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Rant Taking Shoes Off In The Office

Discussion in 'General' started by Pookie, 4 Nov 2016.

  1. Pookie

    Pookie Illegitimi non carborundum

    4 May 2010
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    That's all I want to be able to do, just slip them off at my desk. Anyway Its not an issue as I have decided to look for a new job in the new year (not because of this). I really need a break from IT/this company as I have just lost the love for it.
  2. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    If you do leave tell them it was specifically because of the shoes :D
  3. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Firm Firm believer that you never remove shoes outside of the house.
  4. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    This ^

    Please keep your shoes on when in the office.
  5. Behemoth

    Behemoth Timelord in training

    1 Nov 2001
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    Its really not a big deal providing people are sensible with it, like not walking round the office with no shoes on. Sadly there is always that one work colleague who does it and then wonders why they are being told off for it, or far worse they get stepped on by someone like me with a very modest but heavy pair of size 9 boots on.

    They only moan once.
  6. Strudul

    Strudul ~

    31 May 2010
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    If they don't know about it, did it really happen?

    Unless they are gonna start hiding under your desk to monitor your feet, I don't see how they can enforce a rule to make you wear shoes at your desk.

    I can see why it might be an issue while walking around the office, but you've just gotta be fast enough that they can't catch you.

    Alternatively I'm sure you'd look fabulous in these...
  7. GiGo

    GiGo was once a nerd.....

    12 May 2002
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    Your are work, taking your shoes off, why the **** do you need too?

    Perhaps you want to take your shirt off too?

    Health and Safety is probably the reason you will be quoted for not being allowed to but personally surely you should think

    "I'm at work, look smart, be smart"

    Maybe ask your boss if you can go in your 'lounge pants' and dressing gown?
  8. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    What does ones state of dress have to do with their ability to perform an office job?
  9. Guest-56605

    Guest-56605 Guest


    I believe it would drop under most employers codes of conduct as regards dress if not health and safety regs.
  10. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    It most likely does, but people should concentrate on the task at hand and not others appearance. More importantly they should not apply their own standards of appearance to others. It doesn't make sense. Doing so is never going to get the work done more properly or any faster. Let people be comfortable as long as they aren't being explicit or offensively unclean.
    Last edited: 9 Nov 2016
  11. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    If only all employers were quite so liberal :). We have a "business casual" dress code, because we're a "head office" site. In reality that means that when someone "fairly important" deems us worthy of a visit, the company doesn't want us all looking like a bunch of hippies.

    For all I care you can turn up in ripped jeans and a t-shirt you haven't washed in months - as long as you do your job and do it well what the hell do I care what you're wearing.
  12. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    I understand and condone that, doesn't keep me from taking off my shoes under my desk where nobody sees it though. :D
  13. Arboreal

    Arboreal Keeper of the Electric Currants

    21 Jan 2011
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    This immediately made me think of The Oatmeal's commentary on home working...
    Particularly the am/pm pic and the degredation set :eeek:
    Shoes are the least of your worries by the look of it ;)
  14. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    I only do it occasionally - otherwise I would look like that! :D
  15. Behemoth

    Behemoth Timelord in training

    1 Nov 2001
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    If it wasn't due to the fact we work in amongst the local council we could wear pretty much what we like within reason. Friday is the only exception to the rule, and I am rather brave with my choice of t -shirts for a Friday.

    I was almost sent home for wearing a t-shirt that says "Legal Adviser, because Miracle Worker isn't in the freaking job description"

    But that said I do get the point does it really matter what we come to work in so long as we get the job done ? Sadly our employers don't see it that way.
  16. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    One could argue that you may step on a piece of broken something whilst wandering around the office and sustain an injury which your boss might think could lead to a claim against the company. I cannot see what the problem with wearing a slipper type shoe though. I cannot wear shoes for long myself and off they come as soon as I am in the house to be replaced by a very comfortable pair of moccasins which have saved me from the odd drawing pin or more likely a tiny screw from some PC mod I have been working on.
  17. d_stilgar

    d_stilgar Old School Modder

    11 Feb 2010
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    I wore socks at my old office. I'd ride my bike into work and would change when I got there. Often I'd put on my slacks, shirt and tie and not not bother to put shoes on.

    Then one day one of my bosses (there were like seven partners in a 40 person office, sheesh) came up to me embarrassed and said that someone had complained and, "would you please wear shoes." I was a little peeved, and he obviously thought the complaint was stupid. There were a few a-holes in the office and who liked to complain about everything.

    In any case I said I'd wear shoes. But every day when I'd ride in I would only wear socks to and from the bathroom to change, because wearing shoes and carrying a full set of clothes and another pair of shoes is stupid. A couple times a few different people commented on it and I more or less said, "deal with it." I wore shoes the rest of the day, if they have a problem with it they can write about it in their diaries or complain to their spouses (the poor souls).

    The thing is, I'd be wearing clean dress socks, and several of the women in the office would be wearing Jesus sandals with only two tiny strips of leather holding another thin strip of leather to their bare feet. It was pretty stupid to me, especially because my feet don't smell at all. My biking shorts on the other hand . . . yikes.

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