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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Viktor Hex-Core. :p

    You must love punching yourself in the face a lot then, you masochist, you.
  2. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Well apparently $5 million is achieved; done and made. The same could be said of watching any competitive sport: what's the point of playing football competitively? Because it's entertaining to watch people who are really good at it. It gets like-minded people together, raises profile for the game and those advertising it. I appreciate that you don't like progaming or watching it but it seems to be what the majority of people want and enjoy.
    Is this really a problem with competitive gaming or just competition in general? :/
  3. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Hmm but Bonetooth necklace isn't a compulsory item like the hex-core (which is essentially his passive) so he has an extra item option compared to other dps bruiser champions?
  4. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I don't want to start flaming but Kasowaree pokes his head in here every few weeks, makes a comment about the game about how he dislikes it, than just disappears. It adds nothing to the discussion, and we weren't even on the topic of E-Sports. We were discussing different champion and items.

    There's a saying that my parents taught me, I'm sure you're very familiar with it; "If you don't have something good to say, don't say it at all". If you're not going to add to the conversation in a positive way, the door is that way *points*.

    As to the new champion, I have yet to look him up, but just from reading, the new item at least has a stacking benefit. I'm not familiar with Viktor but I'm sure that a normal item would probably be more preferable over the Hex-core, but not too sure. I've been trying different item orders for Jax and so far I'm liking rushing sheen instead of phage which I normally do. I'm also maxing empower sooner, since the cooldown is much lower, it's a lot more spamable than the jump, making it more beneficial when combined with an exhaust.
  5. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Yes I have noticed this; perhaps next time we should just continue whatever discussion we were having rather than pandering to his "argument." Which admittedly I did. :duh:

    Yeah it's a stack item like any other, however I believe you only lose one stack if you die. This makes it a much safer item to get than other stackable items. I'm still dubious.
  6. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Stacking items had their phase early on in league. Everyone used to rush a mejai's, despite what their score actually was. The issue with those items for me is dieing loses a lot of stacks, they usually require an early investment to have the greatest returns as quickly as possible, and I find them to be very situational. You might be able to dominate your lane and farm one up to half, but than you start team fighting and your team isn't working together, everyone will gang up on you and goodbye stacks.

    They're great when they work, but it's a bit of a gamble with them, which is why you rarely see them anymore. To add to it, most games you have feeders, making them an unlikely choice even if you're doing well because you can't sustain the stacks late game. Competitively speaking, they're are usually so few deaths that a stacking item would never be worthwhile. They are appealing items but they're just too risky. I'll stick to my Warmog's or bloodthirsters!

    I also feel that most of the stacking items (2 of the 3) are suited for melee classes, while the third being an hp item. Leviathan with full stacks would only net you 820 hp, and at 20 stacks you would also get 15% damage reduction, but there are better tank items such as Atmas. Sure you may not got the 15% damage reduction, but being a tank, you're going to initiate and most likely die. I don't see it possible to really sustain it. On top of that, early game I can't see the item being very useful.

    Also just looked up the new champion and a bit of his kit reminds me of Warwick. I understand since league is free the best way to keep money coming in is skins and champions but I find champions are being added too quickly and aren't properly balanced, than get nerfed, than the community QQ's than there are more buffs and nerfs. I also find that a lot of the new champions are replacing old champion mechanics that don't work anymore due to all the changes that have occurred with the game. A lot of new champions have a few aspects of old champions. I think some old champions need to be revived or remade to help keep some of them playable.
  7. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I see Rengar isn't even on euw.leagueoflegends.com yet, so I looke dup the GankZone preview.
    that tooth necklace seems a bit like a passive for him in that video, though.
    Looks like a good hunter. Someone that finishes the fight, a bit like Warwick.

    Also, I tend to agree with Mansu (and I am sure most others). There are over 100 champs in the game and 9 times out of 10, a new champ comes out, every player shouts "OMG OP!!!", and then the champ gets nerfed.
    I have not seen an OP Zyra TBH. I have seen good and bad ones, but never an OP one.
    I personally feel that Diana's Q ( think - the arch-skillshot) is VERY paintful when it hits, but then - it's a skillshot, and therefore dodgeable. The arching makes it harder to predict though.

    Funny moment of my weekend's playing: Having an Amumu with me (as teemo) in lane, who started QQing about me getting all the kills in the lane, as well as most of the creeps.
    I had to explain to him, that if the lane is lvl4, and a lvl1 (late to the party) Trynda appears on the other team, you feed off him.
    I even offered to handle the (lvl6 by that time) Ashe for him - or at least distract her while he ganks Tryn, to which he replied "I can't... we have to kill Ashe", whom he was scared to engage. dafuq!!
    He proceeded to go around for the res tof the game accusing me of KS'ing when He backed off the attack, and my poison killed the enemy champ after I was dead... 0_o...
    had me giggling a bit about the 12 year old hissy fit, though...
  8. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    So i bought Diana... am building Tanky AP (RoA -> Abyssal/Zhonya -> Rabadon).

    Judging by my last few matches... either she's OP, it works really well... or i'm just that damn good ¬.¬
  9. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    Nah sorry man but she's totally OP. Once she hits her Q, you're dead. She sticks to you like glue and can burst any squishy in half a second. I hate her
  10. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    TBH, i never had that much issue with her in previous games before i'd bought her... but then it was similar to Zyra in that anytime i saw she dominated... it was because she was fed beforehand in a different lane so i couldn't make a proper judgement.

    I agree that her damage is over the top, especially for the build i'm using, however the crucial thing that you've pointed out is "once she hits her Q", which really is the lynch pin of her entire playstyle... she can flounder around with her Ult and Shield in the mean time, but she really relies on getting the free proc from her Q.

    I also agree with Riot's assessment that she has to think carefully in teamfights because her abilities are very much an "all-in", which also leaves her vulnerable to ganks and harass in the laning phase.
  11. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Well, all I can say is I've not seen you fail a fight with her when I've seen it plenty of times with other champions. :cooldude:
  12. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    You weren't even there for that fail game as Top Vlad !

    You did do a remarkably good impression of it the next time we played though... might even have outstripped the original performance :p
  13. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    If built the right way, that Q hits hard by itself, and as Knuck said - she sticks to you like s*** to velcro afterwards (note: Knuck plays? I didn't even... I assume US, though? ).
  14. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    As if that was the only game you've performed badly in. :eyebrow:
    I forget who I was playing against but I'm sure it must've been the top counter for top Vlad :worried:
  15. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    or like velcro to velcro :D
  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Q is the only real harass she has in her Kit and ultimately requires her to use her Ult to follow up on if she wants to get any real damage off. The cooldown is relatively short, but not so much you can spam it out whenever you want and it really feels like it drags on if you miss the first one (for the free Ult). It's also relatively mana-intensive so you can't use it willy-nilly (although that's what Blue Buff is for i guess).

    I can't help but keep comparing her to Akali (which is what a lot of other people on the LoL forums do) in which people say Diana outclasses Akali. I can't really say i agree, but i would say it's also because their roles are slightly different. Diana for me is very much an AP Bruiser as opposed to an Assassin, she unfortunately has the burst of an Assassin which will probably get nerfed.

    However when comparing actual Damage Numbers, Akali has a slight advantage which only gets larger when you factor in the fact she can output more damage in less time (her Ult is more spam-able and her cooldowns are lower). Over a longer period of time she'll likely drop off as Diana's Passive also comes into play, but in terms of burst damage, i think Akali is definitely stronger.

    I think the main issue is that Akali is currently built and prioritised as a high burst Assassin and her Item Build doesn't lend herself too well for Tanky-DPS builds... i might try her out later (although i need some AD reds ¬.¬) in a more Tanky-DPS style... although she benefits greatly from Revolver (unlike Diana) even if it does put you behind on the survivability curve.
  17. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    But it's been the only game where it was my fault bahahaha :p
  18. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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    I have not had many problems with Diana, although I play very tanky champs olaf, mundo, rammus and they can deal with the damage. Zyra is OP at the moment, although I am looking forward to the Teemo buff he may become viable again! I will be trying Diana as a jungler later on but looks like she is a decent top or mid choice.
  19. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Zyra took a nerf-bat to the face, although as i pointed out before, never really noticed that much of an issue with her (although i agree with Riot's comment that she does almost everything, Burst, CC, AoE, Sustained DPS, Kite).

    I played against her once in mid lane, but i think i'm already used to laning against Champions who have the ability to harass outside of "standard" range (Ziggs, Orianna) as well as playing a lot of Cass myself, which meant i played it quite safe and didn't let her dominate me.

    As for Diana Jungle, i quite like it as it opens up another AP jungle choice who has more damage (atm i can only think of Nunu ¬.¬). She can clear relatively quickly, but a bit of harass can set her back a bit and the new jungle whilst more forgiving in terms of camp difficulty has been nerfed in terms of EXP. However thankfully her damage means her burst doesn't really fall behind when it comes to ganking lanes who are above you in level.

    I've not tried Diana top yet and tbh i'm not really looking forward to it. You'll probably have to give up your Blue Buff to mid, and as you pointed out, a lot of the Bruisers up top aren't as susceptible to being bursted down and are more likely to be able to trade with you... not to mention they have more sustain than you do (since Diana scales of Spell Vamp very poorly) meaning you're more liable to be forced out of lane.
  20. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Teemo Buff... Which patch is this? 145? I see a bit of a change in his E there, but I am reading about W&R buffs, which I can't find info about (through this firewall at least).
    Either way... R buff = Moar Better AP teemo.

    edit: It seems to me this buff makes DoT a bit less, but he hits harder now...
    Last edited: 16 Aug 2012

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