Imma let you finish, but Max Payne 2 had one of the best combined story and gameplay mechanics I've ever played Obviously if you don't like...
Hats off to you for doing some good ol data crunching research. It makes for interesting reading amid a sea of blog-tastic churnalism
Yep +1
Dang. But I suppose its a tricky business model, tragically. I use it, but if pushed I wouldn't pay for it so best leave it to the browsers to do...
There should be a non-Windows / free OS option - and as a large supplier to the masses, they should set an example. Yes the option is still there,...
Hi all, I'll keep this short for both our sakes: 1- Installed legit copy of XP pro 2- Lost disc and license, as a result never reinstalled 3-...
Openoffice is the gateway drug to full-on Linux. Microsoft pushed me that way by releasing the latest Office version, so I thought, if I have to...
Typing of the dead sounds like the best fit for -so bad it's good: and on a Dreamcast related note might I suggest Sega Bass Fishing as well?...
Bought my mobo about 4 years ago making sure it'd be ready to go to quad core when I wanted- so all this i5/i7 stuff should drive the top of the...
Here's one for those of you with desktop PC's in the lounge. I've got a decent old tower PC that I want to be able to use while sat on the sofa...
I agree: one game concept we've all become accustomed to has been introduced to the masses: GRIND If Zynga can churn these glorified...
I picked up ST Away Team for 2 quid or so in a local indy game shop- it's like Commandos except much easier and action-y (so far)
Probably missed the boat on this one, but I'm up for it. Real pants internet connection so unless you can do the questions by email or if you...
Separate names with a comma.