you know what to do.
amazon had this for $39 last week so i ordered it. not sure which edition it was. we'll see when it gets here. idgaf about the damage model as it...
Or that on average boys and girls named Daniel and Jessica are dumber than other people.
Went on a bit of a spending spree past 2 weeks; 6 blurays ScanTool usb obdII code reader some garage wall hooks garden hose reel another 3td red...
:) just bought a new 50" tv yesterday. :rock: paid more than i wanted to but got a 7 year warranty on it that is refundable if there is no claim....
Wife got a new job in town. Now it only takes 10min to get to work instead of 35min. Will save a bunch of money on gas. Also with her last...
I used to post a lot more, but over the past year or more I've become more of a lurker I guess. I generally browse the forum 4 - 6 times a week....
Don't pick up the soap.
Congrats! Hope you enjoy it :rock:
Yes Please :)
My wife had an interview at a new childcare center opening up in our city. She has a good chance of getting the job too. The director is our...
ordered a refurbed bluray drive and a usb bluetooth adapter. Had a few blurays my cheap notebook bluray drive in my htpc couldn't read properly....
This is awesome. Thanks so much TGS! I think i'll have a winter project awaiting me now. Time to replace the wife's 6+ year old laptop. (she...
Separate names with a comma.