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Windows Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Blogins, 24 Aug 2015.

  1. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Fun and hilarious! I always smirk when a human/animal suddenly lurches into the sky - a brief respite from the brutal nature of the game.
  2. Blogins

    Blogins Panda have Guns

    3 Aug 2010
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    What follows Mission 3 is a treat. Shan't spoil it for others but I defy anyone who's heart won't melt with the moment!
  3. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    It's really kicking my ass at the moment with a certain.. Um.. Inconvenient truth of certain warzones. I've found myself not doing the missions because it's really grim.

    Incidentally, anyone who gets titsed off with Quiet being useless at following instruction - She does unlock a command about halfway down her "Bond" rating that makes her slightly more predictable.

    I'm really questioning the concept of the story at the moment.
    Okay, I buy that it's meant to depict BB's downfall into the bad guy for the "Solid" series starter, and that it's meant to be a 'piece by piece' thing that just sort of creeps up on you. That makes sense, and I'm psyched to see it and play it. I take issue, though, with the fulton kidnapping. I dunno. It seems to undermine the 'slow turn to badguy' when you're kidnapping hundreds of people and basically forcing them into your private army - And at first, without an interpreter. Maybe I'm getting hung up on that, and I shouldn't be, but Big Boss already strikes me as a mass murdering kidnap specialist. Miller, though, is absolutely the biggest dick on that floating fortress. Never thought I'd like Ocelot, but damn, he seems so reasonable right now.

    Oh, and when anyone works out the FOB system and how we can all invade each other, I think we should do something with that. That seems bloody challenging.
  4. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    you dont get access to FOB's until mission 22ish, ive just finished the main game earlier, brilliant and at times brutal. there's still **** tonnes to do.
  5. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    The price of going open world, storytelling and pacing give way to absurd resource collecting mechanics.

    At least MGS5 does it in a typically extreme and ridiculous manner, literally snatching objects, animals and people kicking and screaming into the air. It's the way nobody reacts that gets me, as if it's what happens all the time.
  6. Tomhyde1986

    Tomhyde1986 What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2009
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    I've had soldiers react to my Fulton abductions. "Someone just got kidnapped by a baloon!" made me laugh quite a bit.

    Personally I think it's an amazing game. I can see the criticism that you do have to go looking for the story and it might be quite shallow. As others have said thats the nature of the open world I suppose.

    In terms of gameplay alone though its easily making its way up my list of best games ever. It's certainly the most refined metal gear ever. Gun play feels really good and the stealth mechanics work nicely. I also like it's recovery system where if you make a mistake you have a few split seconds to take emergency action.

    All in all I'm loving it and I'm only 8 missions in. Finally a game I didn't want to stop playing last night.
  7. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Yeah, I've not long done 22 and got access to all that, it looks like there's some sort of 'friend' system built in there somewhere. Not sure whether it plucks that info from Steam or what, not really looked into it that hard yet.

    Yeah. I do like that, if you've not alerted the enemy and they see a balloon they radio it in, and if they see someone being ballooned out they try and help.

    Jesus **** are the Skulls hardarses. Did the Code Talker missions last night, goddamn. It took over an hour to go through my staff, though, for quarantine purposes. That wasn't fun. And there's no search/organisation criteria for the link either!
    Last edited: 8 Sep 2015
  8. workingclass

    workingclass What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2010
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    Caved in and bought this. Played about 4 hours. Am I the only one that thinks the controls are really bad ? The horse feels really terrible and the way the character responds just feels off. After I get used to it I can tell that I'll really like this game, but it surprised me a little to see no mention of this anywhere. Also I don't understand why my character can't stand up straight. He's always a little bent. Character animation and the controls are bugging me a little now, and how I can crouc 20 meters in front of enemies and they don't fully see me boggles me a little.

    Coming off the Witcher, this made me realize how good a job CDPR did with the controls and character responsiveness in that game. And perhaps especially the horse.

    Saying all this, the game has a charm and I know I will play it quite a lot.
  9. Tomhyde1986

    Tomhyde1986 What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2009
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    The horse animations and general collision is a bit wonky but it's not awful. Metal Gear has always had it's contol quirks. The whole crawling thing is really weird and I've never quite got the hang of it.

    I don't think Snake has ever stood fully erect to be honest. Thats just the way he is! Same for the crouching or crawling within a few yards of an enemy and not being seen. It's for gameplay more than realism. If you think about it just about everything in metal gear is a bit silly. Holographic phones and e-cigars in the mid 70's anyone?

    I personally think the controls in MGS:5 are way better than The Witcher 3. That being said I've spent hundereds of hours in MG games so I guess I just got used to them. Contraversial I know but I vastly prefer the feel of MGS. I can't get on with The Witcher sadly.
  10. notmeagain

    notmeagain Minimodder

    29 Jan 2009
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    I've absolutely loved playing this game, it's a good mix of serious and quirky (magic cardboard box for example).

    I've not been a fan of the credits every mission though.
  11. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Bought it on the strength of this an other reviews, bloody brilliant game, I now rock up in my gold chopper rocking out some classic eighties tunes. its great seeing how many people you can Fulton away before they notice. Only on mission six managed to get the bionics expert without killing anyone used some C4 to distract them then got into the prison put a guard to sleep and extracted the lab guy super stealthy :ninja:

    Have to admit the controls are a little odd really set up for a console instead of a mouse keyboard combo. Cardboard box is really amusing though apparently you can slide down hills in it.
  12. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    Really joying the game as well, building up Mother Base is a great little addition and I quite enjoy roaming around the small outposts to seek out talented people who can join my divisions.
    There's far too many diamonds scattered around so GMP may as well not exist but it's hard to complain about having too much money in a game...

    I am having a bit of an uphill struggle to fix my karma and get rid of the 'Demon Snake' appearance (I can't see any gameplay change from being evil but the blood soaked appearance is annoying), it's not like I did anything terribly evil to earn it either... I accidentally caused a chain explosion that killed a bunch of animals and soldiers, possibly a prisoner or two as well.

    I'm still in the early stages of the game 7% completion I think, having recently picking up the Honey Bee (I may have accidentally killed a few people during the finale to that mission too) so hopefully I'll get some more options to reduce my evil rating as I complete more...

    Also anyone know of a way to stop the game from flashing up 10 or so notices every time you launch the game?
    While it's nice that they want to share information about patch updates and known bugs, I've ready them so many times that I just don't care and want to jump right into the game...
  13. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Apparently once you get a zoo up an running you can use that to help reduce your evil rating, mean time focus on beefing up the tranq gun should help as well, that or just do non lethal takedowns.
    Also there is a shower to get the bloodstains off in Motherbase white/grey box near the helipad.
  14. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    Once you become Demon Snake the blood doesn't wash off, I even tried jumping into the ocean. :D

    I normally use the rubber bullets and CQC, it was just a scenario where the game required lethal force (I assume as it told me to use the Honey Bee launcher) but I may have over done it... plus misfiring and hitting a truck and inadvertently exploding a number of other things with people in/around them didn't help.

    I'll work on getting that zoo up and running so I can collect and look after my animals for a while until I'm less demonic and silly looking.
    I wouldn't mind if you could wash off the blood, having it constantly dripping down his body like there's a leaky tap on his head is a little dumb. I almost feel like I've stepped into the W40k universe and that I should be running around screaming "blood for the blood god".
  15. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    Oops I'm late to the thread's party.

    People would be so much happier if they didn't watch trailers, follow hype, read previews. Apparently even the big twist was solved two years ago, and here I am getting excited when Ocelot introduces himself or I get a dog.

    There's all the lies as well. Funnily enough it was MGS3's half-of-this-is-never-in-the-game trailer that made me realise I would be better off not watching trailers, and it's been paying off ever since. From San Andreas to Watch Dogs.

    Gameplay is the best in the series, story... not so much. Real shame. Also might be a bit too familiar, as I've played Peace Walker before this, and this is really Peace Walker 2. Obviously that name wouldn't have sold so many copies. From what I've read, the hype was full of false promises when in brutal truth it's a filler addition to the Big Boss/Solid Snake story.

    MGSV doesn't actually show why he goes from the hero of MGS3 to the villain of MG1 and MG2, Peace Walker already did that, and it turns out it's pretty straightforward yet logical reasoning. A complete antithesis to usual Kojima story explanations.

    Apparently the hype of this game claimed this would be showing his descent into villainy, but that was a huge lie if they did say that.

    You're not forcing anyone into your army. Big Boss is a hero to all soldiers, he's hugely revered. They jump at the chance to work under him rather than some commander or stereotypical villain. Those sent to the brig and being 'convinced' to join Big Boss are just having the concept of Outer Heaven explained to them, and also simmering down as they're probably pretty pissed at being so badly owned on their watch.

    Sort of series spoilers ish about Miller and Ocelot:

    This is the only time we see Ocelot being himself. He adores Big Boss, possibly romantically, so is doing everything in his power to help him. All the other times we've seen him (MGS 1, 2, 3, 4) he's been a triple agent stabbing everyone in the back or just working for himself.

    Miller is bitter, but you'd be too in his situation, let alone what you find out in the end, but it turns out he's right more often than wrong.

    I can't agree. The song is great but it's too slow-paced, especially if you're including the actual 'gameplay'. It's a great intro still, but not one of the best I think. Worse that you have to do it twice.

    Gotta milk that cow.
  16. chewbaccas_nan

    chewbaccas_nan Minimodder

    27 Jun 2011
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    My RMA replacement GTX 770 finally got delivered on Friday, after 3 weeks of waiting (credit to Scan & MSI, all went smoothly).

    I've been playing it over the weekend and loving it so far! You know when a game's good when hours go by and you don't even notice.
  17. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Accepting everything else - If that's the case, why are they so hell bent on killing me so late in the game? I mean. I've kidnapped nearly 1500 of them. surely word's got around that if they just lie down and let me fulton them it'll be a lot less awkward than basically date-rape drugs from a distance.
  18. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    I know, it's a bit faulty. Maybe it's a sort of pack mentality. They can't just go to motherbase since it's hidden, and when they do encounter Big Boss no one's going to lay down their weapon for fear of no one else following suit, especially if it's alert status and they appear to have the advantage and would be risking insubordination (and death since they work for the villain) for a guy who might be dead in a few seconds.

    Though if you grab them silently, a few will ask you to let them work for you when you interrogate them.
  19. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    ..Interrogate them? Ever since some idiot gave me a silencer mod for my tranq rifle I've not touched anything except to fulton it >.>
  20. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    It makes finding the special staff, prisoners, blueprints, songs, anti-aircraft etc. easier, or at least marks more guards so they don't surprise me.

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