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News Nintendo targets kids with 2DS launch

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 29 Aug 2013.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. Spuzzell

    Spuzzell What's a Dremel?

    11 Mar 2010
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    Good lord, its looks are APPALLING.

    Just horrible to look at, its all out of balance and wrong. Gaaah. No. No no no no no.

    Also, no second analogue stick? Why?

    I genuinely cannot get over how fugly this thing is.
  3. jcb121

    jcb121 What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2009
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    I think if this was £99.99 it would stand a good chance to become very popular.

    but it does look like a wedge of cheese.

    and you can lock the 3d off, I have done it.
  4. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Can you? <heads to Google>
    EDIT: Ah, so you can - in Parental Controls. I'd never spotted that! Will update the article accordingly, ta.
  5. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    For a design targetted at children it sure does look cumbersome.

    Could a small child actually use it properly considering the location of the shoulder buttons?
  6. cookie! nom nom

    cookie! nom nom Minimodder

    27 Apr 2012
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    Nintendo need to keep prices at £99 if they want good sales, i remember the consoles i brought as a kid were £99 (xbox and advance sp) its the price they should aim for.
  7. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    Having a single screen rather than two separate ones seems like it would make life more awkward for the game developers and make compatibility for various games from the 3DS less likely. This device has got "we cheaped out" written all over it.
  8. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    The original Xbox launched at £299, and was dropped to £199 in April 2002 just ahead of the launch of Nintendo's cheaper GameCube. Even in 2004, when the Xbox 360 was just one year away, it was selling for around £129. If you bought it for £99, you did so very close to the end of its lifespan, or bought it second-hand. By the time Nintendo has a next-generation hand-held console in the wings, the 2DS is almost certainly going to be under £100 - probably under £50, realistically.

    You're right about the Gameboy Advance SP, though: that launched at £89 and dropped to £69 a year later.

    Also: you bought the original Xbox and the Gameboy Advance SP as a kid? Well, now I feel old...

    EDIT: Whoops, forgot inflation: £89 of 2003 money - i.e. a GBA SP at launch - is £119.19 in 2013 money, meaning the 2DS is effectively £10 *cheaper.*

    It's transparent to developers: you just write for the two screens of the DS/DSi/3DS and the hardware maps your game to the right location on the single display.
  9. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    Well thats something at least.
  10. magnetobob

    magnetobob What's a Dremel?

    22 Nov 2011
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    Before I appear as nintendo fanboy a lot of the upheaval about this seems to be created via rather misguided views. which are mainly acting up about a product which isn't even aimed at there demographic.

    I admit it was not a product I expected to be produced. but think I will actually purchase one as i have always desired the ability of a DS console that will allow me to play all the ds and 3ds games while not bothering with or paying out for 3D which i see more as a gimmick which I know however other people enjoy.

    Yet some of the responses here seem even worse than other communities and forums.

    Spuzzell and xaser04 while not the most aesthetically pleasing item have you seen how cumbersome the style of products are that are aimed at younger children. this seems quiet clean and simple.many products are covered in even more protective materials and robust adaptations to far against a harsher usage environment. (http://tinyurl.com/nb9zfry) link to an actual size compariosn photo. (hope that isnt against the rules sorry in advance)

    Secondly why would a second analogue stick be added to there budget product in there lineup.
    I do hope that the next nintendo hand held will incorporate dual analogue sticks in there base product however many games have not utilise this function which is possible from the attachment that is available.

    I do hope along with many others that the UK price will be £99 I would guess that fits well for psychological pricing strategy and compared to current other products in the market a great undercutting price which should appeal to the adults purchasing them for there younger children or family.
  11. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Its comparison to other products has nothing to do with it. I am talking about the physical ability to hit the shoulder buttons whilst holding it in a position that it could actualy be used like a normal 3DS (ie your thumb on the D-pad or analogue stick). The anolgue stick to shoulder button distance looks "ok" but D-pad to shoulder button is quite a stretch.

    A better design solutiion would have been to simply take the 3DS, strip it of the 3D screen and beef up the hinges. At least this way the screens are still protected when it isn't in use.
  12. ya93sin

    ya93sin What's a Dremel?

    18 Oct 2011
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    Even though it's a misnomer, they should have just called it the 2000DS to appeal to kids. Bigger number.
  13. Spuzzell

    Spuzzell What's a Dremel?

    11 Mar 2010
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    I'm not passing judgement on Nintendo as a whole. Certainly when it comes to handhelds they seem to get it right more often than not.

    My issue with this is that there is genuinely no part of it that you can look at that is not distractingly asynchronous and ugly.

    My eyes seek a calm centre point to rest on, but it just doesn't exist. There's no balance to the thing, it makes me feel unsettled just thinking about it.

    And as for the dual analogues, its ridiculous not to include a second one in a total hardware revision. The 3DS's omission of a second analogue was a flat out mistake, and it absolutely should have been rectified.

    I would also, since this is just one big screen, have removed the fake plastic divide between the two screens. Since its one big touchscreen, this could have been an excellent browser and PMP.

    I think this is yet another terrible set of design choices by Nintendo, and its such a shame.
  14. chemo

    chemo True Jungle Brother

    20 Feb 2005
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    I appreciate the effort and that you can play with 3d off on this one and its slightly cheaper too, but it just doesnt like like its be comfortable to play. Ill look out for a demo one in a shop though first, just incase it isnt too bad!
  15. magnetobob

    magnetobob What's a Dremel?

    22 Nov 2011
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    I understand that design ethos it would make a nice form factor to the product however. I'm guessing in this situation function and ergonomic constraints have caused the need for this style.

    I suppose its due to nintendo adapting an existing product and system with there intention not to create a better product than the 3ds but focus on a low price point. In which the individual does not feel the need to upgrade too and attract a different or new audience they feel there missing part of the market rather than moving to the next generation.

    I couldn't agree more this would have been really interesting.though may have made DS compatibility difficult or likely not possible but I wouldn't know.
  16. ksyruz

    ksyruz What's a Dremel?

    8 Mar 2011
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    Nintendo should'nt be bring a device that is the price of the 3DS at Chrismas sale price with less features. With the nVidia SHIELD and wikiPad with these you can get games of the same caliber as the 3DS and play older games through emulators. Also GTA, Counter Strike, ... For those who say but the Nexus 7.2 is better or Ipad theres the Moga Pro Controller for such devices. So get the controller for £39.99, a phone on contract for free and games that cost a third of the price of Nintendo's. So yeah Nintendo needs to make a gaming tablet not these downgraded versions of a 2 year old system.
  17. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    But this is no more a new console than the 3DS XL is. It's simply a 3DS without the 3D, and since the original 3DS doesn't use a 2nd analogue stick what would be the point in adding it onto the 2DS?
  18. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Can't help but notice some massive point missing going on all around the internet. The device has a fairly specific audience: children under the age of seven. Either more people on the internet are under seven than I expected, or many are misunderstanding why Nintendo created this device.
  19. Spuzzell

    Spuzzell What's a Dremel?

    11 Mar 2010
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    The point would be to fix an obvious design flaw, one that Nintendo themselves have repeatedly acknowledged, even releasing a clumsy add on to rectify the situation for games that genuinely cannot work without a second stick.

    The only reason not to include it is to make more money on the inevitable second analogue stick add on for this product.

    The stubborn Nintendo refusal to change obvious design errors until they are forced to is absolutely infuriating. We saw it with cartridges, we saw it with online play and access and we're seeing it with Wii U.

    I love Nintendo games, I grew up with a N64 and a GameCube and I've now got a SNES too, but just being a fan doesn't mean you should forgive or ignore the inflexible stupidity the company displays on just about everything.
  20. Spuzzell

    Spuzzell What's a Dremel?

    11 Mar 2010
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    That may or may not be right, but as you can see from the responses here, there would be a huge market for a WELL DESIGNED version of this product.

    I don't really see why a device targeted at kids shouldn't also be well designed in any case.

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