Of reasonable knowledge..., from Glasgow, but my heart is in Dunwall..
- Cleggmeister was last seen:
- 14 Oct 2016
There are no messages on Cleggmeister's profile yet.
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- Location:
- Glasgow, but my heart is in Dunwall..
Group Memberships
Pooting: Antec 300, P6T SE, i7 920 (3.20), Corsair F120SSD, 3x1TB HDD, 9Gb (1600XMP), GTX560Ti 2Gb (880/1760/2100), Win7 x64. Raspberry Pi B with OpenElec.
Grooving: Linn LP12, Klimax DS, Klimax Kontrol, Aktiv Akubariks. Linn Sekrit DSI +104's + Velodyne sub
Watching: Raspberry Pi running OpenELEC to 50" Panasonic.
Serving: HP Proliant Microserver N40L running Openmediavault.