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Other Employment law/breaks

Discussion in 'General' started by TaRkA DaHl, 21 Nov 2011.

  1. PlayedStation

    PlayedStation Possessed like an apostrophe

    21 Oct 2010
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    Read Jumeira_Johnny's post's.

    Change your attitude, or move company. Your problem is clearly with her. Not the breaks themselves, otherwise, if it was as trivial as you're suggesting for you to be there "late", then you both would have come to an agreement where you didn't have to.

    From the tone of your text and general self assurance, i don't mean to sound rude, but if you were my subordinate, i wouldnt give you a break or cut you some slack just because it comes across as you think you know best and I as your manager needs to read the rule book. I'd find that attitude immature and quite disrespectful, especially if i was new in the company, so i'd probably make it my goal to overcome this obstacle as a manager, stand my ground and probably introduce other ways that i could make your life more difficult at work.

    But then again, thats me.
  2. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    I disagree.

    Just because people don't have a job doesn't mean those of us who do don't have to feel guilty about it.
    If those that have a job are treated unfair, or are unhappy, and complain about it, that doesn't have anything to do with people unable to get jobs.

    "Be happy you've got a job, now shut up and work" got us child labour in the coal mines. We've moved beyond that, thank god. :nono:
  3. adam_bagpuss

    adam_bagpuss Have you tried turning it off/on ?

    24 Apr 2009
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    Its a fair point when you acutally have somthing to complain about such as bullying, told to work more hours than been paid for (unless your salary based and is in your contract to work longer if required), been below the minimum wage.

    Been told to take a dinner hour instead of finishing early is whining plain and simple.
  4. TaRkA DaHl

    TaRkA DaHl Modder

    15 Mar 2011
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    Well, today proved to be interesting.

    My boss was not in today but I was taking my hours break as instructed. Around half way through the head of HR walked in and made a joke about me taking my first break in 4 months.

    After some laughter I said that an hour was too long to be spending doing nothing.

    She queried this, and informed me that no one takes an hour for lunch and as a full timer I should be getting 3 breaks, two paid 15 minute ones and one unpaid 30 minute ones.

    She will be discussing this with my boss tomorrow to determine why she feels she can treat us two differently from everyone else in the company.

    A check of the employee handbook also confirms this. It also confirms that the breaks need to be uniformly spaced through the working day, not bunched together at the end. However this is a company policy and not a legal requirement.

    So that's the end of that then.

    And in regards to people whom have been commenting and stating that I am 'whining' etc, do you really feel I am not allowed to question my legal rights in regards to my employment? That was my question in the original post, "Would you agree that this break that I am being scheduled for is not in the middle of my shift, and is actually at the end of the day?".

    And why should I feel guilty for those whom do not have a job? I have worked very hard to get to where I am, and whilst I do feel sorry for those who have lost there jobs through no fault of there own should I really be feeling guilty about it? I think not.

    I personally make a point of when employing people currently, to choose those who have no job over those who have one, as long as they are qualified and appear capable of completing the job within the time frames set.

    And adam_bagpuss, I think this confirms that my boss is indeed bullying myself and I do also work considerably more hours than I am paid for, I get paid for 39 hours work per week however I have not once worked less than 45 hours per week. And have on numerous occasions worked 16 hour days. So don't think for a moment that I am not grateful for this job and willing to do whatever I have to to remain employed.
  5. Blogins

    Blogins Panda have Guns

    3 Aug 2010
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    Good for you I say. Too few people willing to stand up and be counted these days!
  6. PlayedStation

    PlayedStation Possessed like an apostrophe

    21 Oct 2010
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    Of course you're allowed to moan/question legal issues all you want. My issue was the way you were doing it.

    Out of interest, what is it you do for a living exactly?
  7. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    I think there's just one thing you could have done differently, and you answered that a few days ago:
    You've been there for over 5 years, and are argueing about regulated break times, but don't know the official company regulation on break times.

    (does it say 2x15 and 1x 30?) If so, you could have could've slapped those regulations around her ears from the start. :D
    Company rules work very well on the pedantic ;)
  8. TaRkA DaHl

    TaRkA DaHl Modder

    15 Mar 2011
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    Without quoting a company, I manage a group of staff whom get orders ready for delivery lorries/vans which depart in various waves throughout the day from 10am till 8pm, and have to get everything ready for them by midday at the latest. Including occasional driving myself whenever we get sick calls etc.

    I've been with them for 4 months, it's my colleague whom has been doing this for 5 years :)

    And she will be getting informed of the company rules today by the HR manager, will be interesting to see if I have a note left for me tomorrow about a change in my shift patterns...
  9. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    Sorry I misunderstood that then.
  10. dynamis_dk

    dynamis_dk Grr... Grumpy!!

    23 Nov 2005
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    P45?? :p

    Glad it looks like you getting somewhere with this. Our company has had lots of changes over the last few years to do with working hours and shifts. I wasn't overly keen on it at the time but as a team we manage to work it so we're all pretty happy with our hours now. Its very difficult when you don't know exactly where you stand :(

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