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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Odinster

    Odinster What's a Dremel?

    3 Feb 2011
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    I definitely recommend Lee Sin, I've been playing him bot lane recently (ANTI-META) and in all honesty probably because it's normals I haven't done all that bad, but at the same time I haven't played that much.
  2. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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    just tried out lissandra, she's pretty interesting to play

    have only tried her in ARAM so far, she works well if the team initiates with you when you go in with E and pop all your cooldowns

    i feel like she'd work well in dominion bottom lane, but nobody's playing dominion now with the ARAM queue.. 30 mins queue time and nada


    i own quite a few skins, i think i've spent about $30 since i started playing in late 2011.. i just ran out of my initial RP purchase a couple weeks ago lol

    my favorite is probably piltover customs heimerdinger
  3. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Lissandra feels OP tbh, I think shes going to get nerfed. Plenty of damage, good wave clear good CC and good escapes. She doesn't really have that much of a downside.

    Her E is just silly. You cannot out range the activate so if you're getting ganked cast E one way and run the opposite. Either they chase you and you teleport to your E or they chase your E and you keep on strolling. It won't always work out like that ofc but it's pretty hard to kill her in lane.
    It also counts as a blink so as long as you go atleast half way over a wall you will teleport to the other side. Can do some awesome roaming ganks with that.

    Me and a few friends are looking for other players on EUW to play 5's with and perhaps ranked 5's if anyone's interested you can add me. Summoner name is Minaccia
  4. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    So the last few weeks were... well... eventful in LoL terms for me:
    Firstly, I tried DotA2... I felt confused, overwhelmed and irritated after 3 games or so (and after fighting with Steam, since I never buy games and a mate wanted to gift me DotA2, but I couldn't add him because I don't buy games, etc...). So I decided that right now, I don't have the time or energy to invest in it, and went back to LOL.

    I then created a smurf account on EUW (BBTBMHLAH -don't ask... it's an in-joke, that one- for those interested in adding. currently sucking around level 5 or so)
    I realised that the lower levels these days are seemingly DOMINATED by smurfs and trolls, AFKing is super common there, and it's harder to get a game there, often waiting for 3-4 minutes in queue.

    I want to use it to play free champs, so I have a place to practice besides against retarded bots.

    So when I logged back into my lvl 30 account yesterday, I was BLISSFULLY happy with LoL again. Such nice people. So much fun when your team isn't building AP-Ashe and diving at lvl1.

    I also won EVERY game I played yesterday (I think).
    Tried some variations on my AP teemo build, but in general found that AP+Hurricane works like a BOSS.
    If I were to play AD, I'd probably go Hurricane and Static Shiv for Farm++
  5. Odinster

    Odinster What's a Dremel?

    3 Feb 2011
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    Chris I may be interested in playing 5's with you guys, I don't play much ranked soloq as I'm just fed up with the amount of times I've been trolled but I have a strong grasp of mechanics and can play most roles apart from Jungle, not really a fan of jungling myself :/
  6. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I Would be interested, but quite frankly I hardly ever play during "normal" times... most of my gaming happens at 6AM or so, and even then only in limited bursts.
  7. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Sure thing, just add me in-game. We don't play much ranked solo queue either due to the same reasons.

    Summoner name: Minaccia
  8. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    after a few more matches last night, I have come to the realisation that more often than not, games are decided by which team has more AFKs.

    The one match was quite literally 4v3, while another had me fighting in a 3 man against a very well coordinated 5 man.
    Our jungle Cho fed the other team's Cho, and then left, while our Ashe had "PC Rebooting" issues between lvl 6 and lvl 15.

    On the subject of Cho:
    Does anyone else find the big cho HORRIBLY irritating? I mean - he takes up SO much screen real estate that you lose oversight a bit...
  9. Odinster

    Odinster What's a Dremel?

    3 Feb 2011
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    Having a big Cho can be a good thing alot of the time if I'm playing ADC i'll just hide behind a big cho and let him absorb most of the skillshots :)
  10. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Yeah, I get that he grows and it suits the image... I just think he grows too much...
  11. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    I've discovered that in Ranked no one is reliable.

    It's a shame really as I normally play support, mid or top. Made it to Silver 3 in a week, stuck there because I'm not good enough to carry hard.

    That or I played Kassadin.

    Speaking of which, talon mid or Zed top is hilariously outclassed by Jarvan.
  12. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    J4 is BROKEN in the right hands... The problem with him is that in the wrong hands, he's a sub-par bruiser with loads of armour in the wrong hands. If played the wrong way (as I have seen numerous times), he's downright dangerous for his own team... that ult with bad timing kills teammates DEAD. Possibly even himself.

    Talon fascinates me. He's vicious in a teamfight, once he gets going.
    Zed and (surprisingly) Lissandra are more often than not easy to handle. You just need to understand where he COULD be. Zed is almost impossible to chase down, though... so he goes on killing sprees, etc a good bit.

    I have been playing more Teemo (again) lately, and am finally (after forever) at a point where I think I am nearing the full potential of the little guy (7/10 last games won, only one of the losses was with Teemo).
    His ability to go AP or AD, his ability to go supporting (shrooms) or fighting (various options there). His ability to deal long term damage (try Malady+Rabaddon's+Hurricane for that) or bursty (AP+Lich Bane make him able to burst down LITERALLY most champs), etc...
    He can also support in bottom lane quite well (his blind is a saviour then), and only pick up farm later to turn into a steamroller.

    Love the little dude, and am starting to really like Ashe again as well.
  13. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    so I find myself playing Ashe a good bit again lately.

    Since lately my ping is a little bit unpredictable, last-hitting is a bit of an issue though, which makes for a bad ADC.
    As a consequence I normally build Doran's blade->beserker greaves->static shiv (for Farm++)

    after that I go Bloodthirster or (preferred) that ++CRIT item that is inf-edge.

    After that I am quite situational. Last Whisper, Phantom dancer and Frozen Mallet and Tri-Force have al made it into the mix.
  14. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Honestly, for Ashe IE shiv and BoTRK is almost mandatory.

    That said, lately I got demoted back to Silver IV. :( I want to say it's myself, but having been stuck with teams that do absolutely nothing (bot lane feeds 5 kills, enemy jungler mysteriously gets a killing spree 4 minutes in, mid wanders and gets caught, our jungler does nothing) I am hard pressed to say that I've gotten lucky.

    I will admit that me playing top lane as opposed to mid lane contributes to this as it's my most comfortable lane (and I usually outplay almost everyone in Silver as Jarvan top), but recently I've taken a break from Ranked after losing match after match because of the combination of my own inability to be an amazing carry and in part to my team lottery results being awful.

    Double Jungle Fiddle+Olaf (both who fed) pretty much was a signal I should take a hiatus and breathe. There's nothing like watching your team fall to shreds as you're stuck alone in top lane racking up CS and kills trying to win the lane but you're thwarted because the enemy jungler is fed...

    On a bright note: I discovered Darius and instananeously began to laugh manically. And I'll start jungling soon. With Udyr. >:)
  15. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I started playing again, I still prefer Dota, but when I have no one to play with ARAM is fairly entertaining. I don't want to commit to regular / ranked matches yet since I'm not familiar with a years worth of new champions and the new items. Slowly just wading into it I guess. Debating if I should go level my EU account to play with you or stick to my 30 on the US servers.
  16. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Still massively easier than DOTA.
  17. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    LoL is easier than all the moba games i've played, and yet generally much harder to win. Reason being all the idiots seem to end up on my team while the good players end up on the enemy team.
  18. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    That's the real problem. because it's so accessible many people play it and thus you have a huge disparity and gulf that really means that luck is a large factor on the quality of your teams.
  19. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I think the player matching should be made better, but I'm super hard pressed to come up with a valid suggestion there.
    The fact is that if my team blows (and this seems to come in waves - 2 weeks ago I was winning 8/10, now I am at 5/10 maybe - and I am not getting worse, it's team compilation, that), I am not going to be carrying to victory.

    If I play an ADC and my Jungle J4 blows his ult ON TOP of me then Q+W's out of it, there's VERY little I can do beyond my flash.
    If my ADC fails to capitalise on kills (this happens a LOT lately, where the kill is there for the taking but would mean a potential (single) turret hit) and the ADC doesn't take the kill, there's again little I can do. In the particular case I am thinking about I took the kill and got raged at for taking it, when his Caitlyn was perfectly able to get it, but had no intention (the running back and hitting B is kinda a massive giveaway). By the third or fourth time this happened, I was the "shitty support that's going on a killing spree while the ADC is not getting the kills".

    There's a massive luck factor in LoL, which is really annoying.
    That's why I have yet to play a single ranked game in S3.
  20. timmehtimmeh

    timmehtimmeh Minimodder

    2 Jan 2005
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    I've been playing since the end of season 2 and love the game. I play in Silver II / I, up and down I go.

    I consider myself a noob but really enjoy playing.

    http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/37827653 is my Summoner. Leofr1cs on EU West.

    If you fancy a game, please add me :)


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