasing high priced op champs solely to nerf them the next patch to clear the way for yet another rushed out champ ignoring the effects on balance. Beside that the "Matching Making System" which puts speed above all things and client barren of useful features but sodden with bugs assures that "ELO" is meaningless.

    Edit I should mention that I think MOBA games as a whole are complete failures
    Last edited: 10 Jan 2012
  3. SNiiPE_DoGG

    SNiiPE_DoGG Engineering The Extreme

    14 Apr 2009
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    u mad
  4. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    Welcome to my blocklist. Please take a few minutes and find a brain
  5. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I've found a new thing! Me and 4 friends just do 1 random, and if they have a jungle we zerg and gank. It's damn hilarious and with the 1 random everyone gets a bit of variety / randomness to make it more interesting. We've been having a lot of fun and its made LoL fun again for me.
  6. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    After not playing League because of holiday over Christmas, and now because my Duo Queue partner is on holiday, i've had more of an appreciation of the game :p.

    Want to save up for Riven next i think as i had a blast when playing her in the last free week... although i'm also tempted by Lee Sin since i really like his new skin lol.

    Shyvana's still probably my go-to atm for Top Lane Solo and for Bot Lane Carry i still like to roll Vayne atm or Caitlyn.

    Tried out new Jax and i don't like the fact that there's even more emphasis on "needing" Flat AD/AP Quints to get the most out of him since his early game is somewhat weak (if you go for any other Runes). Other than that, he's pretty nice although he's missing quite a bit of the tanky-ness from before.
  7. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I've been trying to play some new chars. Bought LeBlanc and though she's got some great burst she doesn't farm very well in comparison to say Annie who I occasionally play. LeBlanc is also one of those one trick ponies where it's her dash, nuke, ult, dash out than you're useless until everything comes back up.

    I also bought Udyr and did extremely well as either phoenix jungle or an aggressive bot support / tank. I build him tanky going for ninja tabi or merc treads depending on other team, trinity, tanky item such as warmogs or sunfire, wits end, than other tanky items. Had a lot of success the 4-6 games I played him over the last week.

    Also tried to go back to Yi, I bought him, played him a few games and stopped. The issue I have with Yi is with my play style I'm used to playing tanky chars and being the 1st / 2nd guy in. With Yi or most other squishy chars I never wait for a team fight to start and rush in and get bursted down. I find IF I play him properly though he is extremely good at pushing, can eat through towers and does some insane damage, especially against other squishies and with those crits he can also eat up tanks.

    I'm trying to play new chars to expand my selection. I've got 13k ip so I was tempted to buy 3-4 of the cheaper champs and just randoming and figuring them out. The guys I regularly play with stick to the same champs so it gives us some slack if one of us tries someone and isn't as successful.

    Also realized jungle malph is extremely powerful, my friend has been playing him the last week and he ganks okay prior to 6 with his wheel slow thing but once he's 6 a well placed is usually a guaranteed kill and if he hits both there's a good chance of a double.

    Also still loving our level 1 all to their blue ganks when they have a jungle. We try and pick a team that has really good level 1 damage so we'll go from blue and a first blood down to bot or wherever. We did it 2 games in a row and managed to get a double kill at their blue than gank bot and get a 3rd kill. With all 5 of us, the assists are pretty damn great and are a nice head start over the other team.
  8. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Don't suppose it was your team that tried to gank my blue in ranked earlier then?:p No deaths at blue but when I went back to mid i saw soraka running to bot at 20% hp, just flashed and ignited and got first blood.

    I've been really getting into ranked lately, the people are annoying though... As soon as you get a game the chat is full of 'ME SOLO TOP' etc and then 'I said it first!'. Generally a lot of crying because they didn't get their desired role.. Which is really really stupid in a team game where you either solo or duo queue (Ranked). I play all roles except support really, I just don't like the play style. Although I have tried to play it a few times and it just didn't end very well. IMO a pro support is one of the rarest things in the game.

    Within 10 seconds of joining.. There was more about I said first stuff but I couldn't be bothered to take multiple screenshots. It just gets so annoying.


    Edit: For the guy a few posts above, I play lee jungle frequently and I'm REALLY tempted to get the new skin.

    Edit2: That nasus went 1/13/2 :)
    Last edited: 23 Jan 2012
  9. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Nope, haven't done ranked in a long time. 1 of the 5 of us isn't 30 yet so as of now we just do normal games, the odd time we'll do draft play. We played against one of the worst teams yesterday... A Garen, Tyrnd, Shaco, Caitlyn and Sona. Probably one of the worst teams to play against. No one could touch the garen, the tyrnd and shaco and Caitlyn would just wreck us and that damn Sona ult or her heal would just ruin us. We buckled like a cheap tent that game.

    I really hate playing against shaco and tyrndameres, I find tryndamere's ult is pretty op but without it he's useless, and Shaco's are annoying because all they do is deceive or shiv from behind and they just kite you around / deceive away and you're kinda helpless. Those are the 2 champs I ban when we do play draft games. The 3rd pick is a toss up with whoever the team feels should be banned. Morg is common, amumu or other tanks. Who do you guys regularly ban?
  10. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Rammus / morgana are popular picks as they can just wreck a team. Karthus sometimes but not that often and amumu due to his ult.
  11. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    I'd argue that amumu's ult isn't why he is banned. Tears are OP.
  12. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Back to playing Kennen again. Went mid against a Karthus in Ranked yesterday, went 8-2-9 before they surrendered. He is such a beast with his ability to insta stun people up to three times in a row, his aoe ult, ridiculous movement speed, and when you build WoTA and Rylais, he's just stupid; constant harrass/lifesteal/slow.
  13. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I haven't played Kennen in a long time but I see he's changed a lot. When I played no one ever built WoTA and people seemed to rush rylais. I used to rush deathcap than rylais than whatever else I felt he needed and I'd do some crazy damage, I was just squishy. I'll have to try him with a WoTA.

    I'm wondering who I should buy next... I may just close my eyes and start moving and scrolling for 10 seconds and whoever I stop on buy XD
  14. SNiiPE_DoGG

    SNiiPE_DoGG Engineering The Extreme

    14 Apr 2009
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    the recent flood of AD kennens make me so sad... I shat on one in top lane with GP. Damn M5 making people think AD kennen is good.
  15. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    It was originally the way to play him when he first came out (when his AP ratios were rather poor).

    But yeah, i don't know why M5 chose him for AD Carry... i've personally not thought of him being particularly good as AD.
  16. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I bought a full ad page so I start with +21 or +23 ad plus I bought panth. He's amusing to play though I find I get focused a lot.
  17. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    WoTA on Kennen just gives you an incredible amount of sustain, and the ability to trade blows with other champions without coming out of it worse off. I played top against a Yorick last night, and stomped all over him. Think I went 3-0-1 before i took the tower, and was about 60 cs ahead. We lost the game, as the rest of their team had done pretty well, and they stacked up for some ridiculous ganks and a super early baron, but I still enjoyed the laning phase :)

    I think the mentality behind AD Kennen is that he can out AD other AD carries, with the active on his W. The problem is that then his Q becomes just a poke, rather than any significant damage, and his E and R become defensive/escape abilities. It's ok, people still think AP Yi is awesome too. :duh:
  18. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Getting so sick of this game and its trolls, finally got my elo back up after being trolled alot and then bam 2 troll games in a row. Both surprisingly with yi. First game we're 4v5 because yi fed teemo bottom then left, 50mins in we're winning and then my team decides to initiate 3v5 while im getting blue (morgana) they die, game ends.

    Second game some guy with a name along the lines of fdghdhgfhgfdghfh says he wants to go AP trndamere which is obvious trolling then we ban him and he goes yi and blatantly feeds, then they come gank me top tower diving all the time and he puts the blame on me.

    edit: oh look at that, straight away another game where riven feeds for fun. This ****ing game is getting on my nerves.

    edit 2 for more ranting: Last 4-5 games I've been last pick or second to last and played whats needed, now I'm first pick and choose Ahri mid. All because some guy whos last pick says he wants mid he thinks its his, he trolled the game because he didn't get mid. This ****ing game. Oh and apparently 2 people on my team are reporting me because he said it first. Is there some kind of ****ed up rule im missing here?

    Last edited: 27 Jan 2012
  19. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    People who insta-lock in ranked games without consulting the team are idiots. Low ELO is seriously flawed in the fact that you seem to get stuck with teammates that lack any intelligence and map awareness. I've been sticking to only playing with my friends in which case theres 3-5 of us so even if we have 2 idiots insta-locking we can still fill appropriate roles. I've given up on playing ranked games because people just don't know how to communicate. The only reason the game is fun is because I play with good friends and we like to joke around.

    I seriously think theres an issue with the player base, people are racist, grieve, feed, blame others, or are in general just stupid. We had a tyrnd who go tower diving at 4 and his excuse was "i forgot I'm not 6, I do this all the time". If you're solo queuing or doing ranked it's an extremely frustrating game to play.
  20. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    However, at low-elo i'd say that Players/Characters > Roles. Especially if the last two roles are Tank and Support (and funnily enough, they usually are).

    As such, a Tanky-DPS/Carry you're experienced with will often out-skill a Support/Tank pick.

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