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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Jesus christ. Leavers are amazingly annoying.
  2. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Hmm he needed buffing but I think since the buff he's become rather broken. Case and point: http://i.imgur.com/R8sFk.jpg

    He's still relatively new so I think it'll take some time to balance out. One issue is the interaction with Kha'Zix; Riot clearly want these two to be really strong bruiser champs to counter each other and basically one on one duel at points in a match.

    Only problem with this is they may have been balancing these two champs with each other rather than bringing their base stats in line with the rest of the roster. League has always been really strong thematically, I just hope they don't put too much into these one on one character interactions.

    What happens if you're team has a less experienced, or even a trolling Kha'Zix player and the enemy has an experienced Rengar. He could become more strong in a match with this type of player not because of better performance but by virtue of "The Hunt is On" passive. Don't get me wrong I like the concept, I think League could do with more creative mechanics like this but balancing across champions could become a issue.
  3. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    having had this discussion with a mate last night - does anyone feel Darius is still broken?
    Personally I think that he's still a hard bruiser, but nowhere near as OP as some other champs out there.
    I often find that he's reasonably "shut-downable" in early game, and since he's got no escape to speak of (IIRC now... I slept very little last night), he can be zoned heavily in early game, keeping him from farming->BF sword->faceroll-pentakill.

    This discussion came up because i was questioning whether or not to ban him in ranked... I felt that Rengar is a more viable block now, simply because he's a bit broken now (agree on that, BTW), as is, for example Diana or Amumu.
  4. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Darius isn't anywhere near broken. Admittedly his grab sets up some ridiculous bush-whacking with Rengar (if you have the chance) but the only OP thing about him is his hilariously obscene ability to get consecutive ults.

    That said, it's still of limited use unless he's got a good team.
  5. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    That's how I felt, TBH.

    I don't think he's all that kaputt. He Ults a LOT, but even his grab is easy enough to avoid - and this from someone that plays with a 240ms latency (that's a lot in LoL land)
  6. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Gonna have to play a game to see how much has changed. I think the last time I played was the week Rengar came out and he was very mediocre at best.
  7. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Playing TF again. I don't know, being level 10 means that your teams are generally horrible. We lost even though the enemy wasn't building properly. That's embarrassing. Fate's not the best carry although he can assassinate anyone with his ult.

    AP Fate is really the only way to go. That said, it was frustrating seeing allies get picked off by evelyn when in reality it's very easy to retaliate against her. Also, Nasus is the best sleeper character ever made. Weak in the beginning, wrecking ball late mid and on. That Q if stacked properly can do over 600 damage in one hit and couple it with ult, wither and e and you can knock around a few guys.
  8. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Whenever I am playing my AP Teemo (in mid, even more so) and I come up against a Nassus, I laugh a little.
    I reckon Teemo is a near-perfect Nassus counter, what with ahving a little range and zoning Nassus ever so hard.
  9. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Teemo is an epic counter for most melee characters. The poison darts just wreck. That said, Nassus is a solid character. Probably one I'll buy to complete my trifecta of Tank, AP, and AD. (Ad is Yi, who is very..squishy). Because I have a tendency to move around with characters (i'm weird) I've been trying out many characters.

    Btw, when Jarvan IV was F2P. I was a wrecking tank with him. He's just so damn good with his E->Q->R. Teemo is an interesting character in that he's just an absolute monster harass. He can zone like few characters can and his mushrooms can provide some absolutely deadly ambushes. Admittedly he lacks a hard hitting ult, but auto-attacking is more than enough for Teemo to be deadly.
  10. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Teemo is LARGELY sub-par.
    As a carry he's outgunned by pretty much anyone:
    Ashe - more range, Volley, slow, hawshot awareness, virtual auto-crit, good base speed
    Caitlyn - epic range on harass, slow, auto-crit, good base speed, killing shot
    Corky - great range and damage on his rockets and a built in GTFO
    Graves - Volley that's more better, strategic slow, GTFO through his E, and a nice ult that does mass damage.
    Ez - more range, better mobility.

    Teemo gets out-zoned by a good few champs as well.
    Monkey-whose-name-i-keep-forgetting is dangerous by just ebing there.
    Blitz's grab will kill Teemo dead.
    Volibear hurts like hell with his throw

    Of course, Teemo has a niche, but it's not an obvious one.
    I'd almost say he's an off-carry, off-support if there is such a thing.
    When played right (i.e. whatever is needed), he can block escapes, he can disable carries, he forces the other team to either ward expensively or get Oracle's.

    Since the recent AP-buff for Teemo, AP has been beneficial, and kills with Mushrooms are regular. Same with blind hurting a bit more and the on-hit of the passive E also hurts a bit more now.

    When played well, a Teemo can almost take SOME bruisers 1v1, and can kill most carries dead in a hurry. Add to that his annoying knack for shrooms, and it's no wonder I get focussed like a ... something that gets focussed a LOT - all the time.

    Teemo's hard hit is his blind.
    Pack some mPen, and pack some AP. That blind hurts.

    Typical AP build for me on Teemo (late game)
    MPen Boots
    Nashor's Tooth
    Rabadon's Deathcap
    Lich Bane
    Rylai's/Abyssal (even after the change)
    Deathfire grasp/Morello's

    That means that with Runes and all, I hit about 610-620 AP.
    That means Blind hits for 700 or so, then lich bane ensures that the next auto attack hits for that much as well. Then you play by ear. If you're facing an Ashe, seize the moment and hit W (triggering Lich bane), auto, ignite (if needed) and then either auto her down or run through some shrooms.
    On a bruiser/tank it's Deathfire->blind->Auto->W->Auto->run while W is still active... run through shrooms... maybe even place one.

    And Teemo like that can pretty much do blind->Auto every 10 seconds or so.

    So he kills fast...but gets focussed hard, and even though his W helps, he's got no real escape.

    Worht noting for people playing with/against AP teemo is that it seems to me that his Q (blind) goes through Jax's Dodge-whirly-lamp-thing, meaning it nerfs Jax's next hit like a boss. I have observed that in a few recent games, and while I at first thought "that was buggy", it seems to be replicable.
  11. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Agreed, Teemo's got no real escape mechanic. Then again, the same goes for TF. TF hits HARD with an AP build. His Wild card does obscene damage, couple with a stun and it becomes something of an insane game changer. Plus, that ultimate is the best ganking tool ever made... Ever.

    That said, both are horrifically squishy. Although I will say, Teemo's bloody poison and blind hurts me to death. If you ever do get kills, try using Mej's Soul. The AP stack does some serious insanity.

    Then again, the last time I saw Soul on anyone was a guy going 20/2 with Brand.
  12. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I have considered speccing Mej's in, actually. Late game, perhaps instead of Rylai's, if the game's going well.

    One thing I HATE about playing Teemo is that people don;t understand that you have to commit to a kill, or get KS'ed by poison.
    I have literally had this in chat the other day:

    TEEMO KS!!!
    OMG TEEMO!!!!1

    And trust me when I say that with a ping of 240 the last thing you can do is KS on purpose. 7/10 times, it's poison killing an enemy that fell back behind his turret and the "ganking" champ that can't/won't/is to piss scared to dive him.
    The other time it's mushrooms after they run from a teamfight or me diving someone with blind.

    TF can be SERIOUSLY painful as well.
  13. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Yeah, I main with TF. His margin for error is very little but if you land a perfect combo with some AP you will literally shred enemies in moments. I usually run:

    Sorcerors Shoes
    Lich (or Zhonya if I need defense)
    Void Staff (Or Deathfire if I want to annoy enemies more with constant ult)
    Void STaff (if I got deathfire), if I already have void then I get something like guardian or guinsoos.

    Btw, not many people build with guinsoo's. It's an epic build just because of the epic auto attack speed buff.
  14. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I think most AP builds at some point pack Rabbadons (well - it IS the highest AP item in the game), and anyone that has a remotely useable auto attack and high AP will likely pick Lich bane, simply for the increase on the next auto attack.

    Guinsoo's can work VERY well with those two, given the right circumstances.

    I pretty much start with tome+pots, then turn tome into Kage's Lucky Pick (unless I am farming too easily - in which case I use the tome a bit later for a jumpstarted Nashor's).
    Sorceror's Shoes.
    Then after that it depends on how the game is going. GENERALLY, I go for Nashor's tooth. +AP +AS +CDR means that Teemo becomes more dangerous and can hit his blind more often, as well as spamming more shrooms.
    After that it boils down to what role I am playing in the team. If I am ganking a lot (and given the damage output, this does happen), then I go for Sheen->Lich Bane and then Rabbadon's.
    Otherwise (i.e. lots of mushroom-damages > fights), I go for Rabbadon's first, then Sheen.
    Sheen helps keep the little guy alive by giving him one GOOD attack after the blind, which can scare bigger guys away.
    If the other team is stacking resist, I'll then consider Void Staff, otherwise Rylai's is a good bet, and it makes Teemo more useful in teamfights and chases.

    Guinsoo's is massie fun when brought into the right game, but most games are over before I reach the stage where I have to decide.
  15. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Interesting. I usually start boots. Well that's mainly due to the fact that boots and pots help TF sustain enough to last in a lane. 2 health pots and boots. Once I get enough money it's usually sorceror's boots and if it's extra i'll go doran's rings.

    Actually I usually skip doran's and just head straight for rabbadon. Although I might try out Nashor's since his pick a card is AP+AD. Thing is, build is one thing. Playing with skill is another. It's not too difficult to chart a solid build as it's usually dependent on how you play (I tend to be a decent if not effective harasser with TF) but it's difficult for AP folks unless you get fed.

    I never thought of getting tome first. It would be a much more effective method given that boots while helpful don't necessarily increase damage until you get sorcerors. Hmm, it's worth considering.
  16. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I find AD TF just doesn't bring enough to the table late game to make him viable, while AP TF is great but he's better in team fights when he can use his cards and such. I think he gets somewhat outclassed by other newer champions now.

    Granted, I haven't played in a month or two, I'll have to see whats new.
  17. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Some Quality time with Nasus tonight. My god his mid to late game Q is absolutely devastating.
  18. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Malphite with a decent Tanky/magic resist build is pretty good. Although I had the virtue of bad enemy team comp.

    Seriously though, malphite's a fantastic initiator if anything.
  19. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    So no mention of Taipei Assassins (TPA) taking the World Championship corwn?

    I actually stumbled into the third round of their playoffs against Azubu quite by accident, and ZOMG.
    The level of coordination was insane. And Azubu made some REALLY silly mistakes.
  20. Trance

    Trance Two steps forward, one step back

    6 May 2009
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    I think Azubu were pretty dishearted by that game, the previous 2 games they had really kept such a tight ship and azubu couldn't do anything about it.

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