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In Theory...

Discussion in 'General' started by Bogomip, 15 May 2003.

  1. MikeTitan

    MikeTitan Ling Ling: 273 Battle Points

    4 Mar 2003
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    Im going to TRY to make this simple

    There is a possibility that there is a god and when you die you go to heaven or hell

    There is a possibility that there is no god.

    There is a possibility that There is god/engineer who just put things in motion...

    There is a possibility that The big bang theory and evolution theory are correct..

    But if we are talking about chances and such what was the probabilty that a Big Bang like occurance happened ? And that it went the way it did? Where there universes before us that just collapsed in on each other? What if we are not alone but Its virtually imposible to know cause i don't think even a race 500 years ahead of us have the technology to travel in space... I think that this is making me too confused to finish.. Tooo many questions not nearly enough answers...
  2. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    Alright, I didn't read everything (way too much stuff) but I'll offer my stuff anyway.

    There is a very finite amount of matter in the universe. The big bang is very (as in 99.9999999%) likely. The big bang was, in essence, the LARGEST black hole you will ever see. At that point in time, the universe was infinitely small. Well, I wouldn't say time as there was no time before the big bang... Anyway, we are still trying to understand how the big bang happened (string theory).

    Now since we have a finite amount of matter (and also assuming there is a very minute amount of anti-matter (as we can't really detect any)) we have to assume the possibilities. Stars and planets alike can house lifeforms (the sun may be extreme to us, but to an alien our world could be extreme). So how much matter is there? Well we estimate a few million galaxies, so one helluva lot.

    Now comes the real kicker. The universe is expanding (proven). Now it's not expanding from a central point, instead, it's expanding much like a square of rubber with tacks in it would (if being pulled from all corners). The galaxies are all moving AWAY from eachother. So it's very unlikely to explore any other galaxies without using worm holes. And if we did use a worm hole, there would be nearly no way to get back.

    This question, in essence, is as silly as trying to find whats at the edge of the universe.
  3. Digitalblueshift

    Digitalblueshift What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2002
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    I believe that the universe has been evolving since the big bang, following a concrete set of physical laws. These laws may be able to be understood, and may not be. I believe the only real influence that the divine being had was at the beginning, when it penned the laws, and set it in motion.

    I just watched the matrix reloaded and I'm trying not to spill any beans.
  4. SitraAchra

    SitraAchra Minimodder

    28 Sep 2002
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    Quote (ZapWizard)

    Why was there not inteligent life on the planet before us?
    Well indeed God may have still been experimenting, creating prototypes.
    Heck with all our illnesses, and flaws I would still say we are version 1.0


    There was intelligent life before us. Chimps and apes can use tools and some use sign language. The Homo erectus and Homo habilis and several previous species leading up to us used tools, fire, mourned the dead, cared for the elderly and what not. To say we "came from monkeys" isn't really true because we both evolved from a common ancestor. Our success as a species is due to our large brains, but more because of how we use culture/society as a means of survival better than any other organism.

    We are the pinnacle of a very old trial and error system. We weren't planned out in any way different than a unicellular organism. We are living and our ancestors are dead due to natural selection i.e. strongest survive, which is based purely on environmental circumstances.

    Evolution is a very interesting thing, and it's amazing how similar we are to other life forms, even in some ways to plants.

    I don't think we can blame our flaws on God if one exists, because God is defined as all powerful all knowing all good. An all powerful/knowing/good God would have no reason to make a flawed creature. All flaws are due to chance (i.e. mutation), along with all strengths.

    Of course I am biased towards evolution so take it with a grain of salt. Is anyone else here a bio major? You guys know a great deal about this stuff, was an interesting read
  5. Bogomip

    Bogomip ... Yo Momma

    15 Jun 2002
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    why is everybody ruling out the possibility of time travel? It hasnt been totally discredited that travelling back in time is not possible! Every second you could be doing a billion differant things, when like some scientists theorise its in another dimension, thus paradoxes and such forth do NOT occur!

    Personally also... zap ;) Im not a beliver in god! I dont beliuve some bigass alien had to build human life, in this vast universe the problalbility of us evolving is problalbly like 0.99999999999999999999999999999999999 which youll agree, is quite a high probability! Theres also the fact that bad bad things happen on earth! if god was so wicked bo, why do they happen? does he just lye on his sunbed watching us on his godly TV ?? i tihnk not! As ive posted before on other forums i belive a god could be defined as someone who is at the peak of scientific descovery. Time travel, warp 10 and such forth are simple things for them to do! "Stargates" and such are easy stuff! and they can do far better things that we as a human race havent even begun to comprehend could exist! I.E. The human race could be destined for godlyness, and though you say "we are version 1.0", your saying that for us to be gods masteerpiece, we a sa race wouldnt have experimented in our pasts. Experimentation being what has taught us as a race what is right and what is wrong in society! There is alot less war/battles/death in todays society compared to the last 1000 years! we ARE evolving, we are learning from our mistakes! I dont believe putting our evolution down to being "gods imperfect creature"!

    ditto also to the guy who said "i thought god was infallable" :D:D:D

    I belive the big band bit, however the concrete physical laws is a bit sketchy :p How can something be set? There has to be something to "enforce" if hasnt there? What im saying is this may not be true. If we one day get down to being able to see and manipulate superstrings, (in indeed they are the smallest thing, in the universe) then i think its likely we shall be able to manipulate the laws of physics! Of course this is all theory, i base it upon nothing except reasoning, that there must be something to enforce physics in the universe! After all a fork could fall alot faster without air enforcing air reasistance. Humans could run alot faster without friction! (well, they couldnt cause theyd fall over, but you know what i mean ;)).
  6. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    While it hasn't officialy been disproven, most rule it out. I'm not going to go into the reasons why (as I would be in first place on Project-Orca if I did) but let's just say time is very relative and is a 'dependent' dimension.
  7. Bogomip

    Bogomip ... Yo Momma

    15 Jun 2002
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    i dont think anyone on earth can rule out the possibility with todfays mathemetics! steven hawking has lots fo differant therys on time which cannot be proven by any of our modern science! so no... it cant be rules out :D
  8. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    Even mathematically, it wouldn't make sense (long explination time).

    We have witnessed particles moving backward in time. We have detected energy being emitted from a black hole. Now as you know, nothing can escape the event horizon of a black hole, so how would it be possible to have a black hole emitt something? The answer is fairly simple. At high enough energy levels (like being accelerated and crushed into a point infinitely small) anti-matter can transform into matter (remember, matter, anti-matter, and energy are all one thing in different forms). So when a black hole sucks in anti-matter (there is some out there) the anti-matter actually attains enough energy to make the transformation (and some matter turns into anti-matter as well). When the transformation occurs, the particle now accelerates AWAY from the black hole, in essence, reversing time.
    A few problems arise when we talk about humans traveling backwards in time. First, we are not anti-matter and there is no garuntee that if we get sucked into a black hole, we will pop out again as our anti-matter selves only younger. Not to mention the excrutiating pain that would come from turning into spegehtti. Also, even if this did happen, we would become anti-matter, going backwards in time. So not only could you not go back to the black hole in order to turn back into matter and resume regular forward time travel, but you will also have serious issues with your shipmates. When anti-matter and matter collide they destroy eachother and turn into pure energy. So I wouldn't recommend shaking your buddies hand when your anti-matter.

    So what about worm holes? Well as I stated before, time is VERY relative, as in time is different for every creature. I completely forgot an example Stephen Hawking used, but it delt with Alpha Centuri and Earth :D . Anyway, the point being arguments and paradoxes would arise as to time events through the use of worm holes.

    Now all those paradoxes can be fixed through the use of 7 more dimensions. I think it would be hard to fathome 11 dimensions though...

    Now time is a very dependent dimension. What is time? Well if 'u' object moves from x,y,z to 2x,2y,2z, we say it moved forward in time. But what if it doesn't move? How about something at 0 K? That is not in time. Without movement in the first three dimensions, there can be no fourth dimension. If there is an object that has only an x and a y measurement, it doesn't mean the z axis dissapears, it means it just isn't using that dimension. With time it disappears. So the object would be x,y,0z,t. You might expect no movement to look like x,y,z,0t, but in fact there would be no definition of time. Now here is where I break off a bit. When you are trying to prove that, it will end up being infinity divided by infinity. Well how many times does infinity go into infinity? You can't even fathom that. Infinity isn't a number like 2, it encompasses all numbers forever. Take the limit as x,y,z goto infinity of the change in position function. You won't get an answer. Actually, you will probably end up getting infinity back, which brings up the argument of varying degrees of infinity.

    And to top all that, Stephen Hawking doesn't even think its possible right now :D :lol: .
  9. eaterofpies

    eaterofpies What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2002
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    wasnt there a thread dedicated to time travel at some earlyer point . . . or is that still to be made i forget
  10. Digitalblueshift

    Digitalblueshift What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2002
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    the energy that we detect from a black hole is hundreds of atoms and other particles burning away at the event horizon as they collied with each other or, In the universe there a pairs of virtual particles flashing into existence and annillating each other with high frequency. These pars consist of a matter component and an antimatter component, and instantly smash into each other giving us the vaccuum energy we all need to have this universe do whatever it is doing for the rest of its natural life. If these pairs appear at the edge one beyond the event horizon and one within when the particle withing the event horizon gets sucked in its partner gets thrown out at the same speed, a virtual particle just became real. in this way there is a stream of particles coming from a black hole. In that same way a black hole is slowly eroded over time.

    In a brief history of time stephen hawking show us a way to travel backwards in time. if time is y and distance is x, the faster you go the more the line you are tracing deviates from vertical. When you are travelling at the speed of light your "world line" is at 45*. IF you go faster then the speed of light you leave the world line of everything else and emerge just behind of where you should have been, youve "gone back in time". But if you were to travel at infinte velocity your world line would be horizontal and you would be everywhere at once. If you could go just a little bit faster you would begin to travel back in time.

    In the end time is just another dimension like length, width and height, theoretically one should be able to travese it without traversing the others. but naievely one must travel faster then 3x10^8 m/s in order to traverse the time dimension.

    Stepehn hawking used the example of a astronaut travelling from earth to alpha cnetaur at the speed of light neglecting acceleration time. his voyage would only be 8 years, while many many more would have passed on earth. The same thing would happen with wormholes and such, so travel at in any relativistic way at the speed of light will cause paradoxes and other undesireables to become apparent. To go that fast one has to circumvent Special relativity and play wioth general relativity.

    if an object moves from x, y, z, to x2,y2,z2 it must do so in some length of time, t, if it doesent than it is travelling at an infinte velocity, and thus might as well be anywhere else int he universe at this moment.so an objext is at x,y,z,t and then moves to x2,y2,z2,t2 where t2 > t. The problem is with the way we as a species expierence time, or perhaps we as being trapped in this universe, IE being only able to manipulate three dimensions. someone who can manipulate time would appear as a god to us, they could escape a locked cage by traversing tthe time dimension, undo a knot easily.

    It has been proven that there are more than 6 dimensions. the present theroy is that ther are 4 of space and time, and the rest are curled up relally tiny. They are trying to probe them by using gravity. Why gravity, because in the presence of more dimensions to work in gravity will be much much stronger.

    now back to your regulari;ly scheduled topic.
    Last edited: 19 May 2003
  11. eaterofpies

    eaterofpies What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2002
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    didnt stephen hawking say he now disagrees with what he said in the book?
  12. Digitalblueshift

    Digitalblueshift What's a Dremel?

    12 Feb 2002
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    that is entireley possible....
  13. MikeTitan

    MikeTitan Ling Ling: 273 Battle Points

    4 Mar 2003
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    wow i love how i think im one of the smartest kids in my school then when i get here feel like 1st grader talking to a scientist... I mean damn... anywho I think that there is noting proven... I mean if u look at it... Its all relative.. I mean u could even "matrix" it out and say everything is only relatiive to what we have seen? Hear felt tasted and smelled... I think that the universe is a very tricky one.. in that The is never enough proof to do anything.. It gives good evidence both ways but not enough to tell which is right... People who are Sci/Christians think god started the big bang.. Well its possible and could but also not probable or vice versa.. I mean The universe will never give out any answers that we as humans will be able to comprhend... I think that being a students of Geology and Ecology one would think i would be more inclined to follow the science method and while it is very explanatory and Gives some answers it can't touch anything to even shed the smallest light on questions with the universe. Or if you look to a celestial being for ur answers what does he give you no more than science... I think as I previously stated we will never find out about the universe and we also will never stop try to learn... Like socrates said the only real truths are the we know nothing...
  14. vi-kata

    vi-kata What's a Dremel?

    27 Jan 2002
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    There are different 'levels' of infinity. A mathmatician called Georg Cantor described two types of infinite while he was in a mental asylum. The first is 'countably infinite' - things like the natural numbers for example. The second is 'uncountably infinite' - things like rational numbers for example.

    There's a really good page explaining some of the reasoning behind infinity here: http://www.mathacademy.com/pr/minitext/infinity/index.asp

    While we're on this topic, ZapWizard has asserted that everything is based on rules. This is great, but why has no one has managed to come up with a unified field theory - a single coherent theory that describes gravity and electromagnetic fields. If existance was really engineered, why is it so hard to find a theory to describe it?

  15. vi-kata

    vi-kata What's a Dremel?

    27 Jan 2002
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    [Sorry for the long quote]

    Infinity doesn't come into it at all. This revolves around the simple concepts of dependent and independent probability.

    If something has a set probability of happening, making it happen once doesn't make it more likely to happen the next time. So if I flip a coin, I have a one in two chance that it will come up heads. If it comes up tails, that doesn't make it more likely to come up heads the next time. This is independent probability.

    If something has a dependent probability, then what happened elsewhere, or what happened last time, has an effect on the chances of what will happen this time around. How long an ice cube takes to melt is a good example. If it didn't melt last minute, the chances get better that it will melt in the next minute.

    Whether there's an infinite number of coin flips or minutes available doesn't affect the nature of the probabilities. One is affected by previous events, the other is not. Infinity doesn't "loop back on itself" while you're not watching.

    You missed up, down, top, bottom, charmed, and strange.

  16. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    I love the naming scheme for quarks... Don't forget about the string theory, tiny vibrating strings creating all matter (or so the theory suggests).

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