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News Infinity Ward wields MW2 Steam-powered banhammer

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 30 Nov 2009.

  1. reflux

    reflux What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2008
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    Had my first hacker on the weekend. Called 'Alan Shore BMF'. Got ten kills in the first five seconds. Everyone just left the server. What a moron.
  2. TurtlePerson2

    TurtlePerson2 What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2006
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    I wonder if they're also banning people who try to mod the game. If someone tries to add content, but is playing off the ranked game will IW and Steam still ban them?
  3. Krayzie_B.o.n.e.

    Krayzie_B.o.n.e. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2009
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    Nothing is better than ADMINS PUNKBUSTER and DEDIC ATED SERVERS. Infinity Ward has got you guys preprogrammed and screwed in the head to think that waiting two weeks to ban some accounts (2 minutes to make another account) is preventing ppl from cheating.

    Ive played the game on a "private" server and on Iwnet and iwnet was full of hacks noticible and not so noticible. horrible experience.
    nothing is better than an admin immediately banning someone who using a mod or hack to gain an advantage. Most mods and hacks are not very noticible but make an average player a good player. The game is fun but i'll stick to playing multiplayer on a "Private" server so to speak.
  4. fodder

    fodder Minimodder

    20 Feb 2009
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    The positive thing about PB and dedi servers is the streaming that can very quickly ban/kick the GUID known for cheating. Secondly, while waiting for PB to incorporate a new cheat into it's detection system, you can manually kick/ban suspected cheats. As pointed out though, this only works when an admin is on. Good servers tend to be well moderated, another perk of a dedi server is you end up with a list of good ones.

    The VAC system itself is very good, but the inability to take up the slack before a new cheat gets detected is abysmal. It does lead to a lot of cries of 'cheat', mostly unfounded. I have seen a couple of very very suspect players on MW2, but I have to agree that the bunny hopping is killing the game for me.

    Which brings me to another point, slightly off topic. Dedi servers allow a community of like minded players to grow and enjoy a game the way they wish to enjoy it. People are individual. Some don't mind having the talk spammed with obscenities, or bunny hopping and diving, or speed knifing, or choppers, or arty... etc. But, some do. The huge variation of setups and rules on COD4 shows this.

    I strongly believe that MW2 online for PC will die a death after the first few months. Once the ranks and perks are done there really isn't anything to keep interest high enough to overcome the crappy parts of gameplay caused by non-like minded players.
  5. frontline

    frontline Punish Your Machine

    24 Jun 2007
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    The problem is, there are always kids that think that the better players are cheating, and to bridge that skill gap, they themselves must use the shortcut of cheats. I play a fair bit of 'day of defeat' source competitively, albeit at a low level and mostly for fun, and whilst cheaters are now rare, we did catch a couple of players from the same clan recently, who both d/l a cheat from the same site. They did admit it, in the end, the second one after it was pointed out that he registered on the cheat site with his in-game nick AND his clan tag... Kids today.
  6. Floyd

    Floyd Wire Twister

    4 Dec 2008
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    I saw someone using an AIMBOT and wallhack the other day in a Domination match. Ending score for him was 104-3 and every kill from him was a headshot.

    I think all pirates and hackers should be banned from the IP level.
    Stuff like hacking and all is only considered fun with friends that are just messing around in a non ranked match.
  7. Blackie Chan

    Blackie Chan What's a Dremel?

    5 Nov 2009
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    I like how cheating is being discussed as if they were steroids.
  8. Overlord

    Overlord What's a Dremel?

    9 May 2005
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    Im sure the cheaters are really really really crapping themselves now.

    /sarcasm off
  9. Hypno

    Hypno What's a Dremel?

    22 Dec 2005
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    Good to see hackers being banned. Don't really care that's its for MW2 as i didn't buy it!
  10. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Nvidia

    31 Aug 2008
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    LOL @ whoever said CSS didn't have a reputation for cheats. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!! CSS is one of the most hacked games out there. I understand the whole delayed system that VAC has but without dedicated servers and admins there is no recourse until VAC gets updated. Depending on the cheat, that could take longer than a week or two.

    For those of you who have said you haven't come across people hacking in this game.....again I say "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!!" Of course someone who is 45 and 1 in 3 minutes of play is obviously hacking but there are a TON of people hacking this game right now. The most popular hack just shows where everyone is. It's amazing how many times I see kill cam shots where the person is looking the other way and then BAM!, they move site right to me when I can I can't even be seen. (This is with ninja and cold blooded on) It's fricken rediculous. So these guys may not have the uber crazy scores but they're doing pretty damn good because they always know where everyone is.

    There there are the level 70 prestige douchebags. Next time you're in game, take a look at how long someone has played......45level prestige in 50hrs of online play......that is utter BS. The more you look, the more you'll see that hacks are just rampant in this game.

    Oh, and never mind hacking.....but then there is the lovely speed glitch.....that IW has yet to address or even acknowledge exists. IW needs to get their S*** together or this game is going ot be dead in 3months.
  11. hugo60

    hugo60 What's a Dremel?

    28 Aug 2009
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    Just hit 70 myself and haven't seen a single (obvious) cheater, except those getting a higher level, but that doesn't particularly bother me.
  12. Star*Dagger

    Star*Dagger What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2007
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    People who are playing MW2 are cheating themselves and PC Gaming in general.

    Who wants to play silly 2d games when 6 degrees of freedom are available with elite titles like Shattered Horizon.

    Yours in full dx10 3d glory,
  13. fathazza

    fathazza Freed on Probation

    20 May 2002
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    ive seen two blatant aimbotters so far...
  14. bahgger

    bahgger Minimodder

    13 Apr 2005
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    Sadly I have :( It is highly frustrating especially since MW2 knocks your stats down by ranking another loss for you if you exit the multiplayer round. It doesn't matter to most people, nor me, but I can see where serious gamers would throw a fit.
  15. TobyKing1982

    TobyKing1982 Minimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    I really dont understand why people want to cheat in the first place. I usually come near the bottom in mw2 but I enjoy the experience (Im a noob to online gaming). I also like the fact that im learning and becoming more skillful the more I play it. Cheaters really do need to go "straight". Its so much more fun.
  16. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    I've played against one definite aimbotter and there's been a few others I've suspected.

    And is it me or does killcam only come on if you're on a death streak?

    In regards to knifing, the only thing I can see helping that would be wallhacking. It's honestly not difficult to put on Commando, Lightweight and Marathon and run around with your tac-knife and get a good ktd ratio.
  17. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    What? CS:S has the highest incidence of cheating of any game online. Literally every time I play, at some point during the session, some prepubescent griefer turns up and knifes 20 people in seconds.

    However, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, he's rapidly kicked and banned. It's usually over in two minutes and then play continues unaffected. I worry that MW2 will suffer from the hacking but not be able to apply the band-aid of kick-banning.
  18. dicobalt

    dicobalt What's a Dremel?

    21 Mar 2009
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    In MW1 I have seen several aimbots on killcam, the bot rapidly instantly changes directions and shoots all the way across the map. Usually the next day or two after there will be a punkbuster update. I have not seen this happen for many months though.
  19. DriftCarl

    DriftCarl Minimodder

    2 Nov 2004
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    never seen a cheat personally and i play quite a bit, i have heard about them tho and seen youtube vids of them.
    I am still having a good time in MW2
  20. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Cheats are an odd beast.

    The free ones - The ones that are likely falling to this first round of bans - are easy to kill.

    The paid ones? Not so much. Granted, they all get found eventually, but if the game is remotely popular, the cheat systems will easily be updated.

    Punkbuster, though is a piece of ****. I'm only happy with experienced admin bans. Everything automated is either slow, or far too trigger happy.
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