PC-CHIPS? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! You're looking at some of shoddy quality and reliabililty with this brand, mate. Seriously, :)
Well its impossible to total geek, I also have to be a grease monkey and a redneck you know, :cooldude: :) :hehe: Can't wait to see the case, :)
Lemme guess....you're next project will involve you modding some 'puter to fit in your pants? :hehe: :hehe: Actually, if you placed the HDD in...
Wooo Wooo!! Pimpin graphics for a truly pimpin rig!! :rock: :hip: :hehe:
Luckily for me no one would dare do that, considering that I've fixed both my family's PC myself, :baby: :hehe:
OK, its a definite no-go now....seriously serious family emergency....(I'd rather not go into detail ATM)
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] 2001 Ford Ranger Edge 150HP 180 lb./ft. Torque 1,000 lbs. payload capacity 4,000 lbs. trailer towing capacity 19 MPG...
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Underground, :D
Finished it (100%) within two weeks, :D :baby: :hehe: It's too easy...plus the levels just suck for improv... :sigh:
I used 3 because thats the only one with the 1st person cheat, which allows you to play the game from a 1st person perspective. :naughty:...
OMFG, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 PC on that thing would be INSANE!! (specially with the 1st person mode! [img] [img] [img] [img] [img])
Another one for Zap: A complete idiots guide to selecting parts to make your own PSU's (for TEC's and the like.) There is this guide, though I've...
Jack the Ripper disemboweled his victims though, not much worse of a murder than that, :eeek:
Mataghetto actually, about 250 miles SSE of Austin, :D I'd like to go, but convincing my parents to let me go to a party hosted by a guy I met on...
Separate names with a comma.