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Watercooling [AF] Andreoid & finnzwerg *highly qualitative watercool tinkering* ----> TONS OF PIX

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Andreoid, 9 Nov 2009.

  1. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
    Likes Received:
  2. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    That's close to the formula I use in my shop.

    Mine's even cheaper to make, though. Mine is kinda proprietary, so no formulas from me.

    I love the work, though. I do believe if I had a board you guys supported I'd be buying from you very quick-like...
  3. bulldogjeff

    bulldogjeff The modding head is firmly back on.

    2 Mar 2010
    Likes Received:
    That is a really sweet set up you've got going there lads. Why could'nt you be in england
  4. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
    Likes Received:
    Thanks Kayin.

    And that reminds me - any plans for a full-cover block for the MSI 890FXA-GD70? I might have to do a build on one of those in a month or two.
  5. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
    Likes Received:
    england isnt this smal too :D...

    like the MSI790FX block i have a 890FX block too
    should i list this on aquatuning?

    previously separate is brought together now

    the machine pedestal

    must be back in the tub:

    So asked anyone with crane again :D
    ... Loops in the eye bolts

    and so into the tub

    here I screw the eye-screws back out


    then next the portal (under the covers)

    this is Finn :)

    not this easy

    first raise

    reposition the loop

    up now!


    looks good


    Tapping again


    then mount the Y-spindle and align

    some punches for the table. so that it slips in position

    and fixing

    there will act large forces :)

    with assembled Z-motor

    coming forward very well... but the cnc can not mill so far :D
    Last edited: 14 May 2010
  6. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
    Likes Received:
    Sure. But I don't think too many people are on 890FX boards just yet.

    Also, is there any way yo get your products in the USA?
  7. Bloody_Pete

    Bloody_Pete Technophile

    11 Aug 2008
    Likes Received:
    How did you get it back inside if you needed a crane to assemble it? :p
  8. chrispy61

    chrispy61 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jan 2010
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    Wow gotta love Precision Engineering!!
  9. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
    Likes Received:
    hmmm,... we don't have reseller or a ditributor in the usa yet :(
    only in UK
    [​IMG] ^^
  10. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
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    actually this should be a watercooling thread :D so I have to show you some waterblocks a few times between ^^

    top left of the MSI 790FX fullcover ... and the follower down in the middle

    because a bad sitting capacitor on the board the new MSI 890FX fullcover block have now a smaller top. is has a winding distance of 18mm

    Despite 890s engraving backward compatible to 790FX ;)


    and if we are talking about the 890 boards...
    PWM032 the new 890FX for ASUS boards!


    here a few photos of the user "fhantastic" from the "forumdeluxx"
    He has let nickeled his evga cooler set (not by us...we can't do this)


    PWM029 EVGA P55 left block

    the EVGA P55 Cheesecake 200 fullcover Waterblock
    but it dont fit on the EVGA P55 Cheesecake without "200" addition


  11. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
    Likes Received:
    They look nice all nickel'd up :D

    And thanks for the picture of the 890FX block. It doesn't look like it'll handle 3/8 ID 5/8 OD compression blocks, so that means usig 45-deg fittings, right?
  12. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
    Likes Received:
    the 890fx does have a smaler top than the 790fx block...
    it has only a windingdistance of 18mm...so the fittings can have a diameter of maximal 18mm.
  13. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
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    something new again ;D

    I start with a couple of photos that are prettier than mine :D
    a high quality project, which I supported a little bit:

    Marc's "Projekt Black meets Blue" - Marc1993

    on the Gigabyte GA-P55A were installed a PWM031 two times and a UCD grande.
    the bottoms were stained dark chemical







    Unfortunately I can not make such amazing photos
    for now I'll show some new models ^^
    a new fullcover light waterblock for the MSI 890GXM-G65

    the cool links, like the 790 or 890FX cooler, the NB with the voltage transformers
    I have decided against engraving, because the arm is very thin


    the Sapphire IPC AM3DD785G NB & SB block i have made new too :)
    (our Soleil01 cpu block as AMD Version)
    close to the air cooler

    when a slot milling soleil01 bottom,..some things can go wrong ...
    here is the saw blade bursted
    you can still see the remains of copper sheet in the bottom
    as a time to say, there is no action at a water cooling :D

    this weekend will get an Asus Crosshair IV Formula (AMD 890FX)
    There will probably come a full light as the 790FX
    and maybe a total fullcoverblock

    Last edited: 8 Jun 2010
  14. stonedsurd

    stonedsurd Is a cackling Yuletide Belgian

    11 Mar 2009
    Likes Received:
    I love your work. I've already said that, but it cannot be said enough. I think these are the best looking blocks out there, period.
  15. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
    Likes Received:
    thank you very much :)

    so, after three weeks of waiting for the board by a user ...
    the board simply does not come, and the user do not report to my mails
    so I bought my own board. -.-

    first putting the uninteresting cooler down :D

    for the voltage converter and north bridge, there is again a anfi-tec light cover
    this is the cooler in the cad file, graphically


    and in real life :D
    top only layed on

    distance of 22.5 mm g1/4" thread .. it also fits thick 16/10 :)

    the copper bridge already provided in the ocerclocked MSI790FX good temperatures ... then it will work at the asus too :)




    with the UCD (universal cooling device) SB in addition you get the board as completely cooled
    should I draw a complete full cover block? (~ 12 hours of cad working)
    I would at least have to mill about 10 blocks, so that the effort worthwhile for long cadding, ..

    Now, you are asked:

    1) a favorable light Cover + SB UCD is enough.
    2) An elaborate Full Cover must be already.

  16. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
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    So i didn't post anything a long time ago... studies getting harder and harder.. spending more and more time with learning and writing tests
    but now my tests of the last semester are over and i got the time to make some new blocks! :)

    We got Asus crosshair IV extreme... overkclocking by iPhone... so this is the future of mainboards :D
    so then,...lets cool this thing!
    i made a 3D cad of the board,.. because this got to be complex
    (the litle copper rings is the start of the waterblocks)

    these rings will be connected tangential.. an so the blocks grows

    between the PCI-E slot and the 4 capacitors i have space of ~ 8mm
    if i design a waterchanel in there, it would kill every flow in the block

    two lightcoverblocks or two fullcoverblocks
    made the copperplates:

    again the same problem... the space over the pwms is not wide enough for a chanel with a good waterflow -.-

    so i took the lightcoverblock which established itself in the MSI790FX, MSI890FX,
    890GXM-G65, ASUS Crosshair IV Formula, Asus M4A 890FX and in the EVGA P55 Cheesecake 200.

    i like this little tools in the cad program... radius tool :D

    the SB Lightcover between the second and third graficcard with triple SLI.
    the waterflow ist direct over the SB Chip.

    NB PWM block, the waterflow ist direct over the NB Chip.

    a view from the side. you can see the placement of the fittings between the graficcards

    isometric angle

    this here is interessting
    the block and the board are in a cut view .. so that you can see the waterchanel, and the notch of the seal

    although playing in 3D i have to test the correctness with an plexidummy

    milling it in plexi


    better than the plexidummy...the real ones in copper!



    Finn and I are the first ones with offering the cooling set for this Asus crosshair IV extrem..
    let's see how quickly the bigger manufacturers will follow us :)


    today a test of our "UPC slim" was published

    Our universal PWM (UPC slim) had been tested by the german watercoolingsite "Effizienzgurus.de" against a MVR-100-block by Koolance.
    The UPC had got an efficiency-award! :)

    next to a pair of pretty pictures and detailed descriptions of the coolers
    there is still a flow test of both coolers (but unfortunately complete in german)

    link to the test:

  17. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
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    Waterblocks for the EVGA P55 CLASSIFIED 200

    so,.. i have a naked EVGA P55 CLASSIFIED 200 lying here
    at first the PWM modules....
    The water cooler model what I design for cools over the entire length the
    digital MOSFET and CPL modules (just like the original air-cooler).
    The cooler will cost 45 € ...

    Now for the problem case, the NB-SB cooler. Indeed, there are 4 possible options:

    Option 1: Two separate cooler, a new model for the NB with series-top and UCDsb for the SB.
    I thought to set all this in a package with the UCDsb for ~ 60 €
    (usable fittings, max 18mm diameter).
    In this version, you maybe get space problems with a thick graphiccard.

    Option 2: A Lightcover model as the EVGA P55 Cheesecake 200
    with a series-PWM -top ~ 60 € (usable fittings, as desired)

    Option 3: Another Lightcover but somewhat smaller than in version 2 ~ 55 €
    (usable fittings, max 18mm diameter).
    The cooler uses the same cover as in version 1.

    Option 4: An all-through-flow cooler ..
    but only one way,... a thread up and one down.
    ~ 65€ because no series top can be used.
    In this version, you maybe get space problems with a thick graphiccard, too.

    Version 1:

    Version 2:

    Version 3:

    Version 4:

    For a version with both threads up, and a channel to the SB an back there,
    there is not enough space for the two required channels.

    now its your turn... especially of interest is of course the opinion of the people who have a EVGA P55 CLASSIFIED 200
  18. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
    Likes Received:
    no opinion to the NBSB at the EVGA P55 CLASSIFIED 200?

    btw... happy new year! :D
  19. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
    Likes Received:
    so other forums have been more actively...
    maybe i took the wrong time for the classified :D

    stood today with a hangover in my workshop, but here is the finish:
    Anfi-tec EVGA P55 Classified 200 set ^^
    is in my shop, and will be available at aquatuning.uk/us for 89,90€ (120$)

    tomorrow i'll make some more pictures
    Last edited: 2 Jan 2011
  20. Andreoid

    Andreoid Anfi-tec Staff

    7 Jul 2006
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    The new PWM037 .. cools as the original cooler, the digital PWMs and the CPL components.

    and this is the finished EVGA P55 CLASSIFIED 200 watercoolingset:

    just like the EVGA P55 Cheesecake 200 had , i had created an opening for the silver quarz in this lightcover.
    The distances, except for the connection to the SB, are completely identical to the EVGA P55 Cheesecake 200 Light Cover.
    As a cover I have now decided for a series-cover with the size of the UCDgrande.

    On the SB there is no engraving ...
    in turn, saving significant cost in production because no tool change must take place.
    Instead, there is a nice design-gimmick with a few indicated Fins :D.
    This is really just a design element! The SB can be cooled completely
    through the copper-bridge to the NB without additional air flow.
    The copper-bridge- (Light Cover) technology has proven good temperatures on
    many boards, even in overclocked state (eg. MSI 790FX, ASUS Crosshair Formula IV ..etc).
    There is no need for critics to redirected at a water channel.
    Simply not liking the bare copper, one can say ^^
    (Because I know that the question is asked often:
    Unfortunately, we still do not have good/reliable partner for nickel plating in the area)

    I was against to make a complete new cover, because we can not produce
    these low-priced in the same good quality as our series-cover.
    I have chosen a series-cover, because we always have them in stock in the highest quality.
    This makes the cooler is not only cheaper, furthermore the surfaces and accuracy
    the cover remain in the desired quality.

    The mainboard is to be quite good for a full cover solution, but to produce
    high quality fullcover economically, we miss the instruments for.
    This was a compromise that I did not wish to.
    Then rather,usual well, but much cheaper.

    Not to forget is that the copper part disappears among graphics cards.
    The grandecover offers the PCI-E slot a little more space than its predecessor
    with the longer PWMtop at the EVGA P55 Cheesecake 200th
    The grandecover affords instead of the proposed version of the Nano cover,
    a compatible for fittings with a diameter of 22.5 mm.

    The EVGA Set is now available in the anfi-tec shop for only 89.90€ (120$)..
    In stock next week then at Aqua tuning.


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