Crysis was revolutionary and still unequalled in most ways. It would run on a wide range of machines; the "melt your PC" meme was nonsense and...
Thank you for explaining why - far from appreciating its brain-exploding brilliance - I think Witcher 3 is a tedious, run-of-the-mill slog with...
Undeterred by all the warnings of nasty small whiny noisy awful junk tiny fans, I bought one of these beautifully crafted mobos. Amazingly, the...
The title is "VLC Player hit by buffer overflow vulnerability in third-party library". I of course thought that my VLC player is vulnerable and...
So a correct - though much less clickbaity - article title might be "Older versions of VLC have vulnerability". And the article might helpfully...
It's also hard to see why the reviewer is concerned with the active cooling fan being open, when (1) it won't run often and (2) there will be at...
Given that it's rarely even running, and will be next to much larger fans that are always running, it's hard to see how this fan will affect...
I'm anxious to see what the top Ryzen 3000 chips will do with this, using a very good air cooler (I realize they come with a good cooler). In...
Ryse gameplay was well-described somewhere as "Press X to win". As a card-carrying Crysis fanboy I was very disappointed by this graphically...
Thanks for the well-written review, as usual. I can usually abide poor level design, cheap graphics, awful story, and even clunky movement (eg...
Crysis Warhead; Crysis 2; Crysis 3. Then distant seconds etc are Battlefield 1,5; Bulletstorm, new Wolfensteins. Maybe Titanfall but I gave up...
Think you need to learn how to read, and how to be less rude. I didn't say what does constitute fun, much less insist on a homogeneous...
Why no mention of checkpoints? The lack of "save game" at least as an option is usually a deal-breaker for me. I remember dumping Metro 2033...
I *loathe* crafting, and will never buy a game employing it. There aren't good and bad systems - only bad and worse. I want games that are fun...
Cool - this reads like the plot for "Silicon Valley".
Separate names with a comma.