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News Nintendo Switch dock performance boost details leak

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 20 Dec 2016.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. ChaosDefinesOrder

    ChaosDefinesOrder Vapourmodder

    6 Feb 2008
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    Makes sense to me; 1080p 60fps when docked and running on mains power, 720p 30fps when portable to save battery
  3. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Doubt it'll be hitting 60fps at 1080p unless the games are highly simplified; the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 both struggle to do that, and they're considerably more powerful than a Maxwell-based Tegra.
  4. Jimbob

    Jimbob Minimodder

    2 Jul 2009
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    I don't get the hype about this, to me it looks like a DOA product to fill a niche. Portable gaming is getting sewn up by mobile and it's not going to be anywhere near powerful enough to satisfy as a traditional home console.
  5. Hustler

    Hustler Minimodder

    8 Aug 2005
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    Ultimately, it's a product for the rabid Nintendo fan boys who will buy any Nintendo box no matter how gimped the hardware is.

    Nintendo only speak to themselves thesedays, it will probably sell a few million units a year and have some truly great games on it, but they will be few and far between and 3rd party support will be almost totally lacking.

    For everyone else, it's not really of any interest and that's why it will likely be as big a failure as the WiiU.
  6. bawjaws

    bawjaws Multimodder

    5 Dec 2010
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    Personally, I don't give a rat's arse if the hardware is cutting edge, bleeding edge or worse than an Amstrad CPC 464 if the games are good and the concept is sound. I like the look of the Switch, and if Nintendo can bring their top IP to the party then hopefully we'll get some great gaming out of it.

    Obviously Nintendo are the masters of promising the earth and cocking it up, so we'll see how this pans out, but I don't get the haters shitting on this because the hardware isn't as powerful enough for them.
  7. Stelph

    Stelph Minimodder

    24 Dec 2007
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    Its a bit disappointing that Nintendo have gone with the Maxwell X1 Tegra chip rather than the X2 - yes the X1 is pretty powerful for a mobile chip (some of the AAA games being run on the Nvidia shield TV like Half life etc are very good for example) but to use a chip that's 2 years old already seems a mis-step already

    I still love and support the concept, a console that works at home but I can take with me when needed for commuting/travelling is genius, I think its just a bit disappointing that after seeing their own advertising show Skyrim clips there was an expectation that it would be a solid little Powerhouse - but the Maxwell chipset has already been surpassed by more recent apple chips for example
  8. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Its not the X1. It doesn't fit other rumors that has 4GB of RAM. The X1 doesn't support 4GB of RAM. The Shield TV has only 3GB of RAM, same for the Chromebook Pixel C which both have the same Tegra X1.

    The "X2" does not exists officially. We call it that. But it can be the X1 rev 2, where it is faster, updated, smaller die process, and support 4GB of RAM.
  9. Fantus

    Fantus Nothing to see here...

    25 Jun 2010
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    X1 supports 4GB. The Jetson TX1 Dev board has 4GB of RAM: http://www.nvidia.com/object/jetson-tx1-module.html
  10. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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  11. mi1ez

    mi1ez Modder

    11 Jun 2009
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    This is the first Nintendo console that's interested me much since the N64. Love MArio and Zelda but that's not enough for me to drop the money on a console. Until now. If this has the amount of developer support they claim, and can do the docking/mobile thing right, this is perfect for me and I know I'm not alone.
  12. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    Nintendo's niche is that they make fun, social games people enjoy playing that run on low-end hardware. They don't make high end, cutting edge hardware, them make games that people enjoy playing.
  13. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Yea. Also, the XBox and PS4 try their best to be a gaming PC. While Nintendo do its own thing, it knows what it is, it knows its limitations, it knows its price and what it can deliver for that price, and doesn't try to be something else. So games are specifically designed around that. That is why the WiiU, despite its horrible performance, managed to deliver great titles that provided a very consistent fps experience, and many times even 60fps on games that really need it.
  14. Stelph

    Stelph Minimodder

    24 Dec 2007
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    Yes but as shown by the WiiU sales as great as it is doing its own thing its not good enough for it to be successful - as mentioned by Mi1ez they either have to make sure that they get the third party developers onboard so they get the cross platform games or they have to hit the low end of the price market (like the original Wii did) to make it a success - competing with the Xbox One and PS4 at £200 will be a real challenge - I hope the tablet will work like a tablet (i.e have a browser or even can run simple apps) so that at least it can replace one device in the home to find its neiche
  15. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    As an aside, it's really interesting to see the split in coverage tone on this matter. Some, myself included, have reported it as "the Switch's GPU performance drops dramatically when used away from the dock;" others have reported it as "the Switch's GPU performance increases dramatically when used with the dock."

    I maintain the more pessimistic attitude is the correct one: the higher speed is the Tegra's 'stock' clock, meaning it's not being boosted up but forced down when running on battery.
  16. jb0

    jb0 Minimodder

    8 Apr 2012
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    I notice a lot of comments in here about the Wii U's poor sales, and feel obliged to point out that part of that was down to branding. Nintendo managed to successfully convince a lot of people that the Wii U was a new controller for the Wii, and not actually new hardware. It was not their finest moment, and it really hurt the system. (They then followed that up by naming the 3DS' successor the "New 3DS", proving they learned nothing. )

    At least the Switch is OBVIOUSLY a new platform. Even Nintendo's branding team can't bungle that message.
    And honestly, the hybrid console/portable nature appeals to me. Reminds me of the TurboExpress and the Sega Nomad. And all those times I wished I could play my DS on a TV.
  17. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    I was talking about performance. Not about how Nintendo follow every steps in the book "How to ensure product failure via marketing for dummies", :) , which is a whole conversation by-itself, from marketing, confusing messages, console features, execution, horrible OS powering the console, bad relationship making with third parties, no/little support for developers, Nintendo Japan taking all decisions and control, thinking it knows the market world wide, instead of listening to Nintendo America and Europe, using the aged old PowerPC architecture, an architecture that no one uses anymore (well back then), and so on...

    The Switch seems to be a compelling product for people (based on people reactions and comment), and so far, the advertisement message is excellent, and the constant leaks, makes the console always in people mind. And third party developer seems to be there and serious complete with a wide variety of tools (probably also helped a lot with Nvidia already existing and powerful tools made for its Tegra and GeForce product lines)
  18. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Agreed. Same here. For me, while I don't think I'll go and play it outside much, I like to have the option, and sometimes and I want to be somewhere else at home, and sitting differently (say lying down on bed or play on my PC desk). I have been enjoying this on my WiiU, but the limited range was a serious issue to really enjoy this experience that I am seeking. This console seems to be doing the trick.

    Why did I get a WiiU you may ask? I have a gaming PC (ok, old now... needs updating... I am saving for this), and at the time of purchase PS4 and XBox One had everything I wanted to play on PC already. So why buy a game twice (well now, XBox One has on many games (and growing) this buy 1, play anywhere thing, which sounds cool... I can buy a game on PC or XBox One, and enjoy it on either systems).
  19. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    Yes, sure. 1080p @ 60fps will not happen on current gen consoles across the board. There are hardly any games out there that reach that. Not even Doom, which gets heaps of praise for running brilliantly on consoles reaches that. And, to be honest, this should be the graphical quality and performance every shooter or 1st/3rd person action game should have. 30fps is NOT enough for a quick 3D action game. End of discussion.
  20. AlexB

    AlexB Web Nerd

    22 Dec 2005
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    You boys need some kids. Nintendo stuff is great for adult+child gaming. I will be buying a Switch, and it'll be worth every penny if it gets the use our Wii and Wii U have got.

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