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Displays Advice on new monitors... (24"/25")

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by SchizoFrog, 26 Dec 2015.

  1. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Over the next few weeks I'll finally be building a new PC and while I am at it I need to replace my old monitors (2x Samsung SyncMaster 22").

    Originally I was looking at the 24" Dell Ultrasharp U2414H (1080P) but I am now thinking that I should go for the 25" Dell UtraSharp U2515H instead and this is where I need advice. I will be using them together on my desk with one in the center and the other to the right and gaming will happen on the center monitor only.

    I know the hardware of the PC dictates the level of a monitor but first I will start with the monitors themselves first. Apart from the resolution and a slightly different screen size, are there any other important differences to recommend one over the other?

    I am likely to build my PC with an i5-6600K and 16GB Ram... The GPU situation is more tricky. I was thinking of getting a GTX970 but I think I may stick with my current 750Ti for now and upgrade to a Pascal GPU in due time.
    But if we stick with the 970 for now, is that GPU really powerful enough to run demanding games (Shadow Of Mordor, GTA V, etc) at the highest settings at 1440P? If I stick to that level of GPU, should I really stick to the 1080P monitor?
    Will I be able to game on the 1440P monitor with my 750Ti albeit with low settings, or is that asking too much?

    I was thinking of asking further regarding G-Sync and if they are really worth it, but they are so expensive that I really can't go there.

    Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions...
  2. DK63

    DK63 Resident magpie

    8 Sep 2009
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    I have a GTX970, running dual monitors, exact setup that you're planning. Both 23", but different resolutions. Main monitor is 2048x1152, second is 1920x1080. I run all my games at max settings. Currently, I'm playing Wot, WoWs, Diablo III and Sup Com FA. Card copes perfectly, although these games are probably not as demanding as yours.
  3. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    Have a look at the 16:10 monitors, I have the 16:10 and my dad has the 16:9 and his looks so narrow in comparison.
  4. johnim40

    johnim40 Minimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Hi I have a 970 and I run a 40in 4k with mostly high settings some games very high
  5. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Can I ask what size you both have? As far as I can see, in the 24"-25" sizes you can only get 16:10 in 1920 and if I can manage I think I would like to go for the 25" in the next res up.
    You have to remember that I am coming from 1680x1050 so even just going to 1080 will give me a little more room up and down while quite a lot across while going up to 1440 will be a massive step up... I think the narrowness is something that will be 'got used to' very quickly once they are being used.

    I am more concerned about the performance side of things, such as I'll not be able to game at all with a 750Ti in the near future while the 970 will also not be up to the job in the long term... I don't want to be looking at a new GPU for a few years once I upgrade, hence the possibility of waiting for pascal as I imagine that a '1070' (or whatever they call it) will be the equivalent of at least a 980... for a lot less.
  6. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    I have a 24" and my dad has a 23", mine is in my sig (and my dad's is exactly the same only the smaller version).

    I use a 280x and the 970 would kick its ass all day and all night and I have no issues with performance at all.

    Remember more inches don't necessarily mean greater res and quality of panels vary greatly, as does the build quality of the whole monitor.

    16:10 is 1920x1200 whereas 16:9 is 1920x1080 usually at these sizes. 2560x1440 is more usual at 27 inch ranges and greater due to the extra size. As such the 16:10 ratio barely adds any workload to the gpu at 1920x1200.

    Here is the 16:10 version:


    That all being said, while the 25 inch dell you mentioned would most likely give a sharper image, it would tax the gpu a lot more. If you are gaming I doubt that step up would be worth it, stay with the 24 inchers for now.

    That means your decision becomes just a ratio issue really, what do you prefer?
    Last edited: 27 Dec 2015
  7. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    One more thing, post your budget and I will throw together a build for you to help give ideas. I like fake spending other people's money on builds.

    I am waiting for pascal before I consider anything though as it looks like it is shaping up to be a decent jump forward and that iteration that means upgrading won't be worth it for a while, kind of like Intel with Sandy Bridge.
  8. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Thanks for the posts...

    This is where I start going round in circles in my head...
    See, when I upgrade my monitors I don't want to 'want' to do it again for several years. However, I am certain that I don't want 2x 27" monitors, especially at over £700 for them both.
    I was thinking that the 25" 1440 was ideal as it wasn't too big, offered the extra detail and screen real estate while also keeping costs to a 'practical' level. However, as every article I have seen regarding 1440 deals with a 27" monitor I am thinking that the scaling of text and icons will just be too small for every day use and Windows scales horribly when you try to increase things.

    While the monitors I have are 16:10 (so I am used to that) it has 'bugged' me ever since I hooked up my TV that the ratios don't match so I think 16:9 is where I will go.

    Maybe the perfect compromise for me would be a 25" 1080 but as I want to stick with the UltraSharp monitors (if I stick with Dell), this just isn't available.
    So for the now I am still torn between 24" 1080 or 25" 1440...

    P.S. Just realised that Bit-Tech hasn't done an actual monitor review in nearly 3 years... :(
  9. Shadow_101

    Shadow_101 Minimodder

    12 Feb 2004
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    I have the 25" u2515h 16:9 and the 24" u2412 16:10. While I prefer the aspect ratio old the older dell, the 25" is a much better monitor, sitting in a useful middle ground of high res monitor that is actually usable with out scaling. and looks nicer too. :)
  10. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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  11. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Your 750ti would not get playable fps in pretty much any title made in the last 2 -3 years at native resolution. It would run league of legends and for most that's plenty.
  12. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Thanks all for the comments:

    Hearing that the screen of the U2515H looks better and is usable without scaling is good to hear although the comment about the monitor looking better, there is a newer model of the U2412 (U2415) which has the same screen styling but the 16:10 aspect ratio of 1920x1200... So would you still go for the U2515H?

    I have looked at Ultrawides before but discarded them almost immediately as their resolution is even greater while being less versatile.
    For example, if I was gaming with the ultrawide then it takes up the full screen and I will need a seriously top end GPU to run it. While having 2 monitors I can game on one while using the other for other things at the same time, this will also lower the workload on the GPU and is also more practical.

    Sorry but you need to clarify your comment. Are you referring to the ultrawide? At which I would agree and understand.
    My 750Ti is to continue only until Pascal comes along at which point I would be looking at their £250-£300 GPU, akin to the current 970... while hoping for the performance of a current 980 or close to 980Ti.
    So are you saying that I wouldn't be able to game on anything remotely new on a 1440 screen with my 750Ti, even with settings lowered?
  13. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    1440p needs more grunt than the 750ti can deliver for newer titles. Really does depend on what you play. As I said league of legends / DOTA 2 for example would run fine. Just cause 3 or GTA 5 would crawl.
  14. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    Yes, on this I agree too... and would be sticking to my older games and leaving the newer ones alone until the GPU upgrade. The point I was asking here was would a 970 be enough for 1440 with games like GTA V, The Witcher 3, etc... as if I bought a 970 and these games would still need their settings adjusted to medium-ish then I would be disappointed and would definitely go with the 1080. But if a 970 will run testing games just fine on 1440 then that may be the answer...
  15. johnim40

    johnim40 Minimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Just cause 3 and gta are fine at 1440p with a 970
  16. dunx

    dunx ITX is where it's at !

    1 Sep 2010
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    Dell also do a 24" version of the 25" Dell UtraSharp U2515H that I have, for far less dosh !


    P.S. I find the extra "space" over a 1080P monitor a bonus....
  17. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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    I don't know which monitor you are referring to, do you mean the U2415? This is not comparable in any way to the U2515H as it is a different size, different ratio and different resolution.
    If you mean the P2416D as that is 1440 then that is also out as I wouldn't go 1440 on 24" as well as the fact that it isn't an UltraSharp.

    P.S. Either way, yes they do other options, but you don't mention if you think that they are suitable or even if you think that they are any good...
  18. woodback

    woodback What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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  19. SchizoFrog

    SchizoFrog What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2009
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  20. BennieboyUK

    BennieboyUK CPC Folder of the Month Sep 2011

    24 Nov 2010
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    I have a U2515H Amazing panel.

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