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Mod of the Month Mod of the Month March 2017 in Association with Corsair

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Dogbert666, 4 Apr 2017.


What are your favourite projects this month?

Poll closed 24 Apr 2017.
  1. Project TRON by Deblow

    27 vote(s)
  2. V8 Ocean by eucalyptus

    25 vote(s)
  3. Cyber Kitsune by JackAbrao

    39 vote(s)
  4. Black Treassure by jojoharalds

    5 vote(s)
  5. Julias Madness by thechoozen

    5 vote(s)
  6. Gold Rush by MT. Mods

    11 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Impeccable Logic

    Impeccable Logic What's a Dremel?

    9 Mar 2015
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    V8 is my favorite. Voted for Cyber as well. All the projects are very cool.
  2. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    Always discover how many accounts are from Brazil here when an entrant is selected.
  3. MeMo

    MeMo It is what it is

    26 Jun 2016
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    V8 for me!!!!:clap:
  4. eucalyptus

    eucalyptus I am 19 and Swedish!

    29 Sep 2015
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    Hahaha ;)

    I appreciate it guys, very thankful for the support!
    Although, I try to not post anything in the Voting threads because it would get quite silly if I would say thanks to every vote... Like I would be less grateful to the people who don't vote for me, which I am not! And I want to stay neutral in everything :)
  5. Seinron

    Seinron What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2014
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    Vote for Jack ! and fronnie :D
  6. Ronnie Hara

    Ronnie Hara Minimodder

    17 Dec 2012
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    Regardless of the nationality from which the votes come, we must admit that when a job was well created and executed even more by a female modder, it deserves the recognition and the votes of all.

    My vote goes to Jack Abrao. Congratulations on the skills and the great work done.
    Last edited: 10 Apr 2017
  7. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    I didn't vote for her mod just because she is a she. At the end of the day I didn't like it (no fault of hers, just not my cup of tea) and thus I didn't vote for it.

    Before any one accuses me of being sexist I am not. I am all for equality. As such I look at all of the mods as being equal and vote for the one I like the best, not because it was created by a woman, person with disabilities, midget etc.

    It also seems she is playing for votes by posting pics of herself.

    So yeah, I look at mods for being mods, not who they were created by.
  8. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    I'll let this link do the talking:


    Brazil is simply a country that massively turns out to vote for their countrymen/women. Not a positive nor negative as such, depends on your view on things.

    Personally Jack's rig isn't my style, so didn't get my vote, but I voted before knowing any of that information anyway. It's a fine build, with a high quality finish no doubt.

    That said, I don't agree with the idea of just putting votes somebody's way because they're a gender that's underrepresented in our hobby/occupation. I think it's better to just actively welcome and encourage female modders. Their work will come to speak for themselves like anybody else, just look at Femke and Frieda for example. What's important is longevity. Besides, with gaming itself become increasingly gender neutral, I would imagine PC building and thus modding to follow suit in time.
  9. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    We shouldn't have to welcome female modders. That should be a given in today's modern world, not something we should have to encourage. We'd be complete dicks if we didn't welcome female modders, so making a point that we welcome them IMO is a little patronising.

    It's kinda like some one saying "Hey, you see V-T? well he's mental. Suffers from Bipolar and Aspergers and is constantly on suicide watch, so hey, vote for him !!". I would find that flattering, but inevitably patronising. I should be welcome to mod computers and treated the same as any one else.

    This just strikes me a couple of ways.

    1. We are being patronising by saying we welcome female modders (we shouldn't do things like that, IMO) or
    2. Most men are ruled by a certain part of their anatomy, so are being sexist by voting for a woman.

    And yes, as you say, we have had plenty of mods from the ladies and we've never done this before. So I suspect that my point number 2 is coming into effect here...

    Edit. Just in case my logic is not being understood here..

    By saying "we welcome women modders" we are basically saying "It's now perfectly OK to welcome women modders".

    Which is messed up, IMO.

    Ed2. "In the past we may not have welcomed female modders because we were once a world of sexists, but we do now".
  10. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    Actually by "welcoming" female modders I meant making them feel like they belong here, that's what I usually mean welcoming to be.

    Funnily enough I do have an experience that's relevant to this. I was quite the keen amateur baker and cake decorator when I was 16-18, it's just something I really enjoy doing. But before the great British bake off and all that, it was very much a female oriented hobby at the amateur level. I frequently had to go to the baking shops to buy bits and bobs, everything would be covered in stereotypically femenine design and the shops all staffed by women, same thing with the customers.

    Now in many of those trips to stock up I was given quite the welcome by the store owners. That really helped me to just be happy with being there doing my hobby. But get this, some of the other customers actually tried to put me off by saying it's not a hobby for young men. I brushed it off because it doesn't matter, but I think somebody who was a little more insecure about it (maybe they get bullied as school for it or mocked by their mates who knows) may have been put off. Now I know for a fact that many women do face exactly this to a larger extent in many traditionally male-dominated fields. That could feel pretty rubbish tbh, you're just there trying to do your thing and other people sit their trying to knock you down.

    Remember that modding is such an international thing, and that not everywhere holds the same values. So yes, I do think that welcoming people so that they do feel at home is a good idea. But as I said in my post above, I wouldn't do that with votes. That indeed is patronising.
  11. kim

    kim hardware addict

    10 Jan 2016
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    It looks like the motm took the form of a debate about sexism.. :D: all of this made me think... and there are materials for a debate...
    despite my vote, I finally agree with Vault-tec:
    - The vote for an artistic creation should NEVER, in no way, be influenced by the gender, nor even the personality of it's author.
    it seems to me that it's exactly like this in PC modding, and that we overflies above these superficial criterias...and only talent, imagination, accuracy and personal touch , as we say in france, "speak of themselves"
    furthermore, to encourage a woman because she is a woman, trying not to be sexist, or just being influenced by her physical appearance, is finally being sexist as well; we shouldn't even have to think about it, if we were not sexist...omg :wallbash: to be or not to be, it is still the question :hehe:
    I confess that a very small percent of my vote was for Jacky because she is attractive and sexy, but it was at first, because I found her idea so original and outside the usual standards, and also cuz the final result stunned me in the end... there were, as often, several really great mods to vote for, but there is still only one single elected, and I said to myself that a newcomer with talent would deserved my vote, but...from a complete artistic point of view, I cannot deny that I was slightly dizzing out of my usual criterias....
    it is not an excuse, far from that, but I am French ....you know what we say lol
  12. Maciel Barreto

    Maciel Barreto What's a Dremel?

    29 Feb 2008
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    My vote for girl Jack Abrão good Lucky girl , Very beautiful you modding.
  13. mrdbristol

    mrdbristol Voided my warranty years ago

    8 Aug 2008
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    LOL, seems to confirm a few points made earlier.
  14. eucalyptus

    eucalyptus I am 19 and Swedish!

    29 Sep 2015
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    Hahahah sorry, but if it wasn't that he is from Brazil (Just assuming by his English and weird A's) I would call troll :D :lol: :hehe: :hehe:

    Can do nothing else than agree with what everyone already said and pointed out in this thread.
  15. MeMo

    MeMo It is what it is

    26 Jun 2016
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    :clap: "with that being said....nuff said!!"
  16. Rodrigo Vicentini

    Rodrigo Vicentini What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2006
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    We have a language specialist, I suppose you speak Portuguese, right?.
  17. mrdbristol

    mrdbristol Voided my warranty years ago

    8 Aug 2008
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    Looks at posters location.................... still seems to echo previous points :eyebrow:
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2017
  18. Rodrigo Vicentini

    Rodrigo Vicentini What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2006
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    Ok então, a partir de agora vamos só conversar em português, pq assim vamos evitar essas tentativas de constrangimento e inveja, nessas horas que se nota que esses posts sobre modding é universal e temos q fazer isso ou aquilo é balela, não é atoa a má fama do povo inglês...
  19. MeMo

    MeMo It is what it is

    26 Jun 2016
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    Wow!!! I am speechless!!!
  20. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Just a quiet reminder to play nice everyone.

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