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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Simon Poole

    Simon Poole What's a Dremel?

    5 Sep 2011
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    Caitlyn's best part is laning. Her Q is insane for harassment.
    If you can stop her getting kills (Stopping her farming is quite hard) then you're good pretty much.
    Once you get out of laning she's not great though. She's kinda like Nocturne, preys on stupidity :)
    If your team is decent and works together she can be easily starved of kills lategame. MF is pretty much the same, but without the great laning at the moment. I don't see how you can say MF's harrass > Caitlyn's harass?

    Ashe and Corki are the best AD carries at the moment, I would say - You can still do well with Caitlyn, etc but Ashe and Corki are the ones you see picked everygame in high ELO play, because they're actually solid characters instead of just relying on a single part of their character (Like Caitlyn's Q.)
  2. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    SETH! WHat is this skin you talk of? I must have this!
  3. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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  4. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    To be honest, most of the advice you've given seems standard for almost anyone "don't feed them, they won't be fed".

    If we're talking about high ELO play, then the fact she can farm easily makes her already a very high pick since bot lane is usually all about farming and not necessarily getting kills.

    Also, Nocturne is already considered a strong pick at high ELO and was consistently picked as TSM's jungler in the recent IEM/ESL Major Series matches at Gamescom.

    The reason why IMO Cait is strong atm is that she has the poking ability of Ashe with her Q (albeit in a line nuke, but greater damage) and her range means she can kite out better in teamfights. She also has her net, making it easier for the latter as well as traps for the laning phase.

    I forgot to state that it was more my opinion, but i find MF blows in a duo lane.

    Caitlyn's harass as you say is very reliant on her Q, which travels in a straight line and gives a reasonable chance of dodging.

    MF on the other hand has both Make it Rain and Double Up, the former is pretty much impossible to avoid (only how much you little time you can spend in it) and the latter in a 1v1 situation offers great zone control since it's not a skill shot and the range on the bounce is somewhat significant.

    But as i say, it's really just my opinion/experience... i do much better with MF when i solo mid, and much better with Caitlyn when i'm duo lane bot.

    Personally i disagree.

    Corki i feel as if he's falling out of favour at the moment and Ashe is always consistently strong but is more of a "fall-to" Carry rather than always being top pick.

    Also you mentioned high ELO play, but Caitlyn was consistently picked as an AD Carry during the Gamescom tournament and the fact that CandyPanda has also been nicknamed Caitlyn Panda for his Cait play, whilst JiJi/Chaox also both favoured Caitlyn during their matches at as well.

    I also disagree that Caitlyn is only reliant on her Q. Her Q is used for its great poke range before teamfights and during the teamfights it's all about her Autoattack range. Channeling her Q during a teamfight usually in fact wastes DPS unless you can hit almost everyone, and even then the brief stop for it makes you more vulnerable. She's also stronger because of the current I.E. + Double Phantom Dancer build simply because her range + super speed + net + traps = near untouchable kiting.

    Damn you aB for crushing my hopes... :(.

    I'm glad they're considering a similar promotion over here... i think it's ridiculous that not only is it NA exclusive that i'm not even able to use it on EU even if i bought it :(.


    And current 9/10 losses on my recently played matches :(.
  5. DLDeadbolt

    DLDeadbolt Space Cadet

    15 Sep 2010
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    I Rage Quit a Vs Bots (Intermediate) match last night while playing Xin Zhao.

    Usually I get around 20-30 kills to 2 or 3 deaths.
    Dunno what was wrong with me last night but I was playing like ****, buying all the wrong items and ended up with a K/D of 3/15....

    Played a few games earlier where I just played **** or kept getting kills stolen

    I gave up on it and went to play some freecell instead... failed at that multiple times aswell
    Tried SPAZ, died on 1st mission in current area...
    Tried L4D2... Spawned right into a tank slapping a car into my face

    I gave up on gaming and just surfed the net rest of the night
  6. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Cait is a strong pick for AD, she offers superior poke to other AD's (Except maybe Kog) and has natural farming.

    Corki is strong but the nerf to his Q was uneccessary.
  7. elmondinio

    elmondinio What's a Dremel?

    5 Sep 2011
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    this is a sweet game, I started playing it too.. i got into 1400elo :D
  8. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Think I'm going to try out taric soon, he looks like a really solid tanky support. My annie and ashe game has slowly become worse and worse when we do 5v5 premade normal games, though if I queue with 1 or 2 friends in 5v5 I can dominate. Feel more comfortable with my jungle ww or lane jarvan but I need to expand my hero selection for ranked play. Apparently the elo is resetting today or very soon so hopefully I can get off to a good start and not get stuck in low elo hell with all the people with terrible attitudes.
  9. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Corki is strong, don't get me wrong... but i still think that Caitlyn will take the top spot as "best AD carry" (i.e. most contested for AD Carry).

    I've pretty much stopped playing Annie now, i think i mentioned it a few posts ago but i feel as if more people are getting used to her or at least, more afraid of her. Not quite stomping as hard with her and my last set of games with her had me doing rather well but having the most useless teammates ever... don't really want to relive those memories :p.

    On a side note, i played 2 games today, one as AD Ezreal and another as Tanky AP Soraka.

    Funnily enough i actually won the Ezreal game :D (first time playing him in over a month i think). I'll play another game as AP and see how things have changed, but AD wasn't terrible... but then again, i was having a somewhat good day with regards to skillshots. That and my friend was playing Nasus and we had a system where i'd farm everything except when he wanted to Q, worked out rather well and he had a rather strong Q. Couple that with me then letting him solo farm whilst i ganked/wandered around a bit and he just became a complete beast in teamfights.

    I was actually doing rather well as Soraka and the game was rather close... unfortunately late game our Cho dc'd and then our Twitch (yeah :() who i'd been carrying/supporting in lane became an absolute tard and decided that he would constantly initiate for our team. Cue 5 people turning around and jumping on him the minute he de-stealthed.

    Oh well... at least that's now 2/10 victories on my Recently Played list....
  10. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    That was pretty much my night yesterday. Everything I did, I did wrong. I couldn't succeed at anything and after a while I just raged quite hard. ALT F4ed the game, turned the PC off, turned the lights off and tried to relax.

    24 hours later I still hesitate to play another game as I am afraid the same thing will happen
  11. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    Lol I remember those days - well with L4D, got bored with L4D2 fast. We've had a fair few bad games recently, we whooped a team of trolls though - satisfying.
  12. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    I think that I've won 6/7 normal games on my history, 3 with Kennen, 4 with Cait and the loss with Karthus (the other three are coop v AI games to nab first win of the day bonus).

    I will quite happily say that Caitlin is, for me, the best AD carry. I've already posted my thoughts on her, so I'm not going to go back in to it. We played a game last night where I just got focused in every team fight by Morde and Nasus. It was quite annoying until I got a QSS, and actually survived a teamfight to push for a win. I've found that rushing BF sword as quickly as possible (buying basic boots if I'm forced to go back) improves her farming ability immensely.

    I've been attempting to find a character who I can solo top with, as our team has solid jungle choices, but no real solid solo tops bar Jarvan. Morde is ok, I'm really enjoying playing Kennen, though I find with the way I'm building him I need teammates with me when I jump into the fray; I can knock teh other team down to half health or less very quickly, but then when they are out of the double stun they get hit with I'm very dead very fast.

    Next champion when I hit 6300 IP (only about 1000 to go); Irelia. Furthering my attempts to 1v2 top, I feel she's a pretty BS champion. Thoughts?
  13. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Irelia is very strong, she can win her lane and do a decent amount of damage. As well as being able to escape easily.

    Go watch Wickd's stream, you won't find a better Irelia.

    I also played a little but of Ezreal last night. Although he is fun to play, he lacks dmg compared to other AD's i find.
  14. Simon Poole

    Simon Poole What's a Dremel?

    5 Sep 2011
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    How are you building him?
    I find him to have great damage, especially early-game.
  15. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    His very early is ok but mid-late i find him lacking. I build him with a Tri-Force and Black Cleaver as core, the rest is situational.
  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I played some AP Ezreal yesterday and found that although he's pretty similar.

    Although admittedly my late game tapered off because i changed up my build and didn't get a Mejai's. I thought i'd try to go a more conventional AP build and rushed Rabadon's, which was fine, however lategame i only had ~300-400 AP which wasn't really amazing.

    Normally i'd be against stacking items, but it's just so easy to build up stacks with Ezreal, Q from stupidly long range, W's pretty much the same but you get the benefit of hitting allies as well, and you always open up with your Ult on (hopefully) all 5 which guranteees a at least an assist almost every fight. I used to stay relatively consistent around 10-12 stacks and it mean after Zhonya's etc. you'd be pushing 600ish AP and still hitting like a truck late game.

    I didn't win my game, but i did end up 6/3/7 despite being vs. Orianna mid... again, poor teammates, all went melee or tanky DPS and i was the only AP. Lame.
  17. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    Is anyone else here a fan of Kennen ?
  18. Simon Poole

    Simon Poole What's a Dremel?

    5 Sep 2011
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    He's pretty good, just don't see him often.
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Been playing Irelia over the weekend. I'm still trying to get the hang of her, but I've had a couple of games where I've just destroyed the enemies, enough so that I feel that she would be worth getting better with and trying to be more consistently awesome with.

    Knuck: Kennen is awesome, simply put. One of the guys I play with used to main him (before getting bored of owning everyone with him). I recently picked him up, and can see why he is so good. I tend to go with quite a reserved build on him, setting up teammates for kills with continual slows/stuns, rather than trying to wreck teams by myself, and it seems to work very well.
  20. Hutchy

    Hutchy What's a Dremel?

    7 Jul 2003
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    I just bought Kennen too, there seems to be a really good guide for him here:

    It's hard to tell if the information in here is actually worth taking on board due to it being not the ordinary advice you hear elsewhere. One way to find out though!

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