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News No internet for Xbox One? Get an Xbox 360 then, says Microsoft.

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Meanmotion, 12 Jun 2013.

  1. SAimNE

    SAimNE What's a Dremel?

    23 Oct 2012
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    wow xbox publicity is through the floor.... i think that bill gates will soon show up in person to kick all of those in charge of this little train wreck directly in the balls :|.
  2. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    MS have this xmas for sale - that $1 BILLION for triple A launch titles will make it win this year alone. PS4 gets its exclusives next year
  3. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    'Effin scumbags!
    Why the hell would they say that?! :/
    They make a product with a major flaw and now they refuse to fix it... PC it is, and then a PS4 later on for Kingdom Hearts 3. I still play the first one, after 8 years or so.
    I've never played the second one and that haunts me to this day :p
  4. KidMod-Southpaw

    KidMod-Southpaw Super Spamming Saiyan

    28 Sep 2010
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    Sure, I'll just buy a previous generation console to get round the issues of your current one. :rolleyes:
  5. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    the people doing the presentation for MS are colossal bellends. They all need serious PR training and someone needs to come back from MS and kick some internal ass to put thing's straight else they will end up loosing a lot of customers.
  6. VaLkyR-Assassin

    VaLkyR-Assassin Minimodder

    16 Feb 2009
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    Lucky you.

    Back in the real world.....
  7. Star*Dagger

    Star*Dagger What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2007
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    If you do not have an internet connection that is solid 24-7 you have other issues.
  8. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    It's ok if you don't.. Microsoft said just buy an XBox 360.
  9. AmEv

    AmEv Meow meow. See yall in 2-ish years!

    6 Apr 2011
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    Yes, it is, but it kinda requires a phone line to use it :eyebrow:

    Can't afford a phone line? Phone service not in your area? I've had both.
  10. fluxtatic

    fluxtatic What's a Dremel?

    25 Aug 2010
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    That and where the hell am I going to find a modem and a router I can plug said modem into?

    Bully for you and your always on 120MB connection. I don't have it as bad as some, but I couldn't get such a connection where I am (in a major American city, btw) without shelling out for a dedicated business-class line. Sorry, I don't exactly have $1800/month for my internet connection.

    So, I could, in theory, use my pathetic 1.5Mbps to allow the Xbone to check in. However, that isn't the point. The point is the completely tone-deaf idiocy MS is demonstrating. I don't want to rely on having an internet connection solely for MS to make sure I'm playing by the rules. I don't appreciate the used-games market being crippled if not killed (which is totally the publishers' fault, according to MS...), I don't want to talk to my console or wave at it like a ****ing idiot.

    You don't care about all the stupid, stupid things MS is doing? Great, buy and XBox One and enjoy it in good health. But you come off like an asshole acting as if everyone should feel as you do about it.

    As to Mattrick's future-proof comment - I could go dust off my Super Nintendo and hook it up right this very second, if I were so inclined. I've still got a load of games for it not twenty feet from me. Given that it's damn near twenty years old, I'd call that way more future-proof than anything the XBox division will ever produce.
  11. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    Yeah, I have high speed too (150mbps, 20mbps upload), but this thing makes you go online to play singleplayer games.
    I only have one cable in my room, and my pc doesn't work wireless. And my connection is too weak to play wireless on the console (not a great router). So then I need to switch cables which kills my clean cable management behind my desk.
  12. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    I will be buying a Xbox One simply for the Halo games, and to use as a Media Player for when I don't want to use my PC for it.

    Yeah it's pretty much a waste of money but, I enjoy the Halo games and I play them a fair bit so I will get my monies worth from it.

    My connection is always on, and yeah it's a fast connection but I don't like the fact that the Xbox won't work without it.

    MS need to open there eyes and realise they are going to loose customers because of this always on requirement, because not everyone lives in a area where you can get a decent connection or mobile phone signal to be able, to use your phone to do the authentication.

    Either way, I know a few people who won't be buying any of the consoles and are now going for a PC and I know others who were die hard Xbox fans and they are now not buying the Xbox and instead will be buying the PS4.

    Good job MS Idiots.
  13. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    @fluxtatic So I have to think like you and anyone else whining here do I? What rules aren't you playing to for you to be scared of an internet connection?

    So you all think Sony wont go this way? They've already said their cloud based computing is already set for a spring 2014 launch. Both Sony and Microsoft are going the same way with cloud assisted gaming, meaning your console only does part of the process, the rest will be done in the cloud ala OnLive. That's why both Sony and Microsoft have invest billions into server cities.

    So good luck thinking you'll have the easy life with Sony. Remember they said they would never charge for online services? How's that gone again? You can't back with "we get a free game each month!", yes you do but it wont be a chart topper, it'll just be filler.
  14. markwalker84

    markwalker84 What's a Dremel?

    10 Jun 2006
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    You have a very arrogant and selfish point of view.

    "Doesn't affect me therefore it's not a problem and everyone should stop being a whiny little b!tch"

    I'm very happy for you that you never have internet outages and have enough cash to splash out $60+ on every game you want to play.

    Not everyone is that lucky so how about you grow some perspective and try seeing things from the point of view of those less fortunate than yourself?
  15. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    whats your internet?

    we have FTTC here with sky rock solid at 40/10
  16. CrazyJoe

    CrazyJoe Modder

    4 Aug 2010
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    I've got 120 meg cable but if I took my xbox with me to visit my Mum I would be on a spotty unreliable 1 meg on a good day so there's a good chance I'd get locked out with their restrictions.

    Plus, the line went down over the winter for 6 days and you don't get 3G up there, so I would be ****ed.

    The fact is, there's no good reason for this online authentication every 24 hours. The only reason I can see them doing it is for anti-piracy reasons and we all know that anti-piracy/DRM only affects legit customers.

    As for the used games policy, it doesn't bother me too much as I'm used to it with PC games, but you can bet they won't be lowering the prices and holding sales like we get with PC titles.

    I've pre-ordered a PS4 from Amazon anyway, they don't charge until dispatch so I can always change my mind if a nice bundle deal comes up.
  17. chemo

    chemo True Jungle Brother

    20 Feb 2005
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    Not sure if serious but I higly doubt it, their limited indie scene and what exclusives they have are pretty weak but so is ps4 on exclusives tbh.
    Its everything else that will be the reason people avoid the xbone and pick up the ps4 regardless of the exclusives as most people know theres alot of cross platform coming out, enjoy the idea of what you can and cant do with the ps4 and ofcourse the sweeter price for a more powerful machine!
  18. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    If anyone is on BT you could always connect to the neighbours internet using the BT Hotspot.
  19. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    15/5 here in the US.

    And it's spotty. I mean absolutely spotty.

    Not that it would be a problem, but I would maintain that at one point needing to validate every damn week would grind on my nerves enough as it is. (I play my PS3 at most once a month)
  20. impar

    impar Minimodder

    24 Nov 2006
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    I thought it was a joke when I saw the headlines with this.
    Sony has the upper hand in this generation.
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