The side panels are still screwed in, but the screws are hidden in the recesses. The glass will be connected with ball studs and plastic clips...
I made a video for the case. But I forgot to make it visible I think... Should be fixed now.
Yeah, it's the form v. function equation basically. When I took a bit of a break I wasn't fully happy with it. The appeal of using the thick metal...
Hey, sorry for a very late reply. My plan is to do a combo of a keyboard switch + 3D print a custom top to it. So won't really be any brand one....
That's good information! I am probably getting an extrusion printer so I can report back results. Maybe I can just have them stick with some...
Crazy right? I am getting my hands on a 3D printer this fall, so I am considering if the brackets holding it all together could be 3D printed. I...
Hello again bit-tech! It's been a while since I was here, a year and a half more precise. Last I time was when I made a log for my previous build...
Ikigai is amazing, but I'd probably vote for Mads' Scandinavian sensibility. Thanks to everyone that voted for me last month too
Missed this thread until now! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!
Thanks for the honest feedback! I can understand where you're coming from and if I were to make one change it would be to make some holes to allow...
Thanks dude!
It's a really good Lego set! Being allergic I am quite excited if they launch a broader botanical collection!
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