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Gaming Alien Breed: Impact Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Lizard, 9 Jun 2010.

  1. Lizard

    Lizard @ Scan R&D

    17 Feb 2007
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  2. Hamish

    Hamish What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2002
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    sounds like you didnt stump up for the damage upgrade where the assault rifle suddenly jumps to firing 4ft long 2ft wide streaks of fire and is awesome as **** :D
    theres only 5 maps but they are pretty lenghty, took me about 40mins to do most of them and according to steam i've clocked up 8 hours playtime which is better than a lot of AAA titles (ahem, mw2 ¬_¬)
    also no mention of the laser assault rifle with bouncing shots!? that was awesome! :D
    i really enjoyed alien breed, but i have a soft spot for top down shooters and there just haven't been enough of those recently
    theres been shadowgrounds and ... err shadowgrounds: survivor and thats basically it
    this isnt as good as shadowgrounds but it was still a lot of fun and has shinier graphics

    few things that would've made it a lot better:
    doing something about the camera, personally i think a fixed camera works better for top down shooters, rotating the camera about was pretty awkward
    more/better upgrades, theres was basically no point in doing anything but damage upgrade as you can only have 1 applied, dont get any refunds and damage is far and away the best upgrade
    co-op for the story, how they missed this one i dont know but just picking out 3 maps to enable co-op on is a bit weird, being able to play through the whole story mode in co-op would've been great
    not having to hit space to pickup ammo/medkits, fair enough for searching lockers/bodies but for just picking up vital stuff like ammo it was unneccesary
    more enemies, could've done with a couple more types of alien imo
  3. wiggles

    wiggles Minimodder

    9 Jun 2010
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    The demo I played never had anything in common with the top-down, fast paced, survival-horror shooter of old.
  4. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    i somewhat disagree with the marking. at least for me anyway... ive never played the original Alien Breed, and i didnt even kno theres a console. so lets begin from my perspective: a complete unknown who just dished out 2x lunch money on a spray n pray 3rd person with Unreal3 engine.

    its fun. standard no-comment story. kinda quirky but interesting comic-type cutscenes (despite the awful voiceover, yes). the explosion/shaky screen gets me dizzy after a while. graphic is pretty. and gameplay is fun.

    redbeaver's score: 7.5 (-0.5 for the damn explosion wouldnt stop, (yes, ive onlyplayed the first 2 levels))
  5. Tsung

    Tsung What's a Dremel?

    20 Nov 2008
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    I was excited when I was Alien Breed appear on Steam.. Eagerly I downloaded the demo...

    Sadly the game is total failcakes, the camera swinging around made me feel like vommiting within 10 mins of playing. One minutue I'm playing the game the next a "cut-scene" kicks in showing me the next objective. The aliens looked wrong, sorta fat I thought.

    The whole thing was a bitter disappointment, have Team 17 been living in a bubble? have they not seen Alien Swarm?

    If you really like this game and want a decent multiplayer version of it.. Get UT2004 (£8.99 on steam), download the Alien Swarm Mod (Free http://www.blackcatgames.com/alienswarm.html) and play that with your friends instead. Mutliplayer (1 to 8 players!), objective based game where team play counts. No funky camera to worry about.
  6. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Yeah, I never get motion sick with games ever and yet Alien Breed had me very queasy within a few minutes.
  7. BioSniper

    BioSniper Minimodder

    5 Feb 2002
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    I bought the double pack for me and the missus (worked out at just under a tenner each too). She finds it stupidly hard, I stupidly easy. Makes for lots of fun getting totally beasted by waves of aliens at points as well as lots of arguing.

    Not a patch on the old games, but they never are are they?
  8. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Agreed, this and Shattered Horizon made me feel physically sick within a short space of time. Somewhat annoying as I was looking forward to playing both games.
  9. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    camera swinging is fine with me...

    the damn explosion + blurryness every gawddamn 20 sec is driving me NUTS....
  10. Ice Tea

    Ice Tea Minimodder

    26 Jul 2009
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    Is there something wrong with your email ?
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