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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Buildng Garen as AD makes him a bit stupid later in the game, but very feasible early and mid game.

    Tank Garen starts out OK, and then suffers mid game due to not having any damage output.
  2. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Just stack sunfire capes. GG :thumb:
  3. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Health regen++
    Armor/MRes ++
    Sunfire capes.

    Win. :p

    The coolest thing about "tank Garen" is that he can regen in seconds.
    In the first game I played with Garen (against bots), I pushed the top inhibitor turret down, then tanked their team, and ran past the mid inhibitor turret to the jungle. I got out of base with <20% health, and was half health again by the time I reached purple team's red buff (I was playing blue team).
    Admittedly, the bots suck even more than me, and no one hard CC'ed me ever while doing that. But it was funny.

    Last weekend I sucked HEAVILY, by the by. I had to resort to Teemo to not blow completely.

    But I made up for that yesterday in the single round I played as graves, where I hit the W->E->Q combo like a machine. :D
  4. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    EUNE is going to stop supporting GBP soon so they're giving free transfers to EUW. I guess I'll see you guys soon then! I've been playing on EUNE since they gave out the free first transfer as a lot of my friends in other games were on it. However most of them have stopped playing so should be fun going back to EUW.

    Source: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/news/removal-gbp-eu-nordic-and-east
  5. mucgoo

    mucgoo Minimodder

    9 Dec 2010
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    You realise sunfires aura damage is UNIQUE?
  6. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Am fairly sure it was a tongue-in-cheek comment to the days they weren't and you'd end up doing exactly that.
  7. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Yes. It was. I am aware of the fact that sunfire is unique.

    Having a look around reddit's LOL discussions, I came across an opinion that was interesting to me:
    The fact that it looks like Lifesteal will be nerfed in an upcoming patch.
    I personally didn't read that much about the pre-season patches, and didn't verify the maths, but this guy's maths seemed fine to me (question is: were his numbers). He mentioned how Thornmail would become an item that's very hard to "out-lifesteal" then.

    After that I spent some time thinking about the change that that (less lifesteal) would bring - essentially, less sustain for bruisers, making a real tank more important, and making the ADC be the carry again... IF it all pans out that way... I am hesitant to speculate too much, since all the proposed changes are PBE right now.
  8. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Yep, you also can't dodge towers, or stun towers, or flash as you grab someone with Blitz, or block creeps to get a super creep wave, or kill people while dead with a sunfire cape aura.

    Doesn't mean you couldn't before :D
  9. mucgoo

    mucgoo Minimodder

    9 Dec 2010
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    I forgot how long some of you guys have been playing.
  10. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    OK, so it turns out that I am not as horrible with Garen as I had expected.

    Step 1: Crit runes are a must (E applies crit chance)
    Step 2: Movement Speed ++
    Step 3: Remember Garen has no Mana. So make sure to use Q a LOT to move around, and also remember that it's like a mini-cleanse.

    Dorans Shield
    Basic Boots
    Warmog's Armor
    Finish Boots to +3MS boots
    Sunfire Cape
    Atma's makes a good addition if needed.

    Your Regen should be around +50 near the end, once the passive comes on.
    Armor through the roof.
    Remember to make surue to look at your death analysis and pack armor or MRes accordingly.

    Keep Q and E available before entering a fight. They're good escapes.
    Garen like that doesn't deal a lot of damage, but he soaks it up well. Thanks to his Q, he's also harder than normal to CC.
    I normally go for +3 boots simply because the alternative would be Ninja Tabi. Thanks to his Q, The Tabi are not quite as useful as they are on other champs. With the +3 boots and his Q, Garen can chase down just about anyone, and can initialise a fight and get out again.

    Also worth noting: The first ability when playing "tank Garen" is his W.
    Might seem counter intuitive, but a passive, scaling Armor and Magic Resist boost, with another active boost (albeit with a longish cooldown) makes for MASSIVE sustain, even in solotop or (as it happened to me) duo-top with an Olaf.
  11. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I remember eve on release was a machine. Get a few dmg items than stack 2 or 3 sunfires and she would wreck everything. The horror!
  12. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    So has anyone seen "new LOL" yet?
    I know I downloaded something like 400MB worth of updates yesterday, but didn't get to play yet... that's EUW. NA has had the preseason patch for a while.
  13. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Am on holiday/visiting relatives abroad atm...

    Not able to play League :(.
  14. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I like the shop tbh, most things have their own tab so you can get to them quickly - but it's going to take some getting used to so most of the time I sit there not sure where to click!

    New interface, not a massive fan, some things are nice, but some things are annoying - shop covers pretty much most of my screen and most of the minimap. Also one of my friends was complaining you cant chat now with shop up. I personally don't see this as an issue since if I'm shopping I'm not chatting and vice versa.

    Some new champion art for Brand, Yi, Leblanc, Mord, and new effects on sunfire cape. Not a massive fan of the sunfire cape effect tbh, kinda looks like this


    Preferred the old cartoony fire personally, but that's not really important :p

    New items are interesting, AD and support got love, especially support tbh. There are some good looking items for support. Not sure about the nerf on void staff, not done the maths but doesn't feel nice. New deathfire looks interesting - curious to see how that works with swains damage amplification. Removal of meki makes me sad :(

    Personally not sure of the upgrade to Archangels, I would have thought that the active on muramana would have been better. I would have assumed if you wanted to be more tanky you'd go RoA over AA so shield just feels a bit weird to me. Either way I'm going to be getting muramana on ryze at some point for a laugh.

    Overall, it feels more DOTA 2 esque to me.

    Easy link to preseason item changes http://competitive.na.leagueoflegends.com/preseason/items
  15. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Support got a bit of love. Everything tends to be squishier like DOTA2 and everything seems to be much faster.

    Tried about 3-4 games and managed a nice tidy 150+ farm for each game except for the ones where I played support. It also seems that builds are a tad different now, and I'm tempted to get Muramana for Ryze as well.

    Overall, I like the new patch, it isn't as massive of a change as I would imagine but it does a rather decent job. The Attackspeed nerfs and the general defense nerfs makes everything easier to kill, but it encourages more careful/risky play. No longer can you really make giant tanks. (well that is unless you're mundo or vlad, then you have a field day)

    I'll also point out that the new pentration is before the reduction, so it's reduced by % first then subtracted in hard numbers afterwards. Even though its 5% less than previously, it should be marginally more effective. (Think a LW's 35% reduction and a brutalizer's hard reduction as well).
  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I find the Penetration changes rather amusing as they're back to the way they were in Season 1.

    It's good though, as i think it opens up more options in terms of Runes, since atm Flat AD is generally the way to go whereas it used to be a good trade up between ArPen and AD.

    However, the reason they nerfed Pen. order before was due to Burst Mages being too strong (instantly taking out Sustained Mages) and i'm wondering what they've done to counteract that. I'm also if we're going to see the return of pure Flat Pen builds e.g.:

    -> Boots+Pots
    -> rush Haunting Guise/Sorc. Shoes

    Destroy every one early game.

    -> move onto Void Staff
    -> build more AP

    Keeps damage into late-game and should provide a snowball curve.

    Annie used to wreck with just about 200AP from the build... maybe we'll see her again ;D.
  17. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I played (and lost) two games last night, both as AP Teemo (after seing crying on reddit about Teemo being broken now).

    'Twas fun. The new items and item changes sure make him very very nasty.
    Let's start at masteries allowing for so much MPen. That helps.
    Then the new mask (no idea what it's called... +100AP, + burn for x% of health over x seconds).
    Rabbadon's is still good (though 25% boost, rather than 30%).
    Deathfire Grasp got buffed in pure AP, nerfed in active.
    Lich Bane got nerfed a bit, but is still a good item on Teemo.

    One thing I have yet to try is to finish my build (or even start it) with that new "hurricane" item... +70% AS? ZOMG! +better farm as well... I'll take 2 please... ;)

    I think it's going to take a few games for people to get used to the new dynamics a bit...I, for example LOVE the changes to movement speed (and boots), but I have to get used to the fact that they are upgradeable.
  18. fdbh96

    fdbh96 What's a Dremel?

    29 May 2011
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    Im pretty sure LoL is trying to confuse me. I played it for the first time last week, and loved it so Ive been getting my head round the UI and shop, then it all changes :wallbash: . Is this a regular thing that I expect and am I right in saying that things in the (in game) shop have disappeared.

    To be fair, it does look much better :D
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    I'd imagine that AP teemo would wreck for nothing other than the mastery that deals 5% ap as magic damage on every auto attack. That paired with his toxic shot and the new would be really difficult to deal with.

    Have you tested to see if the passive on Liandry's Torment works with toxic shot? That would be pretty ridiculous...

    They do a change up at the end of each season, so you're good for a year (most likely).
  20. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I was too buys giggling to check anything productive, TBH.
    I know that Liandry's Torment works with shrooms (I KNOOOOW!), and with blind.
    the giggling came for 550-650AP without a full build (Also, PLENTY of flat and % MPen in there), and the blind wrecking anything but a tank.
    Another Teemo? Q->half the life just disappeared. A Katarina? 1/3life in one shot.

    This weekend's mission - try AP Teemo with Hurricane. just because it should make his team fight feasibility substantially higher.

    That said - I am expecting Teemo to get hit with the nerf bat quite hard...

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