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News Pirated Batman PC contains deliberate glitch

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 11 Sep 2009.

  1. Grasshopper

    Grasshopper What's a Dremel?

    6 Feb 2008
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    Some one remember Iron Lore? They do the same with Titan Quest and the game was branded as buggy all over the net.
  2. D3s3rt_F0x

    D3s3rt_F0x What's a Dremel?

    28 Oct 2004
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    Well done Eidos, I got it for the Xbox and not being funny but its far too good to pirate, they definately deserve the money for this.

    A thoroughly excellent game.
  3. Dreaming

    Dreaming What's a Dremel?

    31 Jan 2007
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    pirate a different game i bet! :p

    Personally (and this is just on a pragmatic perspective) I'd be happier if developers spent more time developing the game than thinking of new ways of copy protection which are invariably bypassed by those who want to bypass them anyway.

    Too much effort goes into supporting ways to make more money whether it's microsoft's store and DLC you have to pay for, or expansion packs, or DRM, or 'online social clubs' you must be signed into in order to play - rather than just simply making spectacular games.
  4. pimonserry

    pimonserry sounds like a party.

    20 Dec 2008
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    Personally I think Eidos got it right with this one, because a determined pirate will pirate nonetheless, it's just that posting about these bugs gives them a hit to their moral compass, and hopefully they'll realise they've been caught.

    Also, kudos to them for the demo of Batman, it made me decide not to buy it nor pirate it, so it was genuinely useful ;)
  5. Tynecider

    Tynecider Since ZX81

    23 Jun 2009
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    Nice one, ill give it a go over the weekend if i can find time away from the (Fallout 3) G.E.C.K :thumb:

    They probably hire the same think tanks that run the country.
  6. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    I was very impressed with this game.
  7. tron

    tron What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2009
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    Game publishers should give them an incentive to pass on their (bug testing and patching) talents. If you can't beat them, join them.

    Pirates are helping to destroy the PC gaming industry by scaring the publishers via the piracy statistics for game titles versus the legitimate sales or expected sales. We know that each pirate copy does not equal a lost sale. However, the more PC gamers who become aware of the piracy option when deciding to get a new game, the more you have those who WOULD have bought the game but won't buy it now because they don't see the point in paying for something they can get for free and they don't care about the future of PC gaming, only what they can steal now. I know a particular rich guy who ONLY plays pirate downloads and thinks that all people who 'buy' their games are stupid. If too many people become like him, there will be no high budget PC games industry left.

    The developers should riddle the cracked game with so many bugs that it would be too time consuming for the pirates to seek and remove them. Or they should put self-destructive code in there, so the game checks for its bugs and then creates 10 more bugs for each original bug that is patched. This would give the pirates more headache when trying to patch. Or just let the game turn into some virus malicious code.
  8. 1ad7

    1ad7 What's a Dremel?

    13 Feb 2008
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    I want to know how many minutes a developer had to spend to add these "glitches" maybe this time could of been spent adding features... although this is better than full out dlc when will developers follow suit with the movie industry and realizes the solution is extra value added to retail copy's.
  9. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    I was actually considering pirating this game. After playing the demo and getting excited enough about it to preorder, I had to sit through the internet raving about the console version (it's even won a Guinness record ffs), and then be insulted by a discrepancy of over 3 weeks between the pirated release and the one to arrive on my doorstep.
    I feel it's been a long time since there has been a hype machine this big around a game, certainly one that I've been caught up in, which makes it all the more frustrating. Even if I had pirated this I would have not cancelled my preorder, any developer that makes a decent Batman game is well deserving of my money. However, I can't help but imagine how many people were/are as excited about this as I was, and they were presented with 'pay money, wait a month' or 'see what everyone is talking about, download for free'.
    This is not just a case of an early leak, this is a case of publishers not realising that their marketing pushes reach everyone, not just console users. These staggered releases only worsen piracy for any game with any hype around it, and I don't see how making it buggy will do anything but damage sales in the long run.

    @tron "Or just let the game turn into some virus malicious code."

    You know as hilarious as that would be, there's no way the average consumer isn't going to return the game after suddenly having 100's of false positives in their anti virus as soon as they install it.
  10. skunkmunkey

    skunkmunkey Minimodder

    15 Jul 2007
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    I cant help but think that piracy serves the developers right. Maybe if they launched on all platforms simultaneously and stopped trying to extort money out of the consumer by offering platform specific content then more people would just go out and buy the game. Ive been very tempted to download Batman as I want to play it on my pc (and my shiny new Asus 285 gtx) however I ended up (grudgingly) buying it for Xbox instead. I also think that once you buy a game you should have access to it for all platforms that you own, either for free or largely discounted.
  11. Nedsbeds

    Nedsbeds Badger, Slime, Weasel!!

    16 May 2002
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    I do think that rather than trying to deny access to pirated software/music/films etc the real goal should be to change the way people feel about media. Up until now, the attraction of pirating (apart from the price) is of getting one over the big corporations.

    The studios need ideas like this to shift that viewpoint to one of "I am morally superior to the pirates"
    Really, they shouldn't have too much of a battle.... geeks love to be all high and mighty!
  12. TurtlePerson2

    TurtlePerson2 What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2006
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    I like ideas like this as long as it doesn't affect legitimate owners. I had a game that had a big bug in it and when I looked up the problem it was because I was using a "pirated version" according to support. I had bought the game at Best Buy that same day. After reinstalling, it worked fine.
  13. Adnoctum

    Adnoctum Kill_All_Humans

    27 Apr 2008
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    I call BS on the whole story. Sounds to me it is more likely a game stopping bug that someone has decided to spin a piracy story on.
    How much of an idiot do you have to be to ask for dev. support on an unreleased and pirated game?
  14. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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  15. DOA Draven

    DOA Draven What's a Dremel?

    4 Jul 2008
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    "Bait Cars" work fine.

    Maybe some "Bait Downloads" might make some folks think twice.

    Imorral pehaps, unsporting, but so is theft.

    Anyhow just a thought.
  16. [USRF]Obiwan

    [USRF]Obiwan What's a Dremel?

    9 Apr 2003
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    So Eidos made a 'pirate' version, released that to the 'scene' and now they wait till their forum gets filled with complains from users who downloaded the so called crippled pirated version. Guess what the 'scene' already nuked the "non scene release from eidos"

    So far for fighting pirates..
  17. l3v1ck

    l3v1ck Fueling the world, one oil well at a time.

    23 Apr 2009
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    A clever move from Eidos there. The pirates can have no complaints.
  18. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    I've ordered the Collectors Edition because, well, frankly, it looks worth it. :) I'm all for these sorts of bugs to cause pirates problems, provided that I, as a legal purchaser of the game never experience it. If I experience it, I'll be extremely angry.
  19. Sir Digby

    Sir Digby The Supprising Adventures

    18 Jan 2009
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    Similar to the Half Life 2 system of turning off the AI if the game thinks it's a pirated version, which is a system I agree with however my copy of Half Life 2 that came in the orange box turns its AI off for reasons undefined...
  20. Slizza

    Slizza beautiful to demons

    23 Apr 2009
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    Yeh because they fixed the bugs last week and the pirated game is working 100%

    There has been alot of games used methods like this.
    Crysis warhead had people using a bad crack shooting chickens out there guns that did no damage.
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