I am very impressed with your design and the cnc work done. The cuts to support your folds at the ends produced near perfect parts and your...
Very nice project. Have you evaluated if the Intel HD 2500 Graphics suit your needs and the cooling of the 35 W CPU has any margin? You may want...
Your Hammerstein is most unusual and very interesting. Thank you for sharing. neil
Try the Laser Hive if you are in the UK. See http://www.thelaserhive.com/ Good modding, neil
I feel your pain. I ran into the cable connectors being too tall on my mini-ITX Tower build and used a piece of plexi from a G5 Power Mac inside...
Well you have my attention. I have a MakerBeam starter set gathering dust and I am toying with the idea of building a Mini ITX system with the...
G5 Power Mac Hack - System On Slides [SOS] This system was one that I had in mind for some time and finally got around to building it. ASUS...
neilhart’s Scratch Build - MicroATX into a small box This is a small computer the I built recently for may grandson. It has a MSI-Z87M-G43 with...
I had the same questions. I have used this PSU on two projects and ended up just generating a standard 25 pin cable pin out. And used a one...
You have my attention. Good start and good objectives. I have a similar build but elected to have un-restricted air path through the AIO rad....
Try the Laser Hive. http://www.thelaserhive.com This fellow can help you with your design if you want as well as scource and laser cut the...
Hey I really enjoy reading and seeing your Prodigy builds. I am in the same boat with a strong attraction to the Prodigy case. It is a shame...
wejjy - I think that your build is amazing. I am always surprised that so much tech can be placed into such a small space. Do you have an...
I know I should just wait and see what trick you have planned; however why does your new picoPSU bracket cover so much of the CPU-heatsink? And...
Your re-engineering is great. I am impressed. It maybe too late but you could use the Intel DH61AG low profile motherboard and the Intel...
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