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Off Road Driving, PC Gaming, RC Cars, Full Size Race CarsGroup Memberships
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Clear Perpsex Case With 2 Akasa Amber Series Fans, Hiper Type-R PSU, Watercooled Athlon 64 3500+, 1Gb Corsair 3200XL Pro Ram @ Timings, 74GB WD Raptor HDD, 256Mb XFX Geforce 6800 GT, DFI Lanparty nF4 Ultra-D, Audigy 4 Pro, Pioneer DVR-109, Windows Xp X64, 17'' TFT, Gigaworks S-750 7.1 Surround Sound
Upgraded! Athlon 64 4000+, 512Mb Gainward Geforce 7900GTstill running strong with 2 extra 80gb HDDs for documents and programs, a new case and a new PSU! 12.01.12