Do we need Blu-ray drives? HELL NO! We need better lossless compression! Stupid Disc and Blu-Ray players are a waste of cash. I rather we...
8 outta 10 reviewers received cash or free gifts for their stupid reviews so therefore NO ONE cares about your review score. 2 minutes of...
can't wait to see Warcraft turned into a crappy FPS and pimped for the consoles. This console gen has been so full of mediocre games that it's...
AMD CPU's suck! End of story. they were in the game for a while offering good performance at a good price but now Intel has a $200 CPU that...
Totally gorgeous! why no optical drive? i know they are ancient but i still have a slight need for one! anyway i have my checkbook...
Like you guys have never played a game full of bugs (insert Rage, Fable 3, or any other console port here)! I find RO2 to be very realistic and...
Also i fear with this worthless release by AMD Intel now has every right to jack up the prices! Glad I already got my 2500K!
AMD sucks......and Bulldozer has made it official! AMD released a CPu that barely beats a Phenom 1100T and is no where near competition to a Core...
The FX-8150 and AMD once again at the bottom of the benchmarks. I dumped AMD and jumped ship for Intel a while ago although I was hoping AMD...
Been schooling the silly consolers for a while that PC Gaming is very profitable and they need to face reality that consoles are dying. As...
Can it clean up all that Radiation the Japanese Nuke plant spilled all over the place? All these Supercomputers being built globally makes me...
Hey how about you just go play Call of Duty like the rest of the casual gamers and leave the more Core Games like Arma to us gamers who can handle...
Maybe has a high stock value due to it's freedom to operate in China. China right now is the best place to invest as it's growing super fast. So...
maybe because these tablets are all half ass done and overpriced. every commercial is the a song, watch a movie, toss in a facebook...
Dam where's the Minecraft and Super Nintendo emulator benchmarks at? Seriously someone is gonna pay $700 for a video card and play Black Ops on...
Separate names with a comma.